9 Ways to Beat Gym-timidation

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Alright, now that gyms are open again, I know many of you are transitioning from working out at home to getting back into the gym, or you’re starting to go to the gym for the first time ever. Let’s be real: The gym can be a scary place! Intimidation of the gym is a common fear and one I also personally struggled with. But, we have goals to reach an we can’t let this gym-timidation be an excuse for skipping out on our workouts and hold us back from reaching our goals. If the gym gives you anxiety, then this episode of Embrace Your Real is for you! I've put together nine tips that you can implement today that will help you overcome gym intimidation in no time! 

And don’t forget, you can get 7 DAYS FREE inside the Movement with Julie app. All you have to do is head over to movementwithjulie.com and you get INSTANT access! 


Hey, they're beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter, a podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I dish you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast. I am so grateful that you are here spending some time with me today, wherever you are tuning in. We have over 110 countries that tune in every single week, and I just want to say, thank you so much for the support of the podcast. Thank you for tuning in. Today's episode, I'm really excited about, because now that gyms are kind of opening up again, and I know some of you guys are transitioning from working out at home to getting back to the gym, or maybe you're starting to go to the gym for the first time, I get that the gym can be a scary place.

Intimidation of the gym is a common fear, and it's actually one that I personally struggled with. But we have goals to reach and we cannot let this gym intimidation be an excuse for skipping out on our workouts and holding us back from reaching our goals. If the gym is giving you anxiety, then this episode of Embrace Your Real is for you. I've put together nine tips that you can implement today that will help you overcome gym intimidation in no time.

But before I dive in, I wanted to share the super sweet review that comes from Yapper7116. They say, "Keep shining bright dear one. As a woman in her 40s, counselor, life coach, and mother of a teenage girl. This podcast is relevant in pretty much every area of my life. Julie is an old soul who shares her personal wisdom in such a relatable and intentional way. She really makes us all feel connected and understood. I love listening to these podcasts while I wander in the desert and find so much inspiration, both personally and professionally. Thank you for sharing your bright light with us all."

First of all, thank you so much for all of these words. I truly take to heart every single one of these words. And I appreciate you guys so much for even taking 15, 30, a minute out of your life to really just share how this podcast has impacted your life, whether it's a specific episode or the podcast in general. So if you haven't or you haven't done in a while, all I ask is that you go over to Apple Podcast, make sure you're, number one, subscribed so that you never miss an episode on Monday and Thursday, and also leave a review.

That is the absolute best way for us to continue growing this podcast so that we can get out the message of Embrace Your Real to women all over the world. If you do, please screen and then send it to me in a direct message on Instagram, so I can personally respond back in a voice message. I love connecting with you guys. It's one of my favorite parts of my day is just knowing that we have a community of women all around this world who are tuning in and who are all connecting to similar points or similar things in our life. And it just reminds us that we are not alone on our journey.

Okay. So let's dive into the nine tips for overcoming your gym intimidation. Tip number one, have a plan prior to going to the gym. Don't walk into the gym without knowing what you're going to do. I can't stress this enough especially if you're not comfortable in the gym already, because without a clear plan of attack, going to the gym can be super overwhelming and can cause even more anxiety than you might already have. Because you'll find yourself just wandering around, trying to figure it out on the spot and that can make you feel extra self-conscious.

When you walk into the gym, you need to have a clear plan of action of what you're going to do. Having every exercise written down, plus the sets, the reps, also making sure you know how to do the exercise. So watching the video tutorials so that you know that you are doing the correct form, even going through the motions of the exercise without the weight so that you can gain a feel of what you're doing.

That way when you walk into the gym, not only do you know exactly what you're doing, you also know how you're going to do this. So you can almost visualize yourself going into the gym, going through the movements. In it of itself, can relieve so much anxiety and so much self consciousness prior to going to the gym. So many women inside my Movement With Juliet app, they say that one of the things that they love most about the app is that they get the video tutorial for every single movement in the workout. So whether they're at the gym or even they're at home, or they're traveling in a hotel gym, they can watch the video and copy it and it makes them feel so much more confident when they're doing it.

Plus, my personal app gives you a plan, so you don't have to figure it out yourself. You just literally pull out the app. It gives you the workout for the day. So you either have a full workout, which will take you anywhere from 45 to 55 minutes. Or if you're short on time, it always has a 30-minute variation that you can do. Plus, we make sure in the program that you are hitting all of your muscle groups. So we have lower body, upper body, cardio and core, shoulders and glutes, and full body.

So there's five brand new workouts that release every single Sunday at 12:00 PM Mountain Standard Time. So that number one, you never get bored. And two, you're making sure that you're following a program that is both effective and efficient for you.

If you want to learn more, you can head over to movementwithjulie.com. Again, that's movementwithjulie.com. I will link that in the show notes below. But whether you use my app or a different program, the point is having a plan that is going to alleviate so much anxiety.

