9 Things People Who Have the Body They Want Do Differently



Are you still struggling with your body goals? Do you see other people and wonder how come they’re reaching their goals while you’re struggling to get results from yours?

Well, you are not alone and this does not mean that you’re not doing your best.

That’s why to help you further, I am sharing 9 things these people are doing differently that are helping them build and maintain the body they want. Want to find out what these things are? Tune in to this episode of Embrace Your Real.

What I discuss:

  1. They focus on being mindful during their workouts. 

  2. They prioritize rest and recovery. 

  3. They are adaptable.

  4. They have a greater purpose 

  5. They follow a Thoughtful Plan

  6. They embrace movement beyond their standard workouts. 

  7. They have made fitness and wellness a lifestyle

  8. They prioritize resistance training over cardio. 

  9. They understand the principle of progressive overload. 

If you love this episode, you’ll also love…

Episode 37 - Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss: What's the Difference & Why Does it Matter?

Episode 88 - 5 Steps to Finding Your “Why”

Episode 331 - 5 Reasons Why “More” Isn’t Better

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

Instagram: @embraceyourreal@movementwithjulie

Movement With Julie | App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/

Macro Counting Made Simple: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

Free e-book: www.juliealedbetter.com/free-ebook

Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6bda1ca8?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_pub_influencer-6bda1ca8_dp_DgsIam9salgfi


[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it, let's go. [00:00:21][21.1]

[00:00:21] Hello and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace Your Real podcast. Are you frustrated seeing so many women reach their goals and you're over here struggling to see any ounce of results at all? If so, you are not alone. I see this all the time. This was me for a decade of my life. I know that you're trying your best and you so badly want to see the results. And so that's why in today's episode, I really want to answer the question that maybe you didn't even know you were asking, but how is it that all these people can build the body that they want? And you can't seem to do that as well. [00:00:58][37.3]

[00:00:59] So in today's episode, I'm going to be sharing nine things that people are doing differently that are helping them build and maintain the body that they want. So if you want to find out what those nine things are, I think number nine is going to surprise you. Then this episode is for you. [00:01:13][14.3]

[00:01:13] But before we dive in, I wanted to share this review. It came from Apple Podcasts and it was Emily D one 3 to 3. She gave a five star review and said, Best Coach Award. I've always personally had conflicts with fitness trainers until I found Julie. When I stumbled over this podcast, I felt understood on many different levels physically, mentally and even spiritually. Julie puts things into perspective like I've never heard before. She makes the fitness industry simple to understand. This podcast is so reassuring when it comes to your overall well-being, from fitness or nutrition to just being who God created you to be. Julie helps you find your confidence, and for that I am so grateful. [00:01:51][38.0]

[00:01:52] This just tore at my heart strings. I am so grateful for you. Emily, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send this in. And I'm so grateful that you did stumble upon this podcast and that it's helping you not only mentally and physically, but spiritually. That is always our goal is that we can help either empower, encourage or enable you in some way, shape or form just to feel educated and feel empowered when it comes to the health and fitness industry and just these topics in general, I know that they can be either so complex sometimes or they can be very shallow in terms of just talking about esthetics. And I always like to take things a few layers deep and so hence embrace are real. And so I'm so grateful that this podcast is helping you. So thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send this in. [00:02:38][46.2]

[00:02:39] So let's dive in to the nine things people who have the body that they want do differently. Number one, they focus on being mindful during their workouts. Really, it's not about how much time you spend at the gym or how many reps you get in. It's about how much quality time and quality reps you are getting in in your workouts. The people who are seeing success in their workouts are the people who are being mindful and they're being purposeful with their movement. They're not just mindlessly going through the motions just to check off the boxes. They realize that this really isn't going to get them the results they want. Instead, they really slow down and they concentrate on proper form, proper technique, and they concentrate on ensuring that they are using the proper way to not only have enough of a challenge so that they can move like methodically through their reps, but that they're also able to ensure that they're doing proper form and they're activating each muscle to the best of their ability. Right? [00:03:33][54.4]

