5 Health Myths that Need to be Busted Immediately



Nowadays, with so much information readily available at the tip of your fingers, it can be challenging to decipher which ones are facts and fakes. That's why, in this episode of Embrace Your Real, we dive into the world of health myths that are often misleading and confusing. We'll tackle five prevalent myths and shed light on the truth, helping you make more informed decisions on your fitness and nutrition journey. Get ready to discover how walking is a powerful form of exercise, why intensity isn't the key to muscle growth and more!


What I discuss:

  1. Walking isn't a form of exercise

  2. Intense workouts don't equal muscle growth

  3. You don't need to overhaul your diet

  4. You don't have to be sore to gain muscle

  5. You're either on or off a diet

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

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Movement With Julie | App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/

Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

Get my eBook: FREE Macro Counting Ebook

Amazon Storefront: Julie Ledbetter's Amazon Page


[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human you're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter, a podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I get you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:28][21.0]

[00:00:27] Hello and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace Your Real podcast, five Health Myths That Need to Be Busted Immediately. We all live in the social media age of information. It is information overload, which honestly, information overload. That's kind of even an understatement. Understanding kind of what is fact and what is fiction that can be so challenging, and it's more than easy to fall into this persistent like belief that you know what you're learning or what you're seeing on social media is the truth. And there's so many health myths out there that are trying to mislead you. They're trying to confuse you whether people are doing it maliciously or even non maliciously. There's just so much money in the health and fitness industry and people make money off of people being confused and people being misled. And so that's why in today's episode, I really want to tackle five common health myths that need to be busted and really kind of shed the light and truth to help you understand and make more informed decisions about your personal health and fitness and nutrition journey. But before we dive in, I want to show this trivia comes from Janet 623. She gave a five star review and said, I recently joined the movement with Julie app. I also started listening to the podcast and most recently I have refound my faith. [00:01:40][72.5]

[00:01:40] The podcast just aligns and encourages all of my beliefs. When Julie speaks, I feel like my dear best friend is talking words of wisdom to me. I always feel lighter and breathing easier and less scatterbrained after listening to these podcasts. Thank you so much Julie. I am so grateful. This is so encouraging just to know that you know all of the resources and the podcasts and the Julie app, they're all helping you in some way, shape or form. That's always my goal. That's always my prayer when I, you know, turn on the mic to record these podcasts is that it somehow encourages you, inspires you, empowers you in your health and fitness journey and your faith journey just in your, you know, self-discovery journey in general. So thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in this review. Let's dive in to these health myths that need to be busted immediately. Number one, I hear this all the time, and most recently I heard it as I was scrolling through TikTok. This guy got on here. He's like, walking isn't a form of exercise. And I'm like, and it has millions of views. You know, I would say probably 5050. There was about 50% of the comments of people like I agree. Oh my gosh, this is so insightful. Thank you. I always thought, you know, walking was a form of exercise, but you really opened my eyes. And then about 50% of people being like, well, you're crazy. I personally believe that he's absolutely crazy. Walking is absolutely a form of exercise, and people think walking isn't actually an exercise because it can feel less intense for whatever reason. And this was me. Honestly, for a long time, I would say about 4 or 5 years going into this health and fitness journey, I never really looked at walking as like I would never equate it to a workout, which is crazy because it absolutely is. [00:03:19][98.9]

[00:03:20] You know, I personally thought that these workouts and if it wasn't an intense workout, if I wasn't dripping sweat afterwards, like it wasn't a workout that I could count. And that just is so far from the truth. Like walking, you know, is not. Especially if you're just casually walking. Like it might not feel like you're working hard or, you know, as hard as some other exercises or workouts. But it absolutely is a form of exercise. And yes, it's not going to tone your muscles per se, but it shouldn't be overlooked. I in fact, many fitness and health experts are really coming out and talking about how walking is one of the most underrated, important types of physical activity that we can do. And they even honestly, a lot of people are starting to recommend it over jogging and over other forms of cardio for many various reasons. But according to the Mayo Clinic, walking helps to maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat. It can prevent and manage various health conditions, improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen your bones, muscles, and even improve muscular endurance. Now notice that I say muscular endurance, not muscular strength. Two totally different things, however, still both equally important. A study in the International Journal of Obesity found that individuals who engage in a brisk walk for at least 150 minutes per week actually achieved significant weight loss compared to those who didn't. Another study actually had one group of participants who walked for one hour, five days a week for 12 weeks, along with, you know, a calorie controlled diet and another group which just focused on the control diet. The walking group actually lost more weight and body fat compared to those who just followed the diet. Now I will say, of course, I've always talked about this year nutrition is so important. [00:05:02][101.9]

