7 Things To Do When Having a “Bad Body Image Day”

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Real talk: We are all going to have bad body image days.

Even those people you see on Instagram or Tik Tok that you may think never have bad body image days, they do. I can assure you of it.

And even though I talk ALL the time about being confident in your body, I STILL HAVE DAYS where I don’t feel confident.

We are human.

We aren’t going to reach a point where our mindset around our body is perfect every single day. So instead of getting mad at ourselves for having those days where we feel like crap, let’s learn how to handle them better so they make us feel LESS like crap.

What helps you the most when you are having a “bad body image day”?! Let’s help each other out! Share it on Instagram, give @embraceyourreal a tag and I’ll re-share it in our stories so everyone can see!

If you’re not yet following @embraceyourreal on the ‘gram, take out your phone right now and give the podcast a follow for a daily dose of real talk on honoring your body and living more authentically!


Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me Julie Ledbetter, a podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I dish you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Real talk. We all have bad body image days. Even those people, yes, that you see on Instagram or TikTok that you may think never have bad body image days. They do. I can assure you of it. And even though I personally talk all the time about being confident in your body, I too still have days where I don't feel confident. We are all human. We aren't going to ever reach a point where our mindset around our body is perfect every single day. So instead of getting mad at ourselves for having those days where we feel like crap, I want us to learn how to handle them better so that it can make us feel less like crap. So in today's episode, I'm going to be giving you seven things to do when having a bad body image day. But before I do, I wanted to share this super sweet review. It comes from MBrooke.

She says, "Truly amazing. My only complaint about this podcast is that we can't get a new episode every single day. I love Embrace Your Real and especially Julie's advice, outlook, content, and information. I listen to this podcast daily as I go on walks, drives, et cetera. I feel like I'm being encouraged by a friend every time I listen and I will always be a listener." MBrooke, thank you so much for this review. I appreciate your reviews more than you know. I don't know if you can tell through the tone of my voice, but they truly make me smile and they just encourage me to keep going and encourage our team to keep going because we believe in the message of Embrace Your Real. We believe that this is truly impacting lives, and I'm so thankful that you take the time to share this podcast and to leave a review. It truly means the world.

If you have an Apple device, an iPhone, an iPad, a Mac book, go to that purple icon that said Podcast, you can search on that device and just type in podcasts. You'll see that app come up. Be sure to type in Embrace Your Real, subscribe, and also rate and review. It takes less than 15 seconds. That is my one ask from you. If you have gotten something out of this podcast, I ask that you just review it. It can be short and sweet. It can be long and lengthy. I just love reading your reviews and I appreciate you guys so much.

So let's dive into the seven things that you need to do when having a bad body image day. If you have the ability to take notes, I encourage you to do so, so that you can go back to this because it's not if, but when we have those bad body image days, and I want you to think of this podcast as us sitting down having coffee and just sharing a conversation and giving you some advice that can truly help you out.

Number one, refrain from body checking. Now, first of all, what is body checking? You know when you're walking down the street and you see the reflection of you in the window or every time you pass a mirror, you look at your body or maybe you're stepping on the scale every morning or every night, or how you're constantly pinching your fat or feeling your hips or your arms, your thighs, or always asking people, do I look fat? Do I look big? Or always looking for reassurance about your body. These are all examples of body checking. So why do we need to stop doing this? Well, instead of living presently in our bodies and focusing on what we're doing, we're constantly reminding ourselves of our bad body image day. Every time you touch your stomach or glance at the body in the mirror, you're reinforcing those negative feelings. You're validating them and giving them more power. Instead, stop checking so you can forget about your body and just focus on living your life and living it presently.

Something that has truly helped me in this is taking a look at the mirrors that I look at most throughout the day. So typically it's the ones at home or in the car and I will add sticky notes. Now, this kind of drives Joshua crazy because he's very OCD and clean, but I've been doing this for years and it truly helps me so much just to remind myself of truth every time I look in the mirror. This could also be your lock screen on your phone, but finding quotes or finding sayings that can remind you of truth. One message that I've had on my mirror recently that just really encouraged me is you are created in God's image. God makes no mistakes. And so to put yourself down for the way that you are is an insult to God's handiwork.