[00:03:34] Fast movements equals lousy results, but methodical movement equals the results that you want. And so that's why you always if if you watch any of my videos that I post on movement with Julie, any of the platforms, I am so slow with my movements. And that has been one of the biggest game changers, I would say, in the last 18 or so months. In my workouts, I've really just focused on slowing down my movements. And if that means, you know, if I'm on a time crunch that day and that means that I only get, you know, two sets in or one set in, I would much rather get a quality set of, you know, 10 to 12 slow and controlled reps versus me trying to rush through the entire workout and not activating it so that mind a muscle connection is so important. [00:04:14][40.6]

[00:04:15] So my advice to you is to start performing your exercises more deliberately and really focus on every movement and muscle contraction. Be mindful and be very purposeful in what you're doing and really catch yourself when you are just going through the motions and remind yourself that fast movements oftentimes equals lousy results, but methodical movement equals the results that you are looking for. [00:04:37][22.0]

[00:04:37] Number two, people prioritize rest in recovery. The people who succeed on their health and fitness journey really understand that more is not better. Remember that rest and recovery support, muscle growth and adaptation, right? While exercise does play a vital role, obviously in building strength and endurance, it's during the periods of rest that your body repairs and rebuilds, which leads to this long term progress. And without rest, you're going to struggle to see results. [00:05:05][27.2]

[00:05:06] This is one of the biggest differences between those who see results and those who don't. And so that's why inside my movement with Julie app, I only program five days a week of workouts. Now, if you want, I always say, you know, on the sixth day, if you're feeling it, you're not feeling super burned out. You can do some sort of movement outside of your normal. Weekly workouts, which could be, you know, cycling, it could be hiking, it could be Pilates, it could be yoga, whatever it is I am for totally for you being pro movement on the weekends. But you also need to really make sure you're resting and recovering. And so that's why for me personally, I do the workouts, you know, 95% of the time, the workouts are done from Monday through Friday, and then my Saturday and Sunday, my Saturdays are typically my active recovery days. So that's, you know, hiking, it's doing cycling. It's doing something for at least 30 minutes outside of my weekly workouts. And then on Sunday, those are my days that, you know, I'm still trying to prioritize at least 30 minutes of movement, which is typically just walking with my dogs, my husband. But I am really taking that time to rest and recover, which it correlates great, because on Sundays that's my Sabbath. So I'm not working, I'm not on social media and I'm really just prioritizing my time with God, my time with my family and what's most important in my life. And so just remember that that rest and recovery is so vital in this journey. [00:06:30][84.0]

[00:06:30] Actually recently did an episode on this. It's episode 331. Why more is not always better. So if you want to kind of better understand this and I really go deep and nitty gritty on this, I will link that in the show notes below so that you can easily go listen to that episode next. But episode 331 Why more is not always better. That's a great resource on this specific topic. [00:06:50][19.6]

[00:06:50] Number three, they are adaptable, so the people who really do see the results, they have the body they want that they're able to maintain it. They realize that not everything is going to be perfect all the time. They aren't going to be able to get every single workout in as they plan, so they adjust accordingly and they make it work. They realize that they're not always going to be able to get everything in that they initially plan. And that's okay. Even if you go into a workout with these great intentions and then something comes up that just needs your attention. This is life. This is not going you know, if every single time that happen and you're like, oh my gosh, and you just completely derail for the next four or five days, of course you're not going to see results. You have to be adaptable in this journey. And you realize also that you don't need a lot of equipment, right? You honestly, even if you're traveling or camping this summer, like you can adapt to the circumstance, then miss an opportunity to work towards your goals. And this is a big key that I wish I would have learned sooner. [00:07:53][62.7]