[00:05:02] And so if you can't, do, you know, both at the same time, if you can't commit to, you know, walking as well as focusing on your nutrition, I will always say to start with your nutrition, that is the foundation. However, with that being said, it can be so beneficial to add in walking, even if it's if you can't do an hour, five days a week, you know, start with two days a week, start with three days a week. But there was actually another study done on walking that in. Involved a woman who walked for 50 to 70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks, and this group showed a decrease in waist circumference and body fat percentage compared to the other control group. So it's just it's one of those exercises that you can absolutely do on top of your resistance training without the risk of overtraining. It's also great for women who have PCOS, you know, who shouldn't be doing this and engaging in these high intensity activities. It's also great while you're menstruating if you're on your menstrual cycle. Oh my gosh, I can't even tell you how beneficial it can be to just walk. Also, now that I'm, you know, 34 weeks pregnant, I will tell you walking has single handedly changed my pregnancy. I can definitely tell the days that I just feel so much better when I'm engaging and walking, even if it's for 30 35 minutes over nothing. I just feel so much better. I feel like it has helped just with blood flow in general. It's helped with my mental health and also it has helped so, so much with digestion. You ladies who have gone through pregnancy or are currently going through pregnancy, no matter what trimester you're in, you know what I'm talking about when I say digestion can definitely be an issue. [00:06:35][92.9]

[00:06:36] So so so great for that. And honestly, if you find yourself, you know, pregnant or not, and you find yourself doing too much high intensity workouts, you are likely going to feel bloated. You're likely going to feel inflamed, you're likely to feel like you're just carrying some extra weight in that midsection. And this is because when you are constantly engaging in those high intensity activity activities and workouts, you know, I'm talking 4 or 5 days a week that's going to raise your cortisol levels. And when you raise your cortisol levels too high, that's going to trigger those types of issues. Plus, the beauty of walking is that you can honestly do it anywhere, anytime, making it such a convenient option for honoring your body with movement, which is something I talk about often. So if you are someone where you know it's only feasible to work out 2 or 3 days a week, on the other days, I want to encourage you to just simply get a walk in to maximize those results. I personally started this, you know, back in 2020, honoring my body with movement for at least 30 minutes a day, whether that's resistance training, walking, cleaning my house, jogging, I mean, so many different types of movement. And there are so many studies that just alone that I mentioned earlier, as well as so many other studies, not in this podcast that in fact, you know, walking absolutely is definitely still a form of movement and therefore it is beneficial. Therefore, it is so, so important to engage in that. And so I just want to encourage you, wherever you are, to just start walking, whether this is walking outside, especially now that we are getting into the warmer months, it is so beneficial to walk. [00:08:06][90.8]

[00:08:07] It is so helpful to just get outside first thing in the morning, get some vitamin D, get some fresh breath air. But if that's not an option for you walking pad, I will forever be a fan of the walking pad. It is single handedly changed my productivity. It is. It has changed so many aspects of my day, of my mental health, and I personally invested in a stand up desk as well as a walking pad. You know, Amazon has tons of different options. I can link the walking pad that I personally use in the show notes below, but that is such a great, such a great investment. You know, 2 or $300. I know it's a it's a kind of a hefty investment upfront, but I'm telling you, if you use it two, three, four days a week, you are going to thank yourself. And the ones on Amazon are great. They're super versatile. You can wheel them around, you can put them in a closet and store them when you're not using them. They're just super lightweight and really easy and versatile to move around the house, which is great whether you're watching a show and you want to get some steps in, or you're working and you want to get some steps in. So I highly recommend that. Number two, intense workouts. It does not equal muscle growth. So this is kind of similar to what we just discussed. But intense doesn't always equal better or, you know, more beneficial or more effective. Sometimes too much intensity can actually lead to overtraining and actually ruin your results. So here's what you need to know about muscle growth. It happens with these two things progressive overload and volume. So you need to slowly increase the weight that you're using in your workouts, which is progressive overload. [00:09:33][85.9]