Tip number two, focus on yourself. So I know how easy it is once you get inside the gym to think everybody is looking at you, everybody is judging you, or everyone's making fun of you. But here's the raw, honest truth. No one really cares about you. I know that's like very blunt, but everyone is truly way too consumed by what they're doing and how they look that they're honestly not even noticing you.

Seriously about 99% of those people that you think are thinking about you, it's not true. It's all in your head. Instead of wasting your energy focusing on others, use that energy to focus on yourself. Hold your head high, be proud of yourself. Remember that ultimately you are there to better yourself. So grab those headphones, turn on your favorite playlist and tune everything else out.

Let this be you time. Get in the zone and get it done. And please don't forget that everyone else truly is not paying attention to you because they honestly probably feel the same as you. They think that you are thinking of them. So it's this constant back and forth where we're thinking, they're thinking of us, and they're thinking we're thinking of them.

So we just waste so much time and energy. Either way, do not be consumed by that and do not let that be wasted energy that you could put towards having a killer workout. So pay attention to what you're doing. Put your head down and get it done.

Tip number three, get guidance. One of the best pieces of advice that I received years ago when I started out on my fitness journey is to hire a personal trainer. Even if it's something that you know you're not going to do like many sessions with them, if you have never gone to a gym or you've never really been familiar with how to do certain exercises, typically if you sign up for a gym, you get 45 minutes or an hour free with a personal trainer.

I know a lot of people opt out of that just because they don't want to be sold. But if you go into this really trying to learn as much as possible, it can really help you get acquainted with the gym, with the equipment and just getting comfortable with the whole scene. Even if you don't want to use a personal trainer, if you have somebody that is experienced with workouts, whether it's a friend or for me personally and my story, my boyfriend at the time, who's now my husband, he was so well equipped in the gym.

I mean, he had done a Colorado Strong Man just years before and won that. He had been working out. But when I met him nine years ago, he had been already working out for seven years. So he was very well acquainted with the gym that knew everything in and out of how to do certain act exercises. I can't tell you how much it helped me just getting more comfortable with everything.

He also really helped me navigate through my gym at the time, which was up in Fort Collins as I was just out of college and I was working my job, I was actually going to the gym at night. So for me, I can't tell you how much it just helped me to alleviate all of the stress or the anxiousness that I had just knowing how to use certain equipment and what exercises worked what.

So keep that in mind. I do understand that some of you guys might not have the luxury of doing that in person, but there are so many other ways. The internet itself is so incredible. Honestly, you can literally YouTube anything, get involved with an online community. You can ask questions, seek advice, get tips, tricks, et cetera. When you are in a community of like-minded people, it makes you feel not so alone because you aren't. You have women all over the world that are all on a common journey.

And even though you might not see each other in person, just knowing that you're not the only one having those questions or you're not the only one struggling with something is so, so incredible. I know personally inside the Movement With Julie group, it's such an incredible community of women because they know that it's safe and they know that they can trust the women inside here.

No questions are off limit. No questions are stupid. It's a judgment free zone. So again, if you're wanting to get connected, of course, you can sign up for my Movement with Julie app. You get the community aspect as well. So you get the private Facebook group and that Facebook group, you guys, that is so many people's lifeline. That is where they go to post their sweaty selfie, to get in encouragement when they need it, to share their wins, to share their struggles.

But if it's not my Movement With Juliet app, there are so many other communities online. So all in all, I just want to encourage you to get guidance whether that's a one time thing for a personal trainer, it's a friend or someone that you know, that's very well acquainted to the gym or an online community.

Tip number four, try a class. Sometimes the best way to get acquainted with a gym and other gym goers is through classes. Classes are typically posted on the gym's website, or you can simply ask the front desk for a class schedule, whether it's a morning yoga session, a mid-afternoon spin class or a nightly Zumba session, most gyms have tons of different options and training styles to pick from. While in class, keep an eye out for other people that you may want to stay in touch with at your gym, or even be an accountability partner.

Who knows? They might be your new best friend. All in all, I know that classes aren't for everybody, but they can be a great way to get involved and get in the habit of going to the gym before you start branching out on your own.

Tip number five, go to the gym off hours if possible. I know that going to the gym at 7:00 AM or 5:00 PM is going to be super hectic and overwhelming. These times are typically when people are going to the gym before or after work. I know when the gym is busy, you feel like you're constantly in the way, or you feel like you're taking up space or you feel pressure to not use the equipment for too long.

So if this is a trigger for you, I suggest you ask the front desk, what times are the least crowded, and then you can plan your schedule to go. Then it could even be on your lunch break, or it could be after you get home from work, you eat dinner and then go to the gym later. When starting out, I know that it's always nice to have fewer people to worry about, especially if you're learning movements, machines and just getting more acquainted to the gym. So if you can, rearrange your schedule and try to go to the gym off hours, if possible.