[00:07:54] I feel like and I've talked about this before, but prior to me, like really diving into demo workouts at home, I always just equated a workout in the gym within the four confined walls of a gym. That was the only time that I associated the word workout with was if it was done at the gym, if it was at home, if it was outside. That was just for me. It was like, Oh, I'm not going to count that as a workout. And I missed out on so much opportunity, especially when I'm traveling, especially when I'm with friends and when things come up during the summertime, you want to be outside a lot. You have to learn to adapt to the circumstance and make the most out of it. It's really essential to cultivate this mental flexibility so that you're able to be adaptable to whatever life throws at you because life is unpredictable. [00:08:39][45.5]

[00:08:40] There's going to be times that things don't go as planned. So being mentally flexible really does allow you to adapt to the changes. It allows you to overcome obstacles and maintain a positive mindset through the process. And also it gives you this challenge in terms of your mindset of like, okay, if this is the cards that I'm dealt with right now in this circumstance, how can I adapt to this and how can I make the most out of what I have available instead of spending all of your energy being like, Oh, you know, I used to be able to do this and I used to be able to have this, and I don't have that anymore. And you're dwelling and you're spending so much energy on this negativity, this negative part about it. Instead, I want you to flip this script and say, okay, what do I have available and what can I make work during this time? [00:09:25][44.6]

[00:09:25] Number four, they have a greater purpose. This one is so important. You guys, the people who see results and who have built the body that they want and maintain it, they really are the people that have a deeper purpose. They're not just building the body that they want for esthetics alone. I found that the people who succeed and maintain those are the people that have a greater purpose, a greater Y behind what they're doing. And this is it's crucial to discover the deeper reason why. And this is going to change from season to season, right? If you went into this and you were in college or you're fresh out of college, like maybe it was because you just wanted to have more energy. You just wanted to make sure that you were taking care of your body. But as you age, as you get older, as you have kids, as you get married, as things change, your deeper reason why will likely change as well. And so this is why it's important that you take some time for self-reflection in this season and ask yourself why is it that I truly want to transform my body? Is it to improve my overall health? Is it to boost my energy levels? Is it to enhance my self-confidence? Is it to be a role model for the loved ones that I have in my life? Really identify that and also identify the people and the places and the things that you are involved in. And remind yourself that those people and those things deserve the best possible version of yourself. And so that's a big reason why you're likely going to invest in this. And really having that at the forefront of my mind. I've talked about this before, haven't brought it up in a while, actually. But one thing that I like to do and I honestly need to get better at this, I was so good at it for like in basically all of 2020 and I think it was because 2020 was a freaky year for all of us. We didn't really know what was going on like that. We had never gone through like a global pandemic, at least I haven't before. And so for me it was just like scary and like health was scary and all these things. And so I would take at least one day a week, I would say, okay, you know, on Fridays I'm going to dedicate my workout and my sets and my reps to each like person that I absolutely love. And so like on, you know, one movement, I would say, okay, these sets and these reps are dedicated to my husband and I'm going to push it so hard. I'm going to be thankful for them. I'm going to be praying for them throughout this movement, going to push myself and just be thinking like for me, because I am a Christian, I'm a faith believer, I'm thanking God for Joshua, I'm thanking him for all the many ways that he shows up in my life. And I'm just thinking God for him and I'm praying for him in particular. And I'm really just dedicating my sets and my reps to him. And then I would go on to another person, my mom or my dad or my sister or my friends, you know, all these people and things in my life that I'm so grateful for. And I have to tell you, it has given me so much, or at least, you know, like I said, I will be the first to tell you I need to get better at this. But it gave me so much meaning and purpose in those workouts, and it really made me want to push harder because I'm like, as I'm thanking God and as I'm praying and I'm thinking about this person or this opportunity in my life and I'm dedicating these sets and reps to them. I'm saying like, Dang, I want to push to be the best possible version for, you know, so that I can show up for them in my best capacity. And so that's why I always say, you know, movement and prioritizing movement and nourishing your body. It really genuinely, when you have the intention to serve others in your best capacity, it's not selfish because the only way that you're going to be able to show up long term for those people is if you prioritize it today and you prioritize it tomorrow. And I actually do talk about really finding your why, if that's something that you struggle with. I talk about that in episode 88 Five Steps to Finding Your Why, and I will link that in the show notes so that you can add it to your queue of episodes. If you haven't tuned in to that one or you haven't tuned into it in a while, I think that that will help you. But again, I want to encourage you to constantly revisit this because as life changes, as our seasons change it, your self-reflection is likely going to change. And I want to make sure that, you know, you're not just hanging on to this old Y that's really not even giving you any sort of motivation or determination or perseverance, because it's something that really isn't as important as what something else is in your life. So, really remember to do this, I would say on a quarterly basis, if not a quarterly basis, at least like, you know, twice a year, so that you're able to identify to what season of life my and right now, what are the different areas in which I show up on a weekly and monthly basis and I want to be the best version of myself and really identify like your greater purpose for showing up for yourself and prioritizing movement. [00:14:01][276.1]

