3 Ways to Beat Burn Out

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If you feel burnt out, THIS EPISODE IS FOR YOU! Let’s be real, most people feel burnt out. If you are one of these people, I’m guessing it feels like there is no way to overcome it, right? Guess what? You don’t have to feel burnt out for the rest of your life. I have 3 simple lifestyle shifts I need to share with you that I KNOW FOR A FACT will reduce the burnout you feel in your life.

If you need help laying the foundation for a lifestyle where you’re honoring your body, I highly recommend joining us for my Honor Your Body Challenge. Head over to www.honoryourbodychallenge.com to learn more!


Hey, Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real, let's get it. Let's go.

Hello and welcome to Embrace Your Real bonus episode. If you are feeling burnt out, this episode is for you. Let's be real, most people feel burnt out in their life. And if you're one of those people, I'm guessing, it feels like there's no way to overcome it. Guess what? You don't have to feel burnt out for the rest of your life. In today's bonus episode, I have three simple lifestyle shifts that I need to share with you that I know for a fact will reduce the burnout that you feel in your life. But before I dive in, I want to share this review of the day. It comes from Emma111697. She says my go to podcast. I love listening to this podcast by the pool on, my morning commute. And it pairs well with my bubble blast. Julie has great tips for living your happiest, healthiest best life.

This podcast is just what I was looking for. Thank you. First of all, podcast by the pool, I live in Colorado and pools are not common in terms of just at people's houses. So that sounds amazing, especially as we're heading into fall and it's getting cooler. But I just want to say, thank you so much for the review. I appreciate reviews. Be to go to that Apple device, your iPhone, your iPad, your MacBook type in podcast. You'll see that beautiful purple app. You can click on that. Type in Embrace Your Real. First, make sure you're subscribed so that you never miss an episode on Monday and Thursday. And second, rate and review. That is the absolute best gift that you could give me, truly. People ask me all the time. What can I do? What can I do? And I always say, please leave a review.

They help out so much. Just spread the message of Embrace Your Real and they truly keep us going. Okay. So let's get into the three simple ways to beat burnout. The first way is to look at how you're living your life. Jim Kwik, if you have a already heard of him, I encourage you to read his books. He has amazing books. He has amazing Instagram. It's J-I-M, K-W-I-K. But he always says most of the time that we feel burnt out and tired is not because we've done too much, but because we've done too little of what makes us come alive. Do you know those people that seem to have more hours in the day than you and always have endless energy to keep going and going? And you can't seem to understand how in the heck do they live like that?

Those people that seem to have more hours in the day and more energy than you are likely doing things throughout their day, that actually make them feel alive. What they're doing, they're actually passionate about, and it really excites them and they can keep going and going because that passion and excitement fuels and motivates them to keep going and going. If you want to beat burnout, if you want to beat burnout, if you want to feel like you have more hours in the day, you need to do more of what makes you feel alive. But first that comes with self-awareness. What fuels you? What excites you? How can you integrate that into your daily life? This might not be something that you can just flip a switch and do instantly, but I want you to start actively thinking about out this and start making moves and shifts in your schedule, no matter how small, that are ultimately leading you in that direction.

I truly think that quote by Jim is so powerful. I want to repeat it one more time. Perhaps maybe you can write it down in the note section of your phone. You can take a screenshot of it and you can even set it as the background so that you can be reminded of this daily. Most of the time we feel burnt out and tired, not because we've done too much, but because we've done too little of what makes us come alive. The second way to beat burnout is to turn off. I have a friend who constantly talks about how burnt out she is. And yet we were hanging on Saturday night and she was checking her working emails at night on a Saturday. To me, it was a no brainer as to why she was feeling burnt out. If you are feeling the same way, you need to learn how to compartmentalize your life.

You need to put boundaries on your life. When you are working, yes, be 100% present with your work. When you are with family, be 100% present with your family. When you're relaxing, be 100% present and just allow yourself to relax without letting yourself feel guilt or having your brain run a million miles an hour. We need to compartmentalize AKA create boundaries so that we can learn to let ourselves turn off at some point throughout the day. Our body is a machine. As with anything, if it's running all day, every day without ever getting a break, it's going to break, plain and simple. So for me, personally, honoring my body is one of the times for me to turn off. I don't think about anything except what I'm doing. And afterwards, I always feel so refreshed and rejuvenated.

