9 Simple Ways to Show Yourself More Love Today (Part 2)



In a world that often pushes us to focus on external relationships and commitments, it's easy to overlook the most crucial relationship of all—the one we have with ourselves.

Welcome to another episode of Embrace Your Real, where we dive into the essential art of self-love. In today's episode, we will explore the remaining 5 out of 9 simple yet powerful ways to show yourself the love you truly deserve.

It is understandable that in the chaos of everyday life, it's easy to neglect self-love. We've all been there. But these practices, while simple, can make a world of difference in your relationship with yourself. Remember, small daily acts of self-love can accumulate into something beautiful and transformative.

What I discuss:

 5. Be okay with mistakes.

6. Prioritize your own wellbeing.

7. Validate your feelings.

8. Distance yourself from toxic influences

9. Celebrate every achievement


If you loved this episode, make sure to check these out:


Episode 374: 9 Simple Ways to Show Yourself More Love Today (Part 1)

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[00:00:00] Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:29

[00:00:29] Hello and welcome to another bonus episode. I am so excited for this part two of this two part series and we are talking all about nine simple ways to show yourself more love today. The thing about showing ourself more love is that we don't need to have these big grand gestures toward ourself to love ourself more, right? We can do these small acts of love for ourself daily. In fact, when we do that, that's what compounds into something greater and will finally lead us to loving ourselves in the way that we deserve to be loved and the way that God designed us to love ourselves and be a good steward of ourselves and have the best relationship with ourselves. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I mean, this is the only body that you are ever going to live in on this life and this life on this earth. And so why not make the relationship that you have with yourself the absolute best? [00:01:27][57.6]

[00:01:27] I put out a part one of this two part series, and I talked about four of the nine ways to show yourself more love. In that episode. I talked about the embracing rest as a necessity. Number two, nourishing with nutritious foods and movement daily. I also talked about embracing your imperfections, and then I talked about doing something for yourself. So those are four ways. And today I'm going to share the remaining five ways. But I will link part one in the show notes if you have tuned in, but maybe you need a refresher. You can go tune into that episode after this. If you haven't tuned in, I highly recommend that you do so. That way you kind of get the full picture on this two part series. [00:02:07][39.9]

[00:02:08] Remember that building a healthy lifestyle and relationship starts with building a relationship with yourself, and that's so important that you remember that. That is a huge part of this journey, right? Even though you're on this health and fitness journey, remember that you've got to have a positive relationship with yourself in order for your fitness and your healthy lifestyle to flourish. Because if it's coming from a place of hatred and you are hating yourself into trying to build the body that you want, it's not going to last. It's not going to be sustainable. But if you love yourself so dang much, they are like, I love myself and I respect myself and respect that. You know, God created me to be a good steward of my body so much that I am going to change. That's going to be the sustainable change that you will encounter simply because it's coming from a deep place of love. [00:03:03][55.0]

[00:03:03] Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Mahogany Brown. She gave a five star review and said, Thank you for giving. I love this podcast because it is such a joy to hear health advice from a positive, loving spiritual voice and take it in with such appreciation because of how it's delivered. Her love and compassion is felt and her uplifting words give me the motivation I need to be a better, healthier, happier human. I love all the nuggets that are packed into our episodes. This is well being Oh my gosh, I love this so much. Thank you so much for tuning in. I appreciate every single one of you guys like my podcast listeners. You guys are my fam. You guys are the true man like sisters that I just wish that I could all get into a room and maybe one day we can make that happen. I would love to meet you guys face to face, hug you, talk to you, hear from you. So in the meantime, thanks so much for taking time out of your day to send in these reviews. They really do help us out. Just kind of understand how the podcast is helping. And then also people who stumble upon the podcast, they oftentimes read the reviews to see if it's worth their time. So thank you in advance for doing that. Also, make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode. They're completely free and then release every Monday and Thursday. If you are subscribed, they're automatically going to download to your phone, which is awesome. So if you're on a road trip or you don't have phone service and you're wanting to kind of tune into some episodes, you won't have to worry about that because they're already downloaded to your phone. Again, completely free. This is a free resource for you. I love you guys so much. Okay, so let's dive into part two of nine Simple ways to show Yourself more love today. [00:04:37][94.1]