[00:09:33] Some type of there's so many different types of progressive overload, but you know, increasing the weight, increasing the volume, changing up the tempo, things like that. And you need to do this with a certain amount of sets and reps, which is volume like I just mentioned. So you can do these two things without ever, you know, breaking a sweat or getting your heart rate high. And those oftentimes are the things that we associate with a good workout with intensity, right? We associate a good workout with intensity, sweat, heart rate, all those things. But a good and effective workout is one where you're actually, you know, utilizing the right amount of sets and reps and you're using the proper weight that you need that is challenging for you with where you're at and what your goals are. And this is going to be much more effective for your results than constantly doing, like these hit workouts or bootcamp style workouts that are much more intense. Now, I'm not saying that you can't ever do those, but I am saying that I personally, I'm just a huge fan of resistance. Training and having that be the core foundation of your training. Again, this is going to vary from person to person depending on your goals. If you're training for an Ironman, if you're training for some sort of marathon or something that is very cardio based, now, obviously your goals are going to change. I will still absolutely, 100% tell you that resistance training should be a form of your training on a week to week basis, because it's so important to keep those muscles strong, especially even if you're just, you know, you're engaging in marathons, half marathons, full marathons, really building up that strength in your glutes and hamstrings. [00:11:00][86.4]

[00:11:00] That's going to be so beneficial and only help you in your speed and just endurance long term. But I believe the majority of women who are just wanting to stay active, they're wanting to feel good, they're wanting to stay, you know, lean and fit. Resistance training should absolutely be the foundation of your workouts and doing too much high intensity workouts as a woman. I've talked about this on so many different podcasts, but it can cause so many hormonal balances that can actually trigger fat storage, whereas resistance training and walking will prime your body for fat burning. Now, if you want to, you know, prime your body for fat burning without having to do these crazy intense hit sessions or bootcamp style workouts. This is why I'm such a firm believer in dumbbell workouts. I will forever be the dumbbell girl. Like I'm telling you, I swear by them. There are that there are hundreds of thousands of women that you know. Find my page. They are encouraged by dumbbell workouts. I hear thousands of women on a weekly basis, you know, who are following my particular weekly workouts that are done, my only workouts, seeing massive results, better results than they ever saw, you know, going to the gym. And they're just able to do these workouts wherever a few pair of dumbbells, a small space, that's all you need. And with this programing, I give you everything that you need. So it's a five day program, you know, five workouts a week, but you can absolutely do 2 or 3 workouts. Now. You know, I will tell you optimally you'll see the best results at three minimum. You want to do three minimum workouts, but I have 30 minute, 60 minute workouts for each workout option. [00:12:31][90.9]

[00:12:32] So depending on your time constraints each to each day, you can absolutely, you know, get a good solid workout in that's effective that you know, is actually working towards your goals and not working against you. I am programing the certain amount of reps and sets and volume for optimal results. And then also it does have a weight tracker, meaning that it's going to calculate the amount of weight that you lift in your workout. And this is so, so encouraging. This is one of the most, in my opinion, one of the coolest benefits of being able to log your workouts in terms of the weight that you use is it can feel so empowering because I think in this journey, oftentimes we are so focused on the number being less and less, but when you are logging your workouts, it can get addicting to be like, okay, how strong can I get? You know, how much weight can I lift? And it's just so encouraging and empowering to see that weight lifted, you know, 5000, 7000, 10,000 pounds in a workout. It is just so encouraging to see that. And so when you are logging your weight inside the app, you actually have access to that and you can see your history. You can also see, you know, at the end of the workout, this is how much weight you lifted. So if that's interesting to you or if you is kind of piques your interest and you want to learn more about my dumbbell only workouts, you can go to sale. That's Sally julia.com. And there all the information will be there for you. Number three, you do not need to overhaul your diet. Oh my gosh. This is one of the biggest myths that I hear and see. [00:13:55][83.4]

