7 "Do's" For When You Hit A Fitness Plateau (Part 2)



Welcome back to another episode of "Embrace Your Real." If you've ever found yourself stuck at a fitness plateau, you're in the right place. In Part 1, we explored the common mistakes to avoid when facing a plateau, and today, we're here with the essential "DO's" to guide you towards success. After years of coaching women, we've witnessed the wrong measures that can lead to even bigger plateaus. But worry not, because in this episode, we'll provide you with the keys to unlock your progress.

In today's episode, we'll be revealing the seven crucial "DO's" for overcoming a fitness plateau. These actionable steps are the missing pieces of the puzzle that will help you break through and reach your goals.

What I discuss:

  1. Train smarter, not harder. 

  2. Monitor your food intake. 

  3. Switch up your macro phase 

  4.  Get MORE Sleep.

  5. Manage Stress and Emotions

  6. Be honest with yourself. 

  7. Be realistic.

If you loved this episode, make sure to check out:

Episode 379: 7 "Dont's" For When You Hit A Fitness Plateau (Part 1)

Episode 46 - Why You Should Consider a Reverse Diet (The Only Diet I Support!)

Episode 337 - What Your Low Calorie Diet is Doing to Your Body

Episode 367 - The #1 Reason Why You Should Consider Bulking

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...


Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Movement With Julie | App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/

Macro Counting Made Simple: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

Free e-book: www.juliealedbetter.com/free-ebook

Amazon Storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6bda1ca8?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_pub_influencer-6bda1ca8_dp_DgsIam9salgfi


[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it, let's go. [00:00:21][20.6]

[00:00:27] So you have hit a plateau. What are we going to do about that? I have personally, over the last decade, trained thousands of women, and I've seen what most women do when they hit their fitness plateau. And I can tell you this often times women take the wrong measures simply because they don't even recognize or they don't know what to take. And so as a result, they are hearing things from the media, they're reading things in magazines, they're seeing what other fitness influencers are, what they think they're doing. And so that's what they're doing. [00:01:00][33.6]

[00:01:01] And in fact, it actually gets them into an even bigger plateau that becomes much more difficult to break through. And so that's why in this episode, I wanted to give you the seven do's for getting over your plateau. This is part two of a two part series. So if you haven't tuned in to part one, I did and outline the seven don'ts. So if you haven't tuned into that episode, I will link that in the show notes below. Be sure to tune in to that next. [00:01:26][25.0]

[00:01:26] But before we dive in, I wanted to share this review. It came from J MJ seven, seven, seven as she gave a five star review and said, Powerful. Julie, thank you for making this podcast. For most of my life I have left my physical appearance affect me in so many negative ways ever since the unexpected passing of someone so dear to me, I made a promise to live a healthier life. I didn't know the majority of the work would be mindset. I came across your Instagram page and found your podcast there and it's just so refreshing and encouraging. I'm so grateful to have a resource such as your podcasts. On my Journey. I listen today because I needed a reminder to love myself. I love this for so many reasons. I love that you pointed out that you didn't recognize that so much of this journey is mindset. [00:02:09][42.7]

[00:02:09] And it's true. I mean, you likely have heard that that's such a cliché thing to hear, but I think that we often just overlook it and we don't recognize that, you know, more than half the battle is mindset and really recognizing these negative or positive patterns in our mindset that are either holding us back or are the reason why we're able to achieve what we achieve. And so thank you so much for tuning in. I'm so grateful that this podcast is helping you. [00:02:36][26.3]

[00:02:36] If you have tuned into the podcast and you found it helpful, any specific episodes or just the podcast in general, I just ask that you share it out with a friend. You can also screenshot and post it up on your Instagram story. That is a great way to just kind of get the word out. And then also, if you haven't left a reading interview, that would mean the world to me. You can do so on any Apple device has a free podcast app so you can type in, embrace email first, make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode when they come out every Monday and Thursday. And then also you can scroll down and leave a reading interview that just helps us know how we're serving you and helping you. And it also helps other people who stumble upon the podcast. They kind of look to their reviews to see if it's something worth their time. So thank you in advance. [00:03:17][40.9]

[00:03:17] Okay, so let's dive into the seven do's for when you hit your fitness plateau. Number one, you've got to train smarter, not harder. So if you're stuck in a fitness plateau, most of us oftentimes opt for, okay, I just need to work out longer. But this isn't the case. In fact, in most cases, working out longer, especially if it's overtraining, that's only going to lead you to a deeper fitness plateau. And if this is especially if you're someone who already is consistently working out three, four, five, six days a week, there really isn't any more cardio or adding more cardio or adding more lifting into your routine. Again, this is someone who is consistently showing up. [00:03:58][40.7]