[00:04:38] Number five Be okay with making mistakes. I personally find and this is just, you know, me, but also I have so many sisters in my life, so many friends, and I just find that most women are so dang hard on themselves, like it looks like every single woman or mom. You know, they think via social media that everyone's doing so perfectly and they don't understand why they can't be perfect. And they're kind of comparing, you know, these highlight reels to their behind the scenes and they're just feeling down on themselves or feeling like, how does how does this person get, you know, so much content out or how does this person handle this? They have, you know, two kids, They have a business, they're freaking crashing it. How is this possible? But the fact of the matter is, like you don't see the behind the scenes. And because of that, you're putting so much pressure on yourself to show up as perfect as. Possible. Every single day. When in reality, like you are not seeing the 99.7% the rest of that day, of that influencer or of that person that you follow online. And of course, because you're only seeing that small sliver, of course, is going to look like everyone has their issues together. Like, of course, it's going to look like they're doing everything perfectly, but they're not. It's a facade. And you have to understand that literally every single person on this earth makes mistakes. It's a part of being human. And instead of beating yourself up about making the mistake, just acknowledge it. Try and understand why it happened. Maybe you can plan better so that you can avoid it in the future and then move on. Like don't dig yourself into a deep hole. Don't wallow about it. Don't tell yourself that you're stupid or don't think less of yourself. Recognize that it was a mistake. It was maybe mismanagement, that is all. Acknowledge it and move on. That is literally one of the best things that you can do when working towards cultivating more self-love and respect. [00:06:25][107.2]

[00:06:26] Number six, Prioritize your own well-being. You heard me right. You've got to prioritize yourself. Not all the time, but I would recommend at least prioritizing one thing per day, just putting something on the schedule every single day that prioritizes you and your well-being. This is not selfish. This is an act of self respect. Let me repeat that again. Putting yourself at the top of your to do list, doing something for yourself that is not selfish. That is a sign of self respect. And whether you believe me or not, tending to your own emotional, mental and physical well-being before tending to the external demands is mandatory. In order for you to show up as the best version of yourself so that you can be better equipped to support others. And again, it's not all the time. There's not, you know, in a perfect world, yeah, you could prioritize yourself first every single day. If you're a mom, you have one kid, two kids, three kids, you have a job, you have the demands of life. I get it. That's not always going to be a reality every single day. With that being said, remember that when you do prioritize yourself, even if that is at the end of the day, you're prioritizing your work out. Oftentimes I always recommend people, if they're struggling to get their workouts in, I say, if you can wake up 20 minutes earlier, you will think to yourself, Yes, it's going to be harder, but trust me. So it's so much harder to get in the workout later in the day when all the excuses come, especially when it gets darker, you're busier. There is just so many things that can happen from the time that you wake up to the time that you're about to do your workout. That could put off the workout. And so I always recommend if you're struggling with your workout, try the 20 minutes before you. I mean, that's genuinely all you need is 20 minutes to get in a killer workout. But going back to prioritizing yourself, prioritizing your wellbeing, when you prioritize your wellbeing, you are prioritizing yourself so that you can be the best possible version for those who you love and you can serve them in your best capacity. Whether this is being a mom, this is being a wife, this is being an aunt, a sister, a coworker, a business owner, Whatever the various roles are that you play, you have to remember that you cannot pour from an empty cup. That is so cliche, but it is so absolutely true. I hear all the time women tell me I just don't have the energy for this. And often times the factory, the matter is you likely do have the energy and would have the energy if you prioritized yourself. And it sounds counterintuitive. It sounds like it would just be another thing on your to do list. But I'm telling you that it is the whole reason why you can get your to do list done and just kind of reframing your mindset there can help so much. And also for those of you who have been, you know, you've been told growing up like, don't you know, serve others? And yes, God calls us to serve others. God calls us to put others before ourselves. But you also have to remember and maintain that delicate balance of I am showing up for myself so that I can show up for others and so I can serve others in my best capacity. So just kind of reframing your mindset is so, so important. Even if you're like, man, you know, I can't prioritize myself on a daily basis. Okay, great. Start with once a week or start with once every two weeks and see how different your life and your day becomes when you make that a priority in your day to day or week to week or month to month. Schedule. [00:09:57][211.7]