[00:13:56] In fact, you don't need to eliminate anything from your diet in order to build the body that you want if you have to overhaul your diet. I personally believe that it shouldn't be a diet that you know you should be following. It's not going to be one that sustainable long term. It's really all about portions and macros. Now, I'm not telling you if you know you want to start focusing on ingredients of foods, that's totally different. But I think oftentimes people label these foods as good or bad, and they think, oh, well, you know, if I have goals to get to a certain body fat percentage or just feel my best get more energy, they think that they can't have sweets, they can't have pizza, they can't have these normal foods. And I'm like, that couldn't be further from the truth. It's really all about portions and learning how to properly fuel your body through utilizing the tool of macro counting. Like you can absolutely eat whatever you want and still build the body that you want. It's really, you know, the best of both worlds. If you want to have ice cream or chocolate every day, you can absolutely do that. The trick is that you fit it into your daily allotment of macronutrients your protein, carbs, and fats. You know? And that's why I'm a firm believer in utilizing that tool, because it's so, so important to optimally fuel your body, but also not eliminate foods, not have a negative relationship with foods, because that's what's going to harm you long term, right? There's no on or off foods. It's just about getting the proper amount of macros in daily. And it really comes down to portion control. So, you know, maybe let's say, for example, you were eating three scoops of ice cream every single night now. [00:15:26][89.9]

[00:15:26] Maybe one scoop when you learn how to properly feel your body like, oh, actually, you know, with my other meals and snacks that I'm having on a daily basis, you know, one scoop that's going to still fit into my daily allotment of macros and I can still have that, but the three scoops, that's going to be a little bit more carbs and fats. And you know what my daily allotment is, especially if I want to have these other meals and snacks throughout the day. Right? It isn't overhauling your diet, it's just making these small minor adjustments. And the beauty of mastering portion control and tracking macros is that it really allows for flexibility and allows for sustainability. Like, you don't have to swear off your favorite foods. You don't have to follow this rigid meal plan to see results. Instead, you can enjoy a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods while still making progress towards your health and fitness goals. So if you want to learn all about macro counting, I do have a program for that. You get your personalized macros calculated, plus you get an entire guide on really how to work through the different macro phases, which I have tons of different podcasts on. You know, whether it's body fat loss, it's reverse diet, it's maintenance, it's muscle building. There's four different phases of macro counting. And it's really important that you not just stay in one forever. Especially, you know, as your goals progress, as different seasons of life happen, it's important that the ebb and flow happens throughout your macro phase journey as well. So if you want to learn more about that, you can go to macro counting made simple.com. I have all the information over there so that you can learn about it and get started. [00:16:53][86.9]

[00:16:54] Number four, you don't have to be sore to gain muscle. So I bet you know this picture all too well. You wake up in the morning after a grueling workout, and every muscle in your body is screaming with every movement that you make. And I'm guessing, like you're probably thinking some somewhere along the lines of, oh, that was such a good workout yesterday. But what if I told you that soreness actually isn't the ultimate indicator of a successful workout? Like it just isn't right. The idea that you have to feel sore after a workout to know that it's effective, that's actually more of a myth. And I want to kind of dive into that because this is something that so many people think. And I'm not saying that if if you are sore that, you know, it wasn't a good workout, it's not what I'm saying at all. What I am saying is that you can have a very effective workout and not be sore the next day or the next day after that. When you engage in physical activity, especially if it's something new or more intense, your body that you know that your body is not accustomed to, you're essentially creating these micro tears in your muscle fibers. And this progress and this process is known as delayed onset muscle soreness, which is also called Doms. So Doms if you ever see that in capitals. That's just an abbreviation for delayed onset muscle soreness. And this is kind of your body's way of repairing and strengthening strengthening those muscles. So yes, feeling sore after a workout is entirely normal, particularly if you pushed yourself to new limits. If you try new movements, if you push new weight, maybe you were in a time crunch. [00:18:22][87.9]