[00:03:58] If you are not consistently showing up, of course, like doing more is going to help you. But you need to decipher if you're already doing enough. And I always recommend, you know, if you can at least get three solid lifts in per week, you are going to see results. So if you're there and you're giving your workouts your best, then I think it's time to train smarter. If you're not there, then that's a great place to start. That's a great kind of goal to get to, but you've got to train smarter and there's two kind of different ways to do this. [00:04:30][31.4]

[00:04:30] So number one, if you don't already Resistance train, I would highly recommend to start it ASAP. This will no doubt help you to get over your plateau if you haven't resistance trained or if you haven't been resistance training in an efficient way. Resistance training is the most effective way to change your body composition along with paired nutrition, of course. But number two, if you are already resistance training and you feel like you're stuck in a fitness plateau, it's likely that you need to focus on progressive overload. And progressive overload is so many different things. [00:05:03][32.8]

[00:05:03] I think oftentimes we, if you know it, progressive overload, a strict progressive overload program, is going to be the same lifts over time and you're going to start to increase your load, increase your sets, your volume over time, and that's how you're going to progressively get stronger. However, there are some other principles to progressive overload if you don't have access to more. And this is a lot of my community. You know, you're working out at home, you only have limited access. And so there's a few other ways that you can kind of implement progressive overload. So one of the ways to implement progressive overload, if you don't have access to weights that are heavier, is to add sets or reps in from the last time that you did it. [00:05:44][41.0]

[00:05:44] So let's say, for example, you did two sets of ten try adding three sets of ten or try adding two sets of 12. That's going to be adding sets or reps to the last time that you did it. Another thing that you can do is you can change the tempo. So let's say, for example, you're doing a bicep curl, you're on the way down, it's a five second 1 to 3, four, five tempo, explode up, same with a squat. You can do it on the eccentric or concentric. So counting one, two, three, four or five on the way down explode up or you can explode down and then count one, two, three, four or five on the way up. So there's tons of different things that you can do in terms of just kind of training differently and implementing that progressive overload. You can also add a pause at the bottom, but essentially when you are repeating the same demands week in and week out, your body's going to adapt. And that's why progressive overload is important, right? You're progressively forcing your muscles to be challenged and to build more muscle fibers. And if you are able to have access to, you know, heavier weights, one thing that I recommend is to kind of a good rule of thumb. People always ask me, like, what weight should I start out with? This is totally going to depend on what your experience level is and what your form looks like, as well as how you're able to perform the movement. So I always say, you know, the last 2 to 3 reps of every set is should be nearly impossible. Like you are struggling, but you're still able to maintain proper form. That to me shows me that you have the proper weight. [00:07:20][95.5]

[00:07:20] So if you're easily knocking out every single set and every single wrap and it's like, you know, you could, you know, continue to do it for another 12 to 15 reps, you most definitely need to up your weights. And so that is something that I highly recommend. And I always tell people this, you know, I understand dumbbells and getting more equipment can be pricey. But one thing that I always remind people of is this is a lifelong investment. Like you're likely going to only need to buy one pair of dumbbells your whole life. I mean, it takes decades for them to even rust. And so keep that in mind. Like it definitely is an investment. Yes. But it's going to be a lifelong investment. And so, again, adding progressive overload, this is going to be super helpful when you're in that fitness plateau. That's the first thing that I would address if you are inside the moment with Julie App. One thing that I always tell people when they ask me about progressive overload is, yes, if your goal is strictly strength, like that is your main focus. And then I would recommend on following a strict strength program, which is going to be essentially the same workouts over an 8 to 12 week period. [00:08:26][65.5]