[00:14:02] Number five, they follow through on a thoughtful plan, people that have the body that they want to maintain, and they realize that structure breeds progress. And to make the most of your fitness journey, it's essential to follow a well-designed plan. So when you have a structured program, you know exactly what you need to do and why you need to do it and when you need to do it. And this can really help you stay focused and motivated during your workouts and during those times in your life that you just feel like you have a slump. It can really also help you to avoid wasting time on exercises that might not be as effective for your goals. Plus, having a structured program can also help to ensure that you are working all of your muscle groups properly. And this is really important for overall health and fitness as well as preventing injuries, which is why, again, I go back to this all the time, but I'm so passionate about my program because it is not only transform my life, but it is transformed thousands of women's lives. And I hear it on a weekly basis. And it is just so encouraging to know that we have built a community of people who are showing up for themselves and not in a selfish way. Like I mentioned, they're doing it so that they can be the best version of themselves, so that they can go into their life and be the best for the people and areas in which they serve on a regular basis. And I always talk about this if you follow me for any length of time on the Internet, I talk. About random workouts will equal random results when you just follow, you know, Pinterest one day in an Instagram swipe workout the next day. It is so likely that you're not only going to be attracted to movements that you're like, Oh yeah, I want to do this, or Oh yeah, I love working everybody. Or Oh yeah, I love working Lower body. You're more likely going to do these random workouts. That is your preference. And while that's not bad, of course I'm always a big proponent of loving your movement because that will ensure that you stay consistent with it. You also need to have an element to your program that is challenging. Like this is why, you know, if you're following weekly workouts last week, I programed push ups and big programing push ups more in the weekly workouts because I know that they're difficult for women and I want them to be able to be challenged so that they can continue to do this. Because the more you do something, the easier it will become. And if you are just following random things, you're likely going to completely neglect certain muscle groups. So I know people that they love lower body. They could do lower body five days a week if you know, if they and sometimes people do, they do just lower body five times a week or they just do upper body five times a week or they just do full body workouts. It's so important that you are properly working your muscles. And that's why I program the five brand-New workouts every single week that are very programed in terms of foundational movement. So we have lower body, we have upper body, we have cardio core, we have shoulders and glutes, we have full body. There's a reason, a deeper reason why I do that programing. And it's so that you can ensure that not only you are able to work each muscle group effectively, but within that programing I'm going to weave in more difficult movements that you likely probably wouldn't program yourself otherwise, because I believe in you. And I believe that that, you know, when you have that challenge, you're going to meet it and you're going to say, okay, you know, I'm going to modify when I need to, which, you know, there's always modifications for movements in my app, but you're also going to believe in yourself and you're going to see yourself through in terms of meeting that challenge and overcoming it. So again, if you want to learn more, I will link the movement with Julie Page where you can learn all about it. You can join 50% off your first month, but that's a huge proponent of and one thing that I see, you know, a lot of people don't realize is that you have to have that structured program in order for you to see results and stick with it long term. [00:17:53][231.0]