So maybe that can encourage you or maybe you find your own, but I want to encourage you to find some words that will remind you just how beautiful, powerful, and enough you are and put them on that sticky note and put them on that mirror or put them on the lock screen, whatever you do, I want to see it. So if you decide to cover your mirror in encouraging sticky notes or just have one sticky note, wherever that is, be sure to screenshot, be sure to take a picture and tag me on Instagram because I want to see them and celebrate them.

Number two, change your self talk. So on the days that we feel "fat", quote, unquote, why do we feel the need to tell the entire world? Why do we feel the need to say it out loud? Think about this. How often do you say, "I feel fat today"? Or, "Oh my gosh, I feel so bloated," or, "Oh, I look so huge." How many times per day do we repeat that? Why do we do this? What are we trying to accomplish? What do we think that that will do? Make us feel less fat or be less bloated or look less huge? To be honest, I don't have an answer to that question, but regardless, we have to stop this negative self talk. Number one, we need to realize that that is not productive in anything. It's not solving anything and it's only reinforcing that belief because number two, our words become our reality. And the more that we say it, the more we believe it. And the more that we believe it, the more it ultimately becomes our reality.

And number three, these words again are just reinforcing those negative feelings. We're validating them and giving those words more power. So again, we need to stop vocalizing our bad body image thoughts so that we can forget about our bodies and just focus on living our life and living it presently. So the next time that you have a thought, like, "I feel so fat today," I want you to correct yourself and say, "I may feel fat today, but that does not mean I am fat," or "I may feel fat today, but that is now what others see when they look at me." Or, "I may feel fat today, but I choose to not waste my energy on that." Or, "I may feel fat today, but I understand my feelings about my body are always changing and this feeling will pass." Remember this. Negative feelings do not have to have the final say. So don't ever look at those things as facts.

I love this quote so much. I saw this the other day and it applies so much to this specific topic. It said, "Feelings are much like waves. We can't stop them from coming, but we can choose which one to surf." And I love that so much because yes, we can and we will have these negative feelings, but it's what we choose to do with them that's the most important thing. And the more energy you focus on focusing on these negative things, they're going to continue to come up and they're going to continue to be in your heart. Instead, let that feeling come and I always like to say, okay, that feeling came in one ear and it's going out the other. And it is no longer holding space in my mind.

Number three, don't force yourself to wear clothes that you don't feel comfortable in. If you're feeling fat or you're feeling bloated, don't wear a crop top that day. Don't try to squeeze into those skinny jeans. Don't wear that tight little dress. If you wear clothes that you don't feel comfortable in all day, then you're going to constantly be reminded of how bloated you're feeling and you're going to lack confidence all day. So why do that to yourself? I encourage you to wear clothes that make you feel good, that make you feel comfortable and confident. Personally, I have a few go-to outfits when I'm having an off day. It looks like an oversized hoodie, leggings, biker shorts, or comfy shorts. These outfits are comfy, yet still cute and flattering. So I want to encourage you to come up with three outfits that can be your go-tos. This will also help you from having a meltdown in the morning at trying on every single piece of clothing and then throwing them on the ground complaining about how nothing looks good and how fat you are.

Girl, we got to avoid that. Just have a few outfits that you know no matter what are going to make you feel good. Toss those on when you're having a bad body image day and voila, my girl, you will immediately feel a lot better. Remember that the secret to great style is to feel good in what you are wearing. And remember that that will change from day to day and be okay with that.

Number four, spend time with people that you love. I want to encourage you when you're having that bad body image day to surround yourself with people who could care less about your body and care more about your heart and your soul and who you are. When you do that, spending time with people that you love is so good for your mind, your heart, your soul. Numerous psychology studies have been shown that how in-person time, not digital time, but in-person face-to-face contact with people, with loved ones can improve anxiety, depression. It can improve body image and it can even lead to living a longer life. So if you need it, here is your sign to text or call that friend or family member that just makes you feel good, that loves you for who you are and make a plan to hang out with them. I promise you, this will make you feel so much better.

Number five, nourish your body with what it needs. Some of us, when we feel bad about our bodies, we like to eat our feelings. Trust me, I understand that. But does eating our feelings truly make us feel better about our bodies? It doesn't. It actually does the exact opposite, which means on the days that you're feeling crappy about your body, I want to encourage you to refrain from overindulging and eating foods that take us even further away from feeling good. I know for me on the days that I'm feeling off, I make it even more of a priority to nail my macros and eat more nutrient dense foods because this alone makes me feel better just knowing that I'm doing what I can to honor my body and food directly correlates with how I feel. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm going to restrict myself. Typically on those days, which could be on my period when I'm feeling super, super bloated or just ugh about myself, I will plan extra sweet treats into my macros.