Start creating boundaries. Actually the new iOS update, if you have an iPhone or an Apple device, they have this thing called downtime, which is really cool. And you can set it from like 8:00 PM to 7:00 AM or whatever time you want, really. And then you can pick the apps that are allowed on your phone. And so even if you're like, Hey, well I can't turn off my phone completely, like maybe you're on call or whatever it is. You can set this thing called downtime on your iPhone and it can help you create boundaries. And this is just one step in the direction of really trying to prioritize letting yourself relax and letting yourself wind down and not constantly be running a million miles an hour. Because like I said before, your body is a machine. And if you continue to run it down, it will eventually break, you will eventually break. And the relationships in your life, the things that you do, those things are going to be directly impacted by you breaking down.

So just remember that. And I encourage you to try to find some time to just turn off. No guilt, no judgment, no, I should be doing this. No feelings of stress, just let yourself be. And this is not again, going to be something that you can just do overnight. Maybe you can and succeed with it, but I want to encourage you start with five minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and slowly start to build up and you will see such a difference in the way that you're able to show up in all of the different areas and the different responsibilities in your life when you prioritize this one thing of just allowing yourself to fully turn off.

And the third way to beat burnout is by honoring your body, honoring your body with movement, honoring your body by nourishing it with what it needs, honoring your body with getting enough sleep, the hydration, speaking to yourself, lovingly. If you want to be successful with anything in your life, you need to set yourself up for success. If you're not giving yourself enough sleep, you're always going to be deprived of sleep. If you're not giving yourself enough water, you're always going to be dehydrated. Or if you're always fueling your body with foods that lack nutrients, you're not going to have the energy that you need to show up and perform your best every day in the different various areas that you need to.

I'm telling you, when you prioritize movement, when you prioritize nourishing your body, when you prioritize speaking to yourself lovingly, hydration, sleep, those things are going to single handedly transform your life. And if you're needing help with laying the foundation for those lifestyle changes when it comes to honoring your body, I want to encourage you and personally invite you to join the honor your body challenge. Together inside this four week challenge, we'll move our bodies. We'll nourish our bodies and we will make time to make these things a real habit so that we can continue showing up in our life, in our best self.

So when you sign up, you get access to four weeks worth of workouts and you get lifetime access to that. So at any time you can go back to that workout plan. You can do the workouts. I've seen people that have done them months later, and they can commit another four weeks to really going through that program. Again, you also get the macro friendly recipes, over 30 recipes. We have breakfast, entrees, desserts, and sides. You also get access to a quick start guide, which is an incredible resource. It's an ebook that's going to teach you how to master nourishing your body, eating out, mindset tips, tricks, all of those things, as well as getting the accountability and support that you need.

Through these challenges I have seen thousands of women commit to honoring their body and show up to their life in their best self. It is such a blessing to see how much this can truly transform women's lives. And it's the kickstart that they need to continue the sustainable lifestyle change. So if this sounds interesting to you, if you want to learn more, you can go to honoryourbodychallenge.com. Again, that's honoryourbodychallenge.com. If the link for that is still open, that means there is still a spot available for you. We start the challenge on October 4th. You are not going to want to miss it. I'm telling you this challenge will be the kickstart that you need. If you just feel like you're lacking in balance in your life. If you feel like almost, you have a cracked foundation and you need to get your priority straight again, go to honoryourbodychallenge.com and sign up.

I look forward to doing this challenge alongside of you. We start October 4th. Invite a friend, invite two friends. I've seen mom and daughter do it together. I've seen best friends do it together. It's been incredible to see these women show up for themselves. And as a result, they become closer to those friends that they do it with, or they have a better bond with their mom. And it's just amazing. So again, go to honoryourbodychallenge.com. You can easily go sign up there. If that link is still open, that means there is still a spot available for you, but spots are going quick. And as soon as it is full, we are closing enrollment. I look forward to seeing you inside the challenge. I hope that this quick bonus episode helped you in some way, shape, or form. Just remember what Jim said. Most of the time we are feeling burnt out, not because we've done too much, but because we've done too little of what makes us come alive.

I want you to feel your best. The last three or four months of this year, I want you to go into the holiday season feeling your best, feeling your most alive, and feeling your most balanced. And that is exactly what I believe this challenge is going to help you do. Go to the link in the show notes, click that, join the challenge. I look forward to doing this alongside of you. Thank you so much for tuning in today's bonus episode. And I will talk to you in the next one.

All right, sister, that's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so @JulieaLedbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple podcast, to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

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