[00:08:26] We actually have a strength program coming very soon. If you are an active subscriber to the app, you'll get that for free. And so that's really exciting. But with that being said, the weekly workouts program, which is still hands down the most popular program, the reason why it's so popular is because a lot of women stick with it. They find that it's consistent. They're able to stay consistent with it because they're not getting bored of doing the same workouts over and over again. And that's why there is such a high success rate. With that being said, people always ask, Can you implement progressive overload while following your weekly workouts? And the answer to that is definitely from week to week and month to month. You'll definitely have the opportunity to implement progressive overload because you're able to track what you use for specific movements. And I program foundational movements on a month to month basis. So you'll likely see the same movement from month to month. And if so long as you're logging that inside the app, you're able to have the exercise history and then you can kind of go from there to figure out if it is time for you to move up in weights. You know, add a couple reps, add around, add a set, things like that. If you want to learn more about my program, you can go to sale That's Sally dot memo Julie dot com. I link that in the show notes below. If you are new subscriber, you get 50% off your first month by using that link in the show notes. So be sure to do that. Or again just go to sale. That's S-A-L-E dot movement with Julie dot com. [00:09:46][80.2]

[00:09:47] Number two you've got to be monitoring your food intake. This is honestly one of the I would say progressive overload and food intake are kind of hand-in-hand. It is so, so important because more often than not we're hitting a fitness plateau because we're actually eating more than we realize or we're not giving our body what it needs at all. We don't recognize and know what it needs. We may think we're eating enough protein or we may think we aren't overdoing it with carbs, but in reality, we actually don't really know. I mean, eating 300 more calories than your body needs over time, that's going to lead to weight gain, fat gain, body fat, fat gain. And so it might. Not seem like anything in the moment, but day after day after day. You have to remember that £1 of fat equals 3500 calories. So, you know, that's just about 12 days of eating 300 extra calories if you're not keeping your movement in check. And oftentimes, again, this might not seem like a lot, but it does compound. And so that's why I always recommend knowing how much to properly fuel your body in an hour. Stand. There is a large group of people that just don't find macro counting sustainable. If that's you counting all three macros, I totally get it. But one thing that I always recommend is at the very bare minimum, tracking your protein intake. And this is going to be so important, especially if you're wanting to build out lean muscle. You have to be knowing how much your body needs in terms of protein and then tracking that because protein is going to be the most satiating of the three macronutrients, which essentially just means that it's going to keep you fuller longer. And so that way you're more if you're hitting your protein intake, it's less likely for you to overindulge simply because you're properly feeling your body in that way and just getting the hang of looking at food in terms of protein, carbs. In fact, if you're just tracking one macro, that's a lot less intimidating when starting out. So if you want to learn more, I do have a macro accounting made simple program, so you can go to macro counting in simple dot com and you can just learn about the program there. Like I said, you don't have to count all three macronutrients. And starting out, I did a few episodes on just, you know, five different phases of micro counting and figuring out which one is best for you. So if you want to learn about the 12 macro counting, you can go to macro economy simple dot com and learn all about that program. Essentially, it's just a comprehensive online academy that will teach you the fundamentals of micro counting, hopefully in the most simple approach that you have seen or if you aren't familiar with macro accounting, this will give you a total 101 on how it all works and we can kind of guide you through the process there. So again, I will link those two things. The episode that I talk about, the five phases, macro counting, as well as my program in the show notes. [00:12:30][163.4]

[00:12:31] Number three, switching up your macro phase is important. If you have been counting macros and you feel like you've kind of hit a plateau. Two things that I want to address here. Number one, this is only if you've been consistent in your phase and you've headed for a plateau. I think oftentimes people are like, Yeah, I've been in a body fat loss, but I asked them, like to be honest with me and saying, you know, have you genuinely hit your macros within 5 to 10 grams of each macro? And most of the time they say no. So if that's the case, then you need to rethink, okay, if I'm not able to hit that, maybe this phase of macro counting is not realistic in this season of life. And that's why I love that there are four phases of micro counting, right? There is the fat loss phase, the body fat loss phase. There's the muscle gain phase, there is the maintenance phase, and then there's the reverse dieting phase. I've talked about these in depth in so many different episodes, which I will link all of them in the show notes below. But for example, if you have been living in a complete caloric deficit, like you are likely going to hit a plateau because your body simply just needs more food, which sounds counterproductive. But I'm telling you, the reverse dieting process is so incredible. I actually did a whole episode on this. If you're not familiar with reverse dieting or you kind of maybe have heard about it, but you want kind of more in-depth information about it, it's kind of an energy episode. Episode 46 Why You Should Consider a reverse Side. I will link that in the show notes below. I also did an episode on kind of the muscle gain phase, which is episode 367. The number one reason why you should consider bulking. And then I also talked about why you shouldn't be living in weight loss mode, right? That body fat loss mode, what your low calorie diet is doing to your body. Episode 337 So again, I will link episode 337, Episode 367 and episode 46. All of those will be in the show notes so that you can easily go tune into those after this episode. I really think that those will be very helpful for you. But again, if you want us to kind of navigate and guide you through the different phases, the macro accounting mean simple online academy that is going to be your most comprehensive program that will really give you that customized approach and we will guide you through that process when you fill out that questionnaire form and we'll kind of teach you step by step, which oftentimes what we have found is, you know, taking that time to educate you upfront about this is how it works. And this is kind of the phase that we recommend based on where you're at and what your goals are. From there, people find that it's a lot easier to get into it simply because they kind of have that kickstart from the coaches, kind of looking at, you know, where you're at and then recommending where you go from there. [00:15:12][161.0]