[00:17:53] Number six, people who see results and they have the body that they want and they maintain it. They embrace movement beyond their standard workouts, which is just kind of what I was talking about earlier in terms of your actual workout. But you're also going beyond like just challenging yourself in your workouts and doing movements that you normally wouldn't otherwise. You also recognize. And what I found is these people recognize that exercise doesn't have to be confined to the gym or traditional workout routines. And so my advice to you is to start thinking outside the box. Maybe in the summer time this is you saying, you know, I'm going to be intentional about weightlifting three times a week. I want to make sure that I'm lifting my lower body, my upper body in a full body workout. But I also want to spend time outside. And this is why I came up with the motto of Honor your Body with movement. Because when you look at that, it's like not honor your body with the workout. Yes, movement that is a workout sometimes, but honoring your body with movement in general, what does that look like encouraging you, you know, just on a day to day basis in terms of like a work week, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking or biking to nearby destinations like engaging in household chores, you know, energetically and dancing and participating in recreational activities. Like some of my friends, they just joined a summer softball league. And I'm like, you. Yes, like, I love this. I love when adults are saying, you know, I used to do softball growing up. I still do soccer growing up. And and they engage in that on a regular basis in the summertime. You know, personally, I even count like grocery shopping as movement or if I'm shopping around or whatever. I know I love going to Costco. And not only because Costco's great and it has samples, but Costco is big. And so I know that when I go in for my Costco trip, I know I'm going to get a good like 3000, at least 3000 steps walking through Costco. And so for me, I'm like, Heck yeah, that's great. I'm you know, I'm honoring my body with movement in that way. And so just recognizing that movement goes far beyond just the standard workouts. [00:19:51][118.0]

[00:19:52] Number seven, these people have made fitness and wellness a lifestyle, right? What they're doing is long term. It's not just a temporary habit. They've adjusted their lifestyle to accommodate their goals. And it's an adjustment plan to, you know, it's going to stick for five, ten, 15 years down the road. They have found that what is realistic for them to commit to is something that they're going to follow through on. And typically these people really take the approach of, you know, I'm going to be consistent, even if it's not perfect, I'm going to be consistent and not strive for perfection. And they're taking. This balanced and enjoyable approach to reaching our goals because it's something that they see them doing long term. And this is so, so important to have this mindset going into setting goals and being in your health and fitness journey. Like you have to realize that this is a process and it's not going to be perfect and you have to mentally prepare yourself for that because so often I see people get to their wit's end and then they prepare for a program, they start a program, They're like, I just want to lose this £10 in, you know, two months. And they're like, so hyper fixated on this really, quite frankly, this goal that I'm like, okay, so if you lose the £10, are you really going to actually, like, love yourself? Are you really going to actually feel confident in your body? Because I feel like it's a layer deeper or maybe five layers deeper. Like you really need to go at your health and fitness journey with this mindset. Like if it's something that you can't commit to long term, then you're likely not going to follow through with it. And it's so, so important that you find stuff that is sustainable. You you approach health and fitness in a maintainable way because if you don't, I'm just going to be flat out on it. Like you're not going to build the body that you want. I'm sorry. I'm not sorry that I'm being blunt. You need to hear that truth, Sustainable habits lead to sustainable results, period. End of story. [00:21:48][115.6]

