3 Things You Should Never Feel Guilty For

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Okay, time for some real talk: We live in a world where we are often are terrified of what other people think and hold so much value to the opinions that other people may have of us. ⁣

So much so, that we start to feel guilty for doing things, changing things, or even start belittling our self worth because of another person. ⁣

But why?⁣ Why should you sacrifice bettering yourself because the fear of what another might say? ⁣That’s why today I want to chat about three things you need to stop feeling guilty for!

If you loved this episode, I know you will also love…

Episode 66: 7 Things to Stop Apologizing For


Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Hello, and welcome back to another bonus episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast. I am dishing you some real talk. We live in a world where we often are terrified of what other people think, and hold so much value to the opinions of what other people may have of us, so much so that we start to feel guilty for doing things, changing things, or even start belittling our self-worth because of another person.

But why? Why should you sacrifice bettering yourself because of the fear of what another might say? That's why in today's episode. I want to chat with you about three things that you need to stop feeling guilty for. But before I go any further, I want to share this super-sweet review. It comes from HBFitness7. She says, "A beam of light. Julie, this podcast is the beam of light I need to start my day and conquer my week. I have listened to each episode multiple times, constantly grabbing new tidbits each replay. You are filled with knowledge and wisdom, and I want to thank you for sharing it with me. I am an online coach, constantly pouring out energy into others, and your podcast is my time to pour into myself. I hope you do the same. XO, XO Hannah."

Oh, my gosh. Thank you so much. I couldn't agree more with you. I feel like as coaches ourselves, and just even as leaders, or even leaders in our family, if you're a mom or if your niece, or if you're a leader in some group or at work, you have to remember that you have to prioritize yourself. You have to give yourself your time to recharge and get regrouped before you can start pouring out to other people. Remember you can't pour from an empty cup.

Okay, so listen up. I have three things that I want to share with you that you need to stop feeling guilty for. Number one, changing for the better. If you have goals that often require you to change certain habits or things in your life so that your actions can align with your goals, the sad thing is many people won't understand or support these changes. When other people don't want to change or don't have the motivation to change, they'll often tend to make you feel guilty for changing. And they'll make you feel like your change is something negative. Essentially you're making them feel insecure about themselves, but really this has nothing to do with you, and it really has everything to do with them. That's why you have to stop feeling guilty. Do not allow their voices to hinder you from getting to where you want to be.

Number two, stop feeling guilty for knowing your worth. Knowing your worth is one of the most powerful things that you can do for yourself. It makes you live differently. It makes you pursue different things. It makes you interact with other people more confidently. It allows you to speak up for what you deserve. It makes you not put up with anything or anyone that doesn't match with what you know your value is and what you deserve. It gives you the confidence to stand up for what you believe in. And it gives you the confidence to most importantly embrace your real. The only people who will make you be upset or who will make you feel guilty for knowing your worth are those who benefited from you not knowing your worth. You have to remember that. If someone doesn't agree with you for acting in a way that matches your worth, they don't need to be in your life, plain and simple.

Number three, you have to stop feeling guilty for staying true to your vision. If you have a vision for your life, and you want to go accomplish it, great. I have to remind you to stay true to that. Don't let the opinions of others hold you back from chasing those goals and dreams wholeheartedly. So many people live their lives only looking at the small picture of life and it makes them feel uncomfortable when other people look at the big picture of their life. You have to remember this, that some people think too small. They think what they can accomplish is so much smaller than what they can actually accomplish, they can't even wrap their minds around what others are thinking when they're setting big goals to match their big visions.

And some people don't like change. They don't have the same ambition as you or they're stuck in a certain way of life and stuck at looking at life through a certain perspective. And when you show up looking at life differently, thinking big, aiming high, they literally cannot grasp it. And because they can't grasp it, they're going to try to talk you out of it. They're going to focus on all the reasons why it's bad, why it won't work, why you shouldn't go for it, why you should feel guilty, why you should do this, why you should do that. Don't let those people and don't let those small visions get to you and hold you back from staying true to your vision.

So let me recap those three things that you need to stop feeling guilty for, effective immediately. Number one, stop feeling guilty for changing for the better. Number two, stop, feeling guilty for knowing your worth. And number three, stop feeling guilty for staying true to your vision.

If you loved this episode, I know you will also love Episode 66, Seven Things That You Need To Stop Apologizing For. This episode is important because I know us as women love to apologize for everything, but here's the truth. We're allowed to take up space in the world. We're allowed to do and say whatever feels most authentic to us without feeling the need to apologize. So in this episode, I walk you through seven things that we need to stop apologizing for ASAP. You can easily go listen to that episode by following the link in the show notes. Again, that's Episode 66, Seven Things To Stop Apologizing For.

If you loved this episode, I just encourage you that you share it out. You can post it up on your story. You can tag me Julie Ledbetter. Tag embrace real account. If you have somebody, a coworker, a sister, a friend, you can always copy the link, send it to them in a text message. I love connecting with you guys. I love hearing your aha moments. Thank you so much for tuning in, and I'll talk to you guys in the next episode.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the Gram, be sure to do so, Julie A. Ledbetter. Yes. It's with an A in the middle for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real, because you're worth it.

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