[00:18:22] You did it. You know, in a shorter you had shorter rest periods. There's so many different factors that go into it. However, the myth that comes into play here is that soreness alone doesn't necessarily correlate with the effectiveness of your workout, like I mentioned earlier, right? In fact, relying solely on soreness as a gauge of progress that can actually be misleading. And here's why not all workouts are created equal. Some workouts will leave you feeling sore the next day, while others might not elicit the same level of soreness. Factors such as exercise intensity, duration, type of movement, individual fitness levels all of those things factor into how your body responds, and so feeling sore doesn't necessarily mean that you know you're you're making progress towards your fitness goals. While Doms can indicate that you've challenged your muscles, it doesn't guarantee that you've stimulated significant muscle growth. And if you are constantly, you know, chasing soreness as a measure of a good workout, you might fall into the trap of overtraining. And overtraining really just occurs when you push your body beyond the limits, you know, without giving it an adequate amount or time of rest of recovery, you know, which is going to lead to fatigue, decreased performance, lack of muscle growth, and even weight gain. So you're probably listening to this and you're like, okay, well, I always thought soreness was an indicator of a good workout. And if I wasn't sore then it wasn't a good workout. So what should I focus on instead? The answer is always going to be progressive overload. Let me repeat that regardless of soreness, the most important factor for muscle growth in particular is progressive overload, which means that you're gradually increasing the challenge on your muscles over time. [00:19:58][96.3]

[00:19:59] And you can do this by lifting heavier weights. So as your muscles get stronger, gradually increasing the weight that you lift, you know that's going to force them to adapt and grow. You can also do this by doing more sets and reps. So increasing the number of repetition or sets that you perform with the same weight, that can also provide a greater training stimulus. You can also implement shorter rest periods. Now you don't have to do all these things at once. In fact, I would not recommend that you do all of them at once. Kind of pick. One stick with that. But shortening rest periods. So reducing rest time between sets that can keep your muscles under tension for longer, promoting growth. All that to say, if you don't feel sore, it doesn't mean that your workout wasn't effective. That's the biggest key here that I want to make sure that you are understanding. And lastly, number five, you're either on or off a diet. I need to get back on my diet. I'm not on a diet right now. I am on a diet right now. This is how most people talk in their weight loss journey. And it's probably something that you've said before. I know for me, for a decade of my life, I was in this vicious cycle of being on a diet, being off a diet. I need to be on a diet. Like it was just this constant idea that being on a diet, you know, you have to have restriction deprivation. And people often associate that with thinking that that's going to give them results. And if they're off their diet, they have these feelings of guilt or shame or a sense of failure. And I'm telling you, just speaking from decades of experience and also working with thousands of women over the last ten years, that there is a middle ground and it's called balance. [00:21:34][94.8]

[00:21:34] And it's so, so important to find that balance. The balance will ever be changing, especially with different seasons of life. But it's so important that you chase that balance. And I personally, since about 9 to 10 years, I have been operating in a, for lack of a better term, balance. I've been operating in this, and I do believe that it absolutely can exist, and it does exist, and you can still see results. You can still chase your goals, but you can also operate from this sense of balance. And balance is really about finding harmony. You know, in your relationship with food where no food is inherently good or bad and all foods really have a place in your diet, and it's about finding the foods that make you feel good, bring you joy, while also, you know, ensuring that they're properly fitting into fueling your body optimally through utilizing the tool of macro counting. Whether you're counting all through macronutrients or you're just focusing on prioritizing protein, hydrating your body. But it's really all about tuning into your body's hunger cues, your fullness cues, honoring your cravings without judgment, and really making choices that nourish both your body and your soul. You know you can eat the French fries without the guilt. You can eat the carrot while you know not being on a diet like you can absolutely have these things where you know you're eating vegetables because you love the vegetables, not because you feel guilty or you're going out to eat and you're having a burger and you're enjoying it and you're not feeling guilty. It's all of these. You can have those that balance there. And again, it's really all about finding that balance that is for you. And balance can be such a beautiful thing. [00:23:11][96.9]