[00:15:12] Number four, get more sleep. So you guys now if you follow me for any length of time sleep, I talk about it all the time. It's so, so important. And it really is a huge factor that plays into fitness plateaus and it really does deserve a whole. Episode in and of itself, which I will be sure to put one together soon for you, because I've been talking about sleep a lot, especially in falling into better habits that I've been talking about and inside my room with Julie community, as well as disarmament with Julie Paige. But the two reasons that I'll talk about it in this episode as to why lack of sleep is triggering your fitness plateaus, our number one sleep deprivation can really lead to hormonal imbalances that affect your appetite, right? The first hormonal imbalance, ghrelin and leptin ghrelin is the hormone that signals hunger. And so with increases in lack of sleep, while leptin is kind of the hormone that signals fullness, that decreases. So this can lead to an increased caloric intake, right? The other common hormonal imbalance is cortisol. I've talked about this a lot on the podcast, but chronic sleep deprivation can elevate those cortisol levels, and high cortisol levels can actually promote fat storage, especially around the midsection women. And so this is why it's so important to really focus on sleep. Like the way that God designed our bodies is like a well-oiled machine. And there there are so many different factors with that. There sleep, there's hydration, there's nutrition, there's movement, all of those things. And the second kind of reason as to why sleep is so important and why it plays a role into fitness plateaus is because of poor recovery. So sleep is a crucial period for recovery and repair. Growth hormone is released during deep sleep, which aids in repairing and rebuilding those tissues, including your muscles and inadequate sleep, can hinder muscle recovery and growth, which reduces the effectiveness of your workout. So, you know, you could be working out it consistently and you can be sticking to the progress progressive overload principle, but you're not sleeping properly and you're not getting enough deep sleep, then you're likely going to be hindering that process. It's as simple as that. So all that to say, ensure that you're getting enough quality sleep. I've talked about this before and this is not sponsored by any means, but my authoring has been so helpful in this and just knowing what my sleep quality is because, you know, for so long I would wake up and I would feel rested and I wouldn't really understand my the metrics of my sleep when it comes to deep sleep, REM sleep, total sleep, you know, how did I wake up at all during the night and all of those things, all of that data was just kind of if I remembered, which oftentimes, you know, were dozing in and out. So we don't remember all of those things. And especially we won't really know. Oh, yes, I was for certain in REM sleep from 1 a.m. to 40, I'm like, We don't know that unless we have something that is tracking that. And I personally don't wear my Apple Watch to sleep. I take it off like a couple of hours before I go to bed typically, and it lives in my bathroom along with my phones because I don't sleep with my phones in my room. But the Oring has just been so helpful in that. So if you are interested in that, I just highly recommend just checking it out. It's oh you are a and it's just been one of those tools that I've used in my fitness journey over the last, I would say almost a year now. It's been about maybe 9 to 10 months that I've had it. And it has just been it's been a great purchase. I am super happy with it. I feel like I am getting to know my deep sleep and my REM sleep and my sleep cycles a lot better. And so that's something that you're really interested in. And in terms of like biohacking, I highly recommend checking out or ring. [00:18:45][213.3]