Tip number six, dress for confidence. I cannot stress this enough, but do not wear clothes that make you feel self-conscious when you're working out. If you're already self-conscious about what you are doing in the gym, you don't need an extra layer of self-consciousness by feeling insecure in what you are wearing at the gym. It is so important that when you are walking into the gym, you feel comfortable.

It can be easy to see others walking around the gym in certain clothing, but remember why you are there in the first place to better yourself. So instead of trying to measure up to what other people are doing, focus on clothes that make you feel most comfortable. This will tremendously help you to stay focused on training instead of picking apart how on uncomfortable you're feeling. You can then focus on what you're doing instead of what you look like in the clothes that you're wearing.

Tip number seven. People are truly nicer than you think. At least most people. I would say 99% of people are nicer than you think. Seriously, no one's agenda. Okay. Maybe 0.01%. But the majority of people's agenda is not to make you feel stupid at the gym. I know that you might see people who have been going there for years and just radiate confidence in everything that they're doing at the gym and look like they own the place. But guess what? They aren't judging you. And they're actually more than happy to help you.

Think about it like this. If you ask them a question, you are fueling their ego. You make them feel like they're the expert. And who doesn't love feeling like they're an expert? So if you're not sure of something, ask for help, if you need help. Plus, the more people you talk to at the gym, the less scary that the gym will actually feel because people will start to feel familiar.

I know for me, when I used to go to the gym, I would go at similar times and I would know the people. You would at least know about 10 to 15 people, or you'd be familiar with them. You might not know them, but you'd be familiar with them. And the more that you go, the more you just become familiar with the same kind of gym crowd.

So again, don't hesitate to ask people for help, whether it's adjusting a piece of equipment or politely asking them how many more sets, if they've been on there for a while, or you can simply ask them like, "Hey, can I super sit in with you?" Trust me, I would say 98% of people are going to be like, "Yeah, no problem." Don't be afraid to reach out to people. I know when I worked out in the gym, when I first started you guys, I remember how scary it can be.

But I also remember the very first time that I overcame my fear and I asked this woman who was always there at the same time as me. She just radiated so much confidence. She literally looked like she had been working out for years and years. She was very familiar. We ended up having like a 30 minute conversation and she ended up being the sweetest lady. Then every time after that, we would wave at each other.

It was almost like she was my gym friend from afar. She helped me if I needed it. I didn't feel so scared anymore after that, just because I had a great experience. I also want to encourage you on the flip side, if you maybe try to ask somebody and they're rude, please remember that not everybody is going to be like that.

So maybe that intimated you to not want to ask anybody else for help, because you did have a bad experience. Please, please remember to always try to put yourself out there, again, because I can guarantee not every time you're going to have a negative experience. Who knows? They could end up being a friend that you eventually work out with in the future.

Tip number eight. Work out with a friend or a mentor if possible. Having a gym buddy can be super beneficial whether you're a first timer in the gym or you've been working out for a decade. Sometimes it's just nice to have another person doing the exercise with you to ensure that your form is correct or encouraging each other to complete those last few reps or spotting you if you're attempting a personal record, a PR.

Remember, this journey is not meant to be alone. So grab a friend or two and get your sweat on together. This is also a great way to hold each other accountable to the workouts that you said you were going to do, and it makes them so much more fun. You also will start to look forward to your workouts more because you're going to be hanging out with a friend.

One of the easiest ways like I mentioned above to make a friend at the gym is to go to a workout class. Make it a goal. Whoever you are next to in the class, try to strike up a conversation if you feel like you guys would really connect. Ask them something as simple as, "Do you come to this class regularly or are there other classes that you enjoy going to?" I promise it doesn't have to be that hard to make friends. I just want to encourage you to open yourself up. Look approachable and smile at everyone.

Tip number nine, try a different gym or work out at home. If you have genuinely tried going to the gym and are still agonizing over it, either look for a new gym or work out at home. A Planet Fitness gym is going to have a completely different feel than a CrossFit gym or a Life Time Fitness. So try out a few gyms and find the gym that has the right vibe for you. There is nothing wrong with trying a few gyms to see which one is the best fit for you.

Some prefer local gyms over commercials and other prefer women only gyms. There is no right or wrong gym for preference. Pick one that makes you feel most comfortable. But if you've tried all the gyms in your area and you're still feeling anxiety, then work out at home. I know for me, it wasn't even that I was feeling anxiety. It was that I kind of got burnt out on going to the gym. And that's a thing. I had been going to the gym for about eight years.