And so I know number one, that they're already fit into my macros and they are nourishing my body. And two, I also know just how much better I feel when I'm eating nutrient dense foods all day long. I feel fuller longer. I feel satiated. And then at the end of the night, I always have that sweet treat that just kind of tops it off. And it allows me to also enjoy the sweet treat while knowing that overall I'm nourishing my body with what it needs.

Number six, honor your body with movement. How many times have I said this? This is truly my motto in life. I hands down though always feel better in my body after some sort of movement. And especially, I always feel more confident in my body, even if I'm feeling bloated or way down and the last thing I want to do is move my body, I go and do it anyways. Honestly, when I'm having a bad body image day, the best thing that I could possibly do and the thing that I always try to do is move my body. Whether it's just going for a walk, doing 10 minutes of movement, cleaning your house, or it's absolutely slagging a workout, it really doesn't matter what it is as long as you get up and move. I promise you, it will feel so much better. And one little hack that I've done that really helps me on the days that I'm not feeling it, I'll tell myself just 10 minutes and usually that 10 minutes will turn into another 10 minutes, which can turn into another 10 minutes. And before I know it, I've done 30 minutes of intentional movement, and I feel completely night and day different from when I started. Trust me when I say that movement truly is medicine.

And number seven, drink lots of water. Does this feel like a random tip? Let me explain. Many bad body image days stem from us feeling more bloated than usual. We can't actually gain five to 10 pounds in a day, but let's be real. Sometimes it feels like we have. But typically it's just bloat and inflammation that we're feeling and actually, we are the only ones who see it. The simplest way that I have found to help reduce my bloat is to simply be hydrated. I over-hydrate. I prioritize drinking lots of water throughout the day. I wake up, I drink 12 to 18 ounces. I try to start out my day by drinking water and I try to bring my water bottle around with me, like literally carry it around with me so that it reminds me to drink my water first because I know it sounds like an oxymoron. And when you're bloated, the last thing that you want to do is drink more water. But I can tell you, it works. The more you drink water, the less you will feel bloated.

And yes, the first few days of you doing this, if you've never been truly hydrated with what your body needs in terms of water intake, you're going to be going to the bathroom a lot. You might feel a little uncomfortable, but your body is amazing in the fact that it adapts so quickly. So I want to encourage you to drink enough water, really prioritize drinking enough water. And if you're listening to this at nighttime, I want you to do it first thing tomorrow morning. If you're listening to this in the morning, I want you to prioritize hydration for the rest of the day. Trust me, you will feel so much better. So give it a try and you will see just how helpful this tip is.

So let me recap those seven things to do when you are having a bad body image day. Number one, refrain from body checking. Remember, adding that sticky note, writing on that mirror, creating that lock screen. Number two, change your self-talk. Number three, don't force yourself to wear clothes that you don't feel comfortable in. Number four, spend time face to face contact with people that you love. Number five, nourish your body with what it needs. Number six, honor your body with movement. And number seven, drink lots and lots of water. Those are the seven things that truly help me when I'm having a bad body image day. And I had to share them with you because let's be real. It's going to happen. It's not if, but when.

If this podcast helped you in any way, I want to encourage you to screenshot this, post it up on your story and tag four girlfriends that you feel like would really benefit from this. I am going to reshare all of your tags. So be sure to tag Embrace Your Real. If you're not already following Embrace Your Real on Instagram, be sure to do so. That is the account where we share all of the golden nuggets and quotes from the episode. So be sure to go to Instagram, type in Embrace Your Real, give it a follow and then be sure to tag us in your stories. I appreciate you so, so much. Thank you for tuning in. If you have a sister or a friend or a coworker that is maybe not on Instagram or maybe you don't use Instagram that much that you could just text this link to, I encourage you to send it to them in a text message. You can copy the link and send it to them wherever you see fit. But I appreciate you so, so much for tuning in, and I will talk to you in the next episode.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the Gram, be sure to do so, @juliealedbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle, for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

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