[00:18:46] Number five manage stress and emotions so similar to lack of sleep, unmanaged stress and emotions that can really hold you back. Even if you are on point with your nutrition, you're on point with your resistance training. You can be doing all the right things on paper, but what's going on in your nervous system is really going to block any results. Right? And again, this is going to trigger hormonal imbalances. So stress stimulates the release of cortisol, which is a steroid hormone. So like I said, elevated cortisol levels that can lead to increased appetite cravings for sugary and fatty foods, greater fat storage, especially in that abdominal rage region. And plus having that chronic stress may contribute to insulin resistance. And insulin is actually crucial for glucose metabolism, and resistance can lead to weight gain and hinder weight loss efforts. So chronic stress can actually I mean, there's so many factors that go into this, but it can disrupt your digestive cycle leading to bloating, constipation, other digestive problems. And this can temporarily, you know, cause weight gain, feeling like you're stuck on your fitness journey, The brain gut connection. That's a real right. Sometimes in order to master our body, we first must master our mind. And you'll have to remember that stress and emotions can also lead to water retention, which feels like you've gained a lot of fat. But in reality it's just a lot of water retention in your body. Emotional eating, making it super hard for you to stay on track with your nutrition and poor sleep, which we just learned can trigger a plateau. So take a look at your stress. Take a look at your emotions, See how you can manage these things before you jump into this other fad diet or trend, or waste hundreds of dollars on new supplements that you. Don't actually need. In fact, those are just going to be Band-Aids on the bigger problem. [00:20:30][103.8]

[00:20:30] So and that leads me to number six, which is you've got to be honest with yourself. Like you, we all have moments where we feel like we've hit up a wall in our progress. And it's incredibly easy to let that discouragement take over. However, these are also the times that we need to pause, we need to reflect, and we need to ask ourselves the honest question How consistent have I truly been? It's not about the big decisions. It's also about the little small choices that we're making daily. Did I skip a few workouts this month? Did I skip my nutrition on the weekends? It's these seemingly minor compromises. That's what adds up and affects our progress long term in the same way that the small, intentional actions over time compound and lead to massive results. So it goes both ways. But you've got to acknowledge these moments and not beat ourselves up. Instead, recognize where you're at, make the changes, recalibrate, and continue pushing forward. I will forever be a fan of progress, not perfection, and being transparent with ourselves so that we can make the necessary changes in order to see the results that we want and without honesty, will will likely struggle to get over that plateau. So think of it just like you're having an honest conversation with a friend. I mean, at the end of the day, like we are going to be living in our body for the remainder of this physical lifetime. So it is so important that, number one, you establish that relationship with yourself. And number two, you treat yourself like you would treat your know your best friend or someone that you love. Like give them that gentle but honest nudge of like, Hey, have you really been consistent? Like being honest and transparent with yourself is so important. [00:22:11][100.8]

[00:22:12] And number seven, be realistic. Have you actually hit a plateau or is this what your body's supposed to be? Or are you setting yourself up for failure because you have an unrealistic goal? It's really important that you have that heart to heart with yourself on this topic. Like, have you genuinely hit a plateau or is this where your body naturally feels best and is healthiest? Or is this where you should be in this season of life? Because I talk about this a lot. I think oftentimes we go into our fitness journey, whatever it is, you know, it could be after a traumatic event. It could be after just one day we woke up and we're like, we've got to change something. It could be slowly but surely, whatever it is. I think oftentimes we compare where we are right now to when we started our fitness journey, and that can be very unrealistic. I mean, our seasons of life will change from month to month, year to year, drastically. You could have started your fitness journey in college and you're single, you know, 23 year old girl or right, fresh out of college, working a job, have no boyfriend, no kids, no real, you know, huge life responsibilities. And now you're maybe 35, two kids, married, working or stay at home mom, tons of life responsibilities. And you're trying to box yourself into setting yourself to these standards that you did when you were 23 years old. But now, you know, you're a decade plus later, you're in a totally different season of life. So you need to be honest with yourself. You need to be realistic with yourself and ask yourself, okay, is the goal that I have right now, is that realistic? If it is great, okay, make the necessary changes to get to that goal because you can absolutely do whatever you set your mind to. But also if it's not, be okay with that. Give yourself grace and say, okay, you know what I was thinking? Maybe not not be realistic in this season of life. Maybe it will be, you know, in one or two more years, or maybe it will be in six months, whatever it is, you know, your life, you know, kind of what you can handle at this time, but give yourself grace and then allow yourself to meet a realistic goal. Because at the end of the day, one thing that I always remind people of is if you smashed set like a smaller goal and you achieve that, you're more likely to feel confident to be like, okay, I'm going to set an even bigger goal. Now that I feel confident, I feel like I have, you know, the habits in place. I feel proud of myself so that I can now set this bigger goal and I know that I can follow through with that rather than getting, you know, being at chapter one and saying, I want to be at chapter seven in three months. And that's that's not realistic. So again, just be realistic with yourself and remember that at the end of the day, like there is going to be seasons in your fitness journey and you have to honor each season and honor your body with whatever movement you can, the nutrition that you can in that season of life, and let that be okay. [00:25:06][174.0]