[00:21:48] Number eight They prioritize resistance training over cardio, though the people who build strong and toned bodies understand that they cannot do this through cardio alone. They understand that resistance training is the key to results. Now I'm talking to the majority of the women who tuned to my podcast are people who just are wanting to feel better in their skin. They're wanting to have, you know, a strong toned body. They're wanting to have more energy. They want to have a healthy and thriving relationship with food. These are not people who are have very cardio, intense, focused goals like a marathon runner or ultra marathon runner. Like, I totally understand you have to prioritize cardio in those specific circumstances, but I really need you to understand. And don't underestimate the power of resistance training because this is ultimately what's going to change your body composition, weight training, reshapes and tones, your body while cardio will just, you know, have you shed a few pounds without actually changing your body composition. For starters, I need you to dedicate at least 2 to 3 weeks, up to two, three days per week to really focus solely on strength training sessions, really targeting different muscle groups. So if this is lower body, like I mentioned, if you're doing three days a week, I always mentioned lower body, upper body, full body. Those are my three core foundational workouts that I would recommend you do. And if it's two days a week, great. Do lower body and upper body. If it's four days a week, great. I would still recommend you prioritize your strength training over the cardio and core workout simply because your core is going to be activated. And a lot of the movements that we do inside the app, because a lot of them are compound movements and then cardio in terms of cardio. Now if you can do cardio on, you know, day six or day four or whatever, that's why I always recommend just prioritizing the weight training over the cardio and core day. If you only have four days to give to solely, you know, strength training workouts, but you have to understand and really decipher the difference between cardio and resistance training. I actually did a whole episode on this episode 37 Weight loss versus fat loss. What's the difference and why does it matter? And then I also have some other episodes talking specifically about resistance training and cardio and which one you should prioritize depending on your goals. So be sure to go back to the vault of episodes. I think we're up to like episode 350 or something right now, which is crazy, but I have so many episodes on various topics regarding this, but in particular the weight loss versus fat loss and what's the difference and why does it matter? I really talk about the difference between cardio and resistance training in that episode, so I will link that in the show notes so you can add it to your Q. [00:24:26][157.4]

[00:24:26] And then lastly, number nine, they understand the principle of progressive overload. Now to see consistent progress and prevent plateaus, it's essential to really understand and apply the principle of progressive overload. Now, progressive overload involves gradually increasing the demands placed on your body over time to continue challenging your muscles to promote more muscle growth and fat loss. So the people who are succeeding with their workouts are those who aren't picking up the same weights that they did a year ago. But these are the people who are finding and the weight section, the you know, if you don't have access to a whole rack of weight, I totally understand. I did a whole episode talking about how to implement progressive overload that doesn't involve heavier weights and there's so many other different things. I'll just touch on them briefly to implement progressive overload, like adding reps, adding sets, adjusting kind of your tempo, decreasing rest times, changing up the variation of the exercise. [00:25:21][54.8]

[00:25:22] One thing that I love inside the movement Julie app that really allows you to implement. This progressive overload is by tracking your exercise history in the app. So this is why, even though I understand some people have this hesitancy, like, Oh, you know, I just want to get in and get out with a workout. I totally understand that. And I will be the first to tell you that. Going at your own pace, workouts are definitely a different style than follow along. I personally love that style. I love that go at your own pace style versus the follow along, and I love being able to track and log my weights not only because it's so empowering for me to see at the end of a workout how much I actually lifted. But it also is for the element of progressive overload because, you know, you have so many other things in your life. Going on in your workout is just a sliver part of your day. You're likely not going to remember what you use. Last time you did bicep highs curls for 12 wraps, but if you track it, you have that exercise history. And so you're able to say, okay, you know, the next time that pops up on your workouts, you're able to look back at that exercise history and say, Oh, dang, okay, I did, you know, £10 or I use £10 dumbbells. [00:26:28][65.8]

