The Number One Reason Why You’re Unhappy



Hey girl, let me ask you a question…Why aren’t you happy?

Maybe you’re not happy with your body, or with your relationships, or in your career, or being by yourself, or maybe you have absolutely no idea why you are unhappy.

Most of us are living very fortunate lives, yet we still find ourselves unhappy. Why is that?

In this episode of Embrace Your Real, I explore the reason behind our unhappiness and share a simple practice we can do to successfully break free. It's a practice I do daily that has taken me out of my deepest funks and has brought me my happiest days. I also discuss how happiness should never be conditional and if it is, you will chase happiness for the rest of your life.

So if you’re lacking happiness, peace, and contentment in your life, this episode is for you!

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Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace you real. Let's get it, let's go.

Hello, and welcome back to the Embrace Your Real podcast, so grateful that you are joining in for another bonus episode. Now, I know what you're thinking. You probably clicked on this episode because you might be struggling with this, and you're like, "I need Julie to dish me a dose of real talk." Girl, I've got you. If that number on the scale would only go down, then I will blank. Love my body more, feel more confident, be happier, do any of those words ring a bell? Now let me ask you this, is the number on the scale dictating your life? Is it ruling your emotions? Is it consuming your mind? This is no way to live. You need to stop. Focusing on losing more weight will not help you lose more weight. Let me say that again. Focusing on losing more weight will not help you lose more weight. All it will do will create an unhealthy obsession and suck the happiness out of your life.

Before I continue, I have to read this sweet review of the day. Bethy@D87 says, "God's plan for Julie. God gives us each gifts and talents, not only for the glory of him, but for the purpose of helping others. This is exactly what Julie does. Her trials and tribulations that she has been through, is so open about, and she has served such a great purpose. Her podcast shines on positivity and realness, and let's be honest, that's something we all need more of these days. Each podcast gives little golden nuggets on how to strive for your absolute best while being aware of the trials in the process. She shows all of that, the good, the bad, and serves a great purpose. Thank you for being you, Julie."

Thank you so much for the review. If you haven't already rated and reviewed the podcast, I say this every time, but it really does help the podcast in this land of continuously getting out this message. We are over a hundred countries strong, girl. I love it. Thank you so much. If you do listen on Apple podcasts, it literally takes less than 30 seconds. All you got to do is scroll down, click rate and review. If you do, please send it to me in a DM and I will personally send you a response back. I love, love, love connecting with you guys.

All right, so if you want to naturally lose weight, you need to stop focusing on losing weight. Because when you stop focusing on weight loss and instead focus on being healthy, the weight will naturally take care of itself. Can I repeat that for those in the back? When you stop focusing on weight loss and instead start focusing on being healthy, the weight will naturally take care of itself. Just how a watched pot never boils, a watched body doesn't lose weight. You've got to quit focusing on weight loss and go enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. Before you know it, the weight will be gone. And I've said this before, and I'll continue to say again and again and again, all the scale can do is truly give you a numerical reflection of your relationship with gravity. That is all. Trust me when I say that the number on the scale does not, will not, and will never define your happiness, your self worth, how beautiful, powerful, or capable you are. Period. End of story. Exclamation point. Exclamation point.

My progress today is no longer forced from a hatred for my body, instead it is fueled from an encouragement from a deep love and respect that I have for it. That has been a critical mindset shift that I have made in my fitness journey and overall just bigger than fitness. My personal progress today is no longer forced from a hatred for my body, instead it's fueled and encouraged from a deep love and respect for it.

Because something truly beautiful happens when you stop fixating on the number that you weigh or what you think that you look like in this or whatever it is, whatever you're defining yourself as. And the amount that you think you need to lose and you're dwelling on everything that you're not, instead start accepting and loving your body for every single thing that it is right now. Like, I literally want you to press pause and I want you to say out loud, if you have a mirror that's bonus, I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and say, "I love you body. Thank you for carrying me. Thanks you for breathing." The fact that you are even breathing right now, you have breath in your lungs, you're walking, you're talking, you're thinking, you're smiling. It is such a beautiful thing how much our body goes through on a daily basis, just even in our mental state, and still continues to show up for us every single day. When you just take a moment to stand in that thought, you'll be in awe, like true awe of how much your body loves.

So you need to stop looking at everything that you're quote unquote not and start accepting your body for everything that it is and be so grateful for it. You do not need to go on fad diets. You do not need to work out for hours of day. You do not need deprive yourself or become a hermit because you're afraid of everything or that certain foods are going to make you fat or whatever it is. What you do need to do is to just do things that make you feel good, that make you feel healthier, AK, honor your body with movement, nourish your body with what it needs, speak to it lovingly. Do these things that make you happy.

If you do that consistently, even if you do it in imperfectly but consistently, it will lead to changing your body composition and the weight will take care of itself. You need to stop living in a weight loss mindset, instead switch your mindset and say, "Today, from this moment on, I'm going to choose to live in a healthy mindset. No longer will I be defined by that weight loss mindset. Today, starting right now, I will choose to live in a healthy mindset."

Now that's great, but what does a healthy mindset look like? Ask yourself what is best for your mind, for your heart, for your body and do that. That's why I always talk about on this podcast how self awareness is so important. Spending time in solitude with yourself, learning yourself, asking yourself what season I'm I in and what things do I need to do in order for me to serve myself in this season? Because you thinking that you can do the same thing, even that you did in January of this year, thinking that you can do that now as I'm recording this July of this year, that's silly. We're most likely in a different season, a different mental state. We are definitely in a different state of the world than we were in January of this year. So as a result, we constantly need to be asking ourselves what is best for me right now in my mind? What is best for me right now in my body? What is best for me right now in my heart and do that.

Because when you live in this way, not only will you be so much happier, but your weight will work itself out naturally without having to force yourself to be a certain way. Can I get an amen? Like, yes, please. That sounds beautiful. Healthy looks like moving your body daily. It looks like working out at least three times a week to keep your heart strong, to build those muscles. It means drinking enough water daily, nourishing your body with what it needs. Do these four things and you'll never have to worry about weight loss again, because your body will become what it is naturally supposed to be.

Side note, if you're like I don't know how much water I should be drinking. Tune into episode 38, I talk about seven ways to take your fitness to the next level and see better results. If you haven't tuned into that, I talk all about different ways to take yourself to the next level. I talk about how much water you should be drinking. If you loved this episode, I also know that you will love episode 26, Three Weight Loss Myths Busted. Girl, please, please, please remember that when you focus on nourishing your body, when you focus on really spending time asking yourself what is it that I need to do in this season of my life, your weight, that will naturally be what it's supposed to be.

And when you can live in that state of just living in a healthy mindset and no longer trying to stress your body into something that just ultimately makes your life more miserable and makes you more stressed out and makes all of the people around you who love you feel like, Oh, it's always really hard to be around you, or I feel just really disconnected or they see you in this state and they love you so much and they don't want you to be in this state of stressed or hating your body. You've got to reevaluate and tell yourself that when you choose to focus on those things that really ignite change in your heart and your body and in your mind, the weight will take care of itself.

That is all that I have for today's bonus episode. I hope that you enjoyed it. I hope that you got something from it. If you have somebody in your life, a sister, a coworker, a friend, please feel free to click the three dots. If you're listening on Spotify or Apple podcasts, you can click copy link. You can send it out in a text message. You can post it up on your story. I love the screenshots of the episode and I love hearing your aha moments or I love just knowing that you are tuning in, so be sure to tag me on Instagram, Julie Ledbetter. I love, love, love seeing them. Thank you so much. And I will talk to you guys in the next episode.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle, for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure and being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

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