[00:25:06] So let me quickly recap the seven do's for getting over your fitness plateau that I talked about in today's episode. Number one. Train Smarter, Not Harder. Number two, monitor your food intake. Number three, if you are counting macros, maybe switching up your macro phase. Looking into that, I will link all of this show notes of all the. Episodes that I mentioned in today's episode. Number four, getting more sleep. Number five, managing stress and emotions. Number six, being honest with yourself. And number seven, being realistic. As promised, here are some of the episodes that I mentioned in today's episode so that you can easily go tune in to them. Next, you can bookmark these. Write them down. So that way you kind of have a queue of episodes to tune into. But episode 277 the five macro approaches Which one is best for you? That is a great episode. If you're curious about, you know, I'm curious about micro counting, but I don't know that I really want to count all three macros. That's going to be a great episode to just kind of give you the 411 on the different approaches that you can take to macro accounting. I talked about episode 46 why you should consider a reverse diet, which is the only diet that I support. I talked about episode 367. The number one reason why you should consider bulking. This is really going to go into why it's important to, at some point in your fitness journey, go into a muscle building phase. I also talked about episode 337, which is what your low calorie diet is doing to your body. And this is really going to go in depth of if you identifying if you've been in this low calorie diet like a body fat loss phase for so long and why you are likely feeling what you're feeling, because I'm going to go into the nitty gritty scientific details of what a prolonged body fat loss phase can do to your body. And then I also talked about the part one of this two part series, which is episode 3797 don'ts for when you hit a fitness plateau. So today I talked about the seven do's and that episode last week I talked about the seven don't. So I will link all of those in the show notes so that you can easily go tune in to all of them. [00:27:10][123.4]

[00:27:10] Also, the two things that I mentioned in terms of my programs today are my movement, which really community, which is my dumbbell workouts for women. So five burning workouts released every single Saturday at 12 p.m. Mountain Standard Time. It's a monthly subscription. You get five brainy workouts every week, delivered straight to the app. There's two workout options for each day a 60 minute or 30 minute, depending on your time constraints. Video demonstrations for every single movement, alternate exercises for every single movement. So no bench alternates, low impact alternates, body weight, alternates, easier, alternate. So really, it is for all fitness levels. This is a go at your own pace style program, which is my preference. I prefer this style simply because I believe that it gives you the adequate time so that you don't fall into an injury. Because oftentimes what I see is when people follow these follow along style workouts, right? They put on a video and they follow it from start to finish. Oftentimes, the whole entire workout, they're just trying to play catch up. And this is when I see injury happen. This is when I see people not reaching their goal simply because they're not even focused on the actual mechanism of the movements. They're just focused on, okay, I need to follow this instructor. And, you know, they they get 3 to 4 reps in just to try to figure out what the movement is. And by that time, the instructors moving on to the next movement. And so they don't actually get a mind and muscle connection at all in any of these classes. It's very rare that people do that, especially in weightlifting classes. That's one thing I've seen is just these people are going so fast and there's no mind muscle connection. And mind muscle connection is truly everything. If you want to see results in your health and fitness journey. And so that is why I personally prefer and have created an entire go at your own Pace style program so you can go to sale. That's Sally Dot movement which you'll e-com and you get your 50% off your first month as a new subscriber if you click that link. And then the other program that I talked about is my Macroeconomy Simple online academy. That is the comprehensive approach to macro accounting. But we simplify it for you. So, you know, we teach you everything that you need to know when it comes to macro accounting. You take an extensive questionnaire form and we will take that and calculate your macros for you, show you step by step how you do it, how we did it so that you can understand how to do it yourself. Our goal is that you will feel educated enough so that you will never have to hire another coach. We don't want you to feel like you constantly have to rely on a coach in terms of nutrition for the rest of your life. We want to empower you in that way and show you and guide you through that process so you can learn all about that program. I will link all of those things in the show notes below. If you have a friend, a coworker, again, if someone in your life that you feel like would benefit from this episode or just this podcast in general, and I ask that you share it out with them. I also love to hear your aha moment, so be sure to either screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story and tag us or simply send a direct message to the Embrace your real or Julie account we love. Connect with you guys. That is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so much. I mean it and I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:30:13][182.9]

[00:30:22] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, A lot better. Yes, It's with a name in the middle for that daily post workout. Real talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace Syria because you're worth it. [00:30:22][0.0]