[00:26:28] So the next time, if you have access to £12 or maybe you said, okay, I did 12, you know, I know it says 12 reps is programed here, but these £10 are feeling a lot lighter than they were previously. Maybe I'm going to try and go to failure for one of the sets. So just really being able to implement that progressive overload by having this exercise data is so, so critical. So that's one part that I love so much about tracking in particular inside the minute would really app and if you are inside the app and you're like, where do I see that? If you're on a specific exercise in the app, you'll see a logo that kind of looks like a clock history. And it's the second one from the bottom on the left hand side. So what you can do is when you're inside that specific exercise, you're able to click that and then it will show you exercise history and it will show you all the times that you've logged that exercise, how many reps you did, how many pounds you logged and what the date was. And so that's just a really and for me, I find it really empowering because I'm like, Dang, it just shows me like how much I'm growing and it is just very empowering. So progressive overload is key. [00:27:39][70.4]

[00:27:39] Let me recap those nine things that really set the people who are succeeding with their workouts. Apart from those who aren't number one, they focus on being mindful during their workouts, really slowing down, optimizing that mind muscle connection. Number two, they prioritize rest and recovery, remembering that rest and recovery. That's when the most adaptation happens in terms of muscle growth and muscle repair is when you're at rest. Number three, they are adaptable. Number four, they have a greater purpose. They recognize and they identify all the different areas in their life that they are a part of, and they kind of attach that to working hard in their workouts and staying consistent so that they have that deeper reason why, Because motivation is fleeting. But if you have a deeper reason why, you're going to likely stay disciplined and discipline is what will help you stay consistent. Number five, they follow through on a thoughtful plan. Number six, they embrace movement beyond their standard workout. Number seven, they made fitness and wellness a lifestyle. Number eight, they prioritize resistance training over cardio. And number nine, they understand the principle of progressive overload. [00:28:49][70.2]

[00:28:50] So again, if you want to learn more about my program, I do have a demo only workout program called Movement with Julie. We have the weekly workouts program there. We also are working on so many things behind the scenes for you ladies inside the app who are active subscribers. You'll get all the additional resources that we've been working so hard on very, very soon for no additional price. I, I just want to provide as much value to you guys. And so if you are an active subscriber in the app, you'll be getting access to cue foundational videos. Re filmed videos. We have a very exciting collection tabs coming very soon that will have, you know, five, ten minute warm up. That's completely separate from the workout you'll have, you know, if you just want to do like a bicep burner or you just want to do a glute burn or you want to add that to your day. We have so many things in the works for you guys, so stay tuned for that. But if you do want to learn more and join us, we would be honored to join you. T. [00:29:45][54.5]

[00:29:45] Here's thousands of women on a weekly basis that do these workouts from all across the world, and it is the most incredible community. I'm very biased, but I do have to say it's like the literal, most supportive community on the Internet. And it is so, so empowering. And I just feel so blessed to be in this community day in and day out so you can head over to sale That's Sally Dot Romeo Juliet dot com. I will link to it in the show notes that you can easily go tune into that. But the other episodes that I talked about in today's episode was episode 3315 Reasons Why More Isn't Better. Episode 88 five Steps to Finding Your Why and Episode 37 Weight Loss versus Fat Loss. What's the difference and why does it matter? And then also if you. Want to kind of take a browse through the vault of episodes. I did talk extensively about resistance training versus cardio and also about building your body composition and all about that like body composition. What's more important? So browse through the vault, check out all of those episodes. That is all that I have for today's episode. [00:30:45][60.3]

[00:30:46] I hope that this was helpful for you. If you have a friend or a coworker or someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this episode in particular or this podcast in general, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can also copy the link and send it to them in a text message. Also, if you haven't already read it, interviewed the podcast. Whether you're on Spotify, you can read it. That really does help us just in terms of reaching more women. If you are on Apple Podcasts or have an Apple device, whether that's an iPad and iPhone a computer, you can head over to that, make sure your subscribe so that you never miss an episode. And also, if you could leave Reading Review, that would really help us out. Thank you so, so much. I love you so much. I mean it and I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:31:25][39.7]

[00:31:25] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, A Ledbetter. Yes, It's with an A in the middle for that daily post work out real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:32:18][0.0]