[00:09:58] Number seven Validate your feelings. Your feelings are valid, plain and simple. No matter what they are, no matter what you're feeling, they're valid. You know, not every feeling needs to be acted upon. But I think it is okay to acknowledge your feelings. And it is a lot. It's important. And it's okay to allow yourself to experience this full range of emotions and understand that it's okay. This is a part of being human and trying to understand your feelings. I think our. Often times, you know, there are people that are so emotional and they get so deep in the emotions that they kind of wallow in that and they're not productive and acknowledging their emotions. And then there's people who, you know, they don't want to show emotion, whether that is the way that they've been raised or something happened to where they're just, you know, they kind of just shut off. I think having this balance is important. It's like allowing yourself to feel something not so much to where you're not productive at all because you're just completely in this wallowing state of emotion, but you're able to acknowledge it. You're not just rubbing it off, you're not just writing it off every single time, because some emotions that we have are valid and they need exploring whether that is journaling, whether that's praying, whether that's talking with a counselor or a trusted friend or someone that is important for you to kind of unpack those things. [00:11:16][77.8]

[00:11:17] Number eight, Distance yourself from toxic influences. Now, one of the main reasons why we don't show ourselves enough self-respect oftentimes is because we are around toxic influences that maybe make us feel like we are worth anything. And the more that you surround yourself with people and things, especially people that you know, speak life and love into your life and they value you, the more you'll start to see those things in yourself. And I think that it's really important that you recognize the toxic relationships that drain your energy and your self-esteem and make it difficult for you to live in this state of self-respect. And so creating those boundaries. David Townsend has a great book called Boundaries. It's awesome. It's kind of an old school book in terms of I mean, it came out years ago, but it has the principle of boundaries is so important. And creating boundaries is not only an act of self-respect, but it's also an act of self-preservation. And so just remember that and identify the areas in which you might need to create some further boundaries so that you can have that self-respect in your life. [00:12:30][73.4]

[00:12:30] And lastly, number nine, celebrate every achievement, big or small. Don't underestimate yourself. Don't undervalue yourself. Don't tell yourself, Oh, it's not a big deal. It is a big deal. Even if it's a small thing. These big accomplishments, they're wonderful. Don't overlook the small wins along the way, though. Like celebrate each milestone no matter how minor it might seem. Acknowledging your achievements boosts that self-esteem, and it reinforces this journey of self-respect. Tell your best friend. Tell your significant other your kids. Write it in your journal, or just take a moment for yourself, like you deserve to be celebrated. So you lifted £5 heavier today. Celebrate that when so you hit your protein goals today. Celebrate that win. So you made it through the day without crying. That is a win. Deserve to be celebrated. Cultivating this self-respect is a lifelong journey that requires conscious effort and dedication. It's never going to be natural. It's a habit that we need to continuously show up and constantly strengthen. But by incorporating these nine simple practices that I talked about in today's episode, and then the part one of this two part series, I believe that you can nurture a healthy and more loving relationship with yourself. [00:13:42][71.4]

[00:13:42] So let me quickly recap the five of the nine ways to show yourself my love today that I talked about in this episode. Number five Be okay with mistakes. Number six, prioritize your own well-being. Number seven, validate your feelings. Number eight, distance yourself from toxic influences. Create those boundaries where they need to be created. And number nine, celebrate your dang self, girl. So there you have it. Just a reminder, if you haven't tuned in again to part one of this two part series, I will link that in the show notes that you can easily go tune in to that next. But I hope that this pep talk was helpful for you. I am rooting for you. I am cheering for you. I believe again that if we can learn to cultivate this self-respect and self-love, I believe that it's going to be such a fruitful foundation for the goals and dreams that you have. Because at the end of the day, our relationship with our self is one of the most important. I will always say my relationship with God is the most important, but you have to cultivate a healthy, loving relationship with yourself because nobody else is going to live in your body. Nobody else is going to live in your mind. Nobody else is going to live in your skin. You are the only person that gets to experience life through the eyes of you, through the body of you. And I want you to make your mind a healthy, thriving place to live. Okay. I love you so dang much. I mean it. And I'll talk to you next time. [00:15:08][85.9]

[00:14:18] All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's within an A the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace real because you're worth it. [00:14:18][0.0]