Although, I was super comfort comfortable with all the movements, super comfortable with all the equipment, definitely, it was not a stressor for me. I just started agonizing over going to the gym. It just became more of a chore to me and then I also realized that in my head, I would only equate a "workout" with one that I did inside a gym wall. And that's when I realized, "Oh my gosh, I need to redefine what movement is and I need to remind myself that I can get a killer workout in at home just as much as a workout in the gym."

One is not superior to the other. So if that's you, if you feel like, "Man, I'm kind of in that place." Or maybe you're comfortable in the gym and you're just wanting something new, try to work out at home. I know for me, I started with a bench, a very small space, and three pairs of dumbbells. So I had fives, I had 10s and I had 15s.

That's what I started with. It was scary at first, because I didn't know if I was going to be able to have a killer workout, but the thing that I realized is that I was much more consistent. And consistency will always Trump perfection. I always talk about that in regards to nutrition, but it's the same with your movement. Consistency will always trump a perfect workout.

I mean, who has a perfect workout? We all have our days. We all have certain times where we are just not feeling it. So don't aim for perfect workouts, aim for being consistent. That's actually why I created the Movement With Julie app because I wanted to make it super simple for you to get an effective workout in at home. And you truly only need a pair of dumbbells, your body weight, a small space.

If you have a bench that's amazing, and 30 to 45 minutes of your time. And that is it. I've been doing this now for over two years. Don't think for one second that you can't get an effective workout in at home because you absolutely can. I am a testament and there are hundreds of other women every single week who are a testament to this that have told me that the Movement With Julie app has helped them stay consistent. They could no ever picture themselves working out at home before, but they do now and they love it.

It's so cool to see people when they start with the Movement With Julie workouts, they might start with like one pair of dumbbells in a small space that's not even like a dedicated area of working out in their house. It's maybe like a living room. Then over time as they become more and more consistent with it, then they start to invest in a few more pairs of dumbbells and a bench. Or they dedicate a small area of their house.

I know people during lockdown, they would dedicate a spare bedroom or their basement or their garage. It's just really cool to see people get more and more comfortable and confident with it. But I am here to tell you that you can. You can absolutely work out at home if going to the gym is just very anxiety filled and you don't want to deal with that.

Lastly, though, I just want to remind you that every single person that you see in the gym that might be super confident and looks like they own the gym, every single person had a day one. So please rest assured that they understand your feelings whether they speak it out or not. And just know that we all start somewhere. So I want to encourage you to just put one foot in front of the other, put one foot in the door day by day, conquering small and large victories.

I want you to celebrate those small and large victories, whatever they are in your journey. Okay. So here are the nine tips to overcoming gym intimidation. Tip number one, have a plan prior to going to the gym. Tip number two, focus on yourself. Tip number three, get guidance. Tip number four, try a class. Tip number five, go to gym on off hours if possible. Tip number six, dress for confidence. Tip number seven, people are nicer than you think. Tip number eight, work out with a friend or a mentor. And tip number nine, try a different gym or workout at home.

I know I mentioned my Movement With Julie app a few times throughout this podcast episode. But if you are interested in learning more about the app, so every single week, I give you five brand new workouts that can be done at home or at the gym. I would say about 30% of our girls actually workout in the gym.

So all you need for my workouts are a pair of dumbbells, your body weight, a bench, and a small space, and you can get it done. There are also exercises that you can totally use like a cable machine if you are working out at a gym. I know I personally use resistance bands with handles to mimic cable movements. But even if you don't have those, I always give like a body weight alternative or a different alternative that doesn't utilize cables.

So it really does allow you to work out whether you are at the gym or at home. One thing that I also love too is that if you're traveling, it's so nice because every single one of my workouts can be done in either a hotel room with body weight. There are so many exercises that you can do with body weight only, or a hotel gym.

Basically, all they typically have is like dumbbells and a bench, a small space. Some of them have equipment, but you don't need the equipment for my workouts. It's totally optional. There are times you can use it. But for the majority of it, you don't need it. So I hope that that encourages you. If you want to learn more, again, you can go to movementwithjulie.com to gain instant access to the app up and all of the weekly workouts.

If you have any other questions, feel free to DM me. I am always here for you. Trust me. I know that gym intimidation is a real thing, but I also know that you can get through it. I know that because I got through it. And that is the whole point of this podcast is sharing my experiences to hopefully encourage or empower or educate you.

If you have somebody in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this episode, I just ask that you shared it out with them. You can send it to them in a text message. You can post it up on your story. Be sure to tag me Julia Ledbetter. And if you're also not already following Embrace Your Real on Instagram, that is a very encouraging space for you to get some of the golden nuggets from each episode in a quote format.

So be sure to give Embrace Your Real a follow on Instagram. That is all that I have for you today. Thank you so much for tuning in and I'll talk to you in the next episode.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the Gram, be sure to do so, @juliealedbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check.

The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcast to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real, because you're worth it.

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