[00:23:11] And I personally believe that so many women can find balance when they are empowered and educated about how to properly fuel your body. Which is why, again, I'm such a firm believer in, at the very least, learning that tool of macro counting. Whether you utilize it for a season or you utilize it for many, many seasons in your life. But it can be so beneficial because when you feel empowered and encouraged and educated about a certain topic, you no longer feel shame. You no longer feel just uneasy. Because I don't know about you. But whenever I'm not educated in a specific topic, I tend to shy away from it. I tend to, you know, go down this rabbit hole of thinking that, oh my gosh, like, I'm not doing this right and I just spiral out of control. But if you feel empowered or educated about a specific topic, you want to invest more in it. You feel confident. And that's what I want for you. I want you to feel confident around food. I want you to feel confident around social situations because that's what this life is all about. This life is about connecting with people. This life is about, you know, living for memories and not just constantly being on this this toxic cycle of being on a diet and feeling like you're restricting so much and you're not living your life. And then so you drop off the diet and then you feel, oh my gosh, I'm guilty. I can't reach my goals. And so it's just this constant cycle. So I want balance for you. And I believe that you can achieve that balance and the balance personally, in my opinion, and through my many years of just working with thousands of women, it can be achieved by being educated and empowered around food. [00:24:42][90.9]

[00:24:43] Okay, so there you have it. Those are five important health myths that need to be busted. So let me repeat those five things that are actually myths. Number one, walking isn't a form of exercise. The truth is that it absolutely, 100% is a great form of exercise and should definitely be utilized on a regular basis. Number two, intense workouts don't equal muscle growth. The truth is that workouts don't have to leave you feeling drenched in sweat to mean that you got an effective workout, and that's so important to remember. Myth number three you don't need to overhaul your diet truth. You just need to change your portion sizes. You don't need to do all of this overhauling that can feel very overwhelming and very on. Unsustainable. Myth number four you don't have to be sore to gain muscle. Please remember this one. Please, please, please. The truth is that soreness really has nothing to do with muscle growth. Now, I'm not saying that if you're sore it wasn't a good workout. You can absolutely still get a good workout in. But I'm I'm just reminding you that you can absolutely get a great, effective workout in without feeling sore. And lastly, myth number five you're either on or off a diet. The truth is that you should be striving for this place of balance and not bouncing between the two. So again, if you are ready to kind of find a good place with your nutrition, be sure to check out my macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy. It really inside that course. It teaches you how to find that balance that I've been talking about so that you can enjoy life. Really, you don't have to overhaul your whole diet, right? You can still see the results that you want to see by eating the foods that you love. [00:26:19][95.7]

[00:26:19] You'll get your custom macros calculated, you'll learn how to properly fuel your body and all of that. And then the second thing is, if you're kind of ready to overhaul your workouts or you're wanting to try dumbbell only workouts at home, especially as we head into the summer months, busy months, kids are at home. You know, it's just a crazy time. You're traveling a ton. Dumbbell workouts are so effective. They are so convenient. I can't get over the fact of just how convenient they are, because they can truly be done anytime, anywhere. All you need is small space and a few pair of dumbbells to get a crazy effective workout in. And I teach you all of that inside my movement with Julie app. So I have the Macro Academy and Simple online Academy for nutrition at the moment with Julie app for your dumbbell only workouts. I will link both of those things in the show. Notes that you can easily go check those out. I hope that this was helpful for you. I hope that this gave you some good insight and maybe gave you some good food for thought. Or at the very least, it just kind of ensured and reassured you of just some things that maybe you are thinking of, or that you've thought in the past couple months and you just didn't know or you were unsure of. Hopefully this just gave you some confirmation like, hey, you're on the right path. You know what you previously thought was a myth? And now that you're on this right path, just continue going forward. Continue trusting the process. But if you have a friend or coworker, there's someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this specific episode. [00:27:43][83.7]

[00:27:44] I decided that you shared out with them. You can always copy the link, send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story. Your Facebook story, share it with your community. I always love, love, love seeing where you guys are tuning in from and how these episodes are helping you. But that is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so dang much, I mean it, I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:28:14]

[00:28:14] All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace it real because you're worth it. [00:29:02]