When is it Okay to Choose Memories over Macros?



Macros over memories or Memories over macros? How do you know when counting your macros, eating in moderation, and sticking to the foods that make you feel your best is your number one priority? And how do you know when creating memories and letting go of your goal-focused mindset is more important? I know this is a pressing question and that’s why I’m going to share how I personally call the shots when it comes to which one I choose in this episode of Embrace you are Real.

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Episode 78: 11 Ways to Avoid Overeating this Holiday Season


Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace a real, let's get in and let's go.

Hello, hello and welcome back to another bonus episode of the Embrace Your Podcast. I am so grateful that you are here spending some time with me today, wherever you're tuning in. Macros over memories or memories over macro. How do you know when to choose one? I know that this is a pressing question and that's why I want to share with you how I personally call the shots when it comes to which one I choose.

But before I dive in, I have to share the super-sweet review. It comes from Amanda Bass, she says, "Subscribe, do it. You will thank yourself for subscribing and following Julie. Having her presence in my social is a highlight and reminder to love yourself. I have struggled with eating disorders and having people like her and your social literally makes your mindset shift without much effort. I highly suggest this podcast for anyone who is on a fitness or life journey to be whole happy and a confident human."

Thank you so much, Amanda, for the review. I sincerely appreciate your reviews. They make my day and they are honestly why I do what I do. If you haven't already rated and reviewed, all you have to do is press pause, scroll all the way down on Apple podcast and you can rate and review. It takes less than 30 seconds and it helps us out so much. If this podcast has helped you in any way, I just ask that you leave a review. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. So macros over memories or memories over macros. So what do I mean by that, exactly?

How do you know when counting your macros, eating in moderation and sticking to foods that make you feel your best is your number one priority? And how do you know when creating memories and letting go over your goal focus mindset is more important? I know the struggle is for so many of you myself included for years and years of my life, so I want to make it simple for you. The first question that you need to ask yourself is how consistent have you been? Have you been counting your macros 70% of the time, 80% of the time, 90% of the time?

If you've been counting your macros consistently just know that one day isn't going to make or break anything for you. When you are consistent with anything, straying offtrack for a moment won't make a dent in the progress that you've made. Just like one salad will not be the end, all be all to reaching your health and fitness goals. One day or one meal off is not going to completely derail you. So there's really no point to stress out about it.

The second question that you need to ask yourself is how much is food apart of the experience? Can you have an amazing time without experiencing every single food on the table? Sometimes the food is a huge part of the enjoyment of the experience, aka thanksgiving which is when this episode is going to be airing. So if not giving yourself permission to enjoy the food freely takes away from your enjoyment, then you should absolutely choose memories over macros.

When you look back at your life, you're not going to be thankful for all the times that you chose to count macros instead of creating memories, you'll look back at your life remembering all of the incredible memories that you have made instead of stressing out about reaching your macros. Counting your macros takes away from fully experiencing a moment with your friends, family then please, please, please, by all means choose the frigging memories. And the third question that you need to ask yourself is what feels right to you?

Will you regret your decision tomorrow? Whether you choose macros or memories, if you know it won't make you feel good, is it worth the way it will make you feel? Have you been choosing memories over macros a lot recently and using that as an excuse? So do you really need to choose it again in the moment or vice versa? Have you been choosing to count your macros so rigidly that you haven't been able to experience these memories?

This is only something that you can answer for yourself, but you have to remember that when you allow yourself to let your yeses be yeses in your nos, be nos, whether that is choosing the memory over the macro or the macro over the memory at the end of the day, when you made that conscious decision, you're telling your brain, I am okay with this. I'm not going to live in guilt, whether it's one way or the other. Only you know what at is right for you so take a moment to tune into yourself and determine what feels right and be honest with yourself.

There's one more thing that I need to add, whatever you choose in that moment for whatever occasion is okay. If you choose macros, if you choose to really be intentional about making sure you're getting enough protein and you're not completely overindulging, I don't want anybody to make you feel bad for your dedication to your goals. You do you and don't hold on to the shame anyone tries to place on you. If you choose memories, don't make yourself feel bad for enjoying the holiday, enjoying the treat the way that you want to enjoy it.

You do you and don't hold onto the shame that you are trying to place on yourself. Whatever you choose, be confident in that decision that you've made. Don't let yourself have any regret and don't punish yourself. It's not worth it. Otherwise, is anything that you ever choose actually worth it if you're going to constantly live in this vicious cycle of shame and regret? If you loved this episode, I know you will also love episode 78, 11 Ways to Avoid Overeating this Holiday Season.

In this episode, I really dive into practical tips and tools to help you navigate through the holiday season while enjoying all of the sights, the sounds, the tastes without feeling like you have to overindulge at every single event or every single party that you go to. So be sure to tune into the episode, if you found this episode helpful I would love to hear your aha moments. So be sure to screenshot this, post it up on your story, tag me Julie Ledbetter. I love seeing and connecting with you listeners.

I love you so so much, go out there and let your yeses be yeses and your nos be nos. And I'll talk to you guys in the next episode. All right sister, that's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram be sure to do so, Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle. For that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check.

The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple podcast to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

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