30 Things About Life I've Learned To Be True [Birthday Episode!]



It’s my 30th birthday! Where has the time gone? Honestly, I still don't feel older than a junior in high school who just got her driver's license! But looking back on the last 30 years of my life, I can say I have learned so much (and most times learned the hard way!). That's why I dedicated this episode to sharing 30 things about life I’ve learned to be true with the goal in mind to help you avoid making the same mistakes I have made. I hope these things will inspire you and empower you to embrace your real!

Episodes mentioned:

2: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Weight Loss Goals

5: 10 Things I Do Every Morning To Win My Day

7: Getting Out of Your Fitness Funk

12: Stop Caring What Others Think of You

14: 3 Ways to Stop Feeling Like a Failure

17: Why Lean Doesn’t Equal Healthy

23: 5 Steps to Building Unshakeable Confidence

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