What Supplements Are Worth Taking?!



The supplement market has grown to be a multi-billion dollar sector in the world of health and fitness. And because of the promises made, many people are willing to spend money on supplements in the hopes of finding a quick fix that will drastically improve their results over night.  

The majority of supplements, however, only provide minor advantages and might only have a 1% overall impact on your progress. That’s why in today’s episode, I want to talk about supplements actually worth taking. 


What I discuss:

  1. Omega-3 

  2. Any Immunity Boosters 

  3. Magnesium for Sleep 

  4. Protein Powder 

  5. Get tested to see what you’re deficient in.

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Macro Counting Made Simple: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

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Speaker 1: [00:00:00] Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.7]

[00:00:30] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. In the world of fitness and wellness, the supplement industry has become a multibillion dollar business. Many individuals are eager to invest in supplements, hoping for a quick fix or magic pill that will transform their results overnight. However, the truth is that most supplements offer marginal benefits and really only make a one to maybe 5% difference in your overall progress. Which is why, in today's episode, I want to talk about supplements that are actually worth taking. [00:01:01][31.3]

[00:01:02] And again, there are some other supplements that I will likely go into on a different episode. One supplement in particular that I didn't mention in this episode or that I'm not going to mention in this episode is creatine. I kind of want to do a whole episode on that. So keep that in mind. That is going to come in the future because that is a question that I get a lot is, is it worth taking creatine? What are the benefits of creatine? What are those studies that have been shown on it? So stay tuned for that. [00:01:29][27.4]

[00:01:30] But before we dive in, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Holling three. She have a five star view and said a great way to start the morning. I only recently found Julie Love better on Instagram. I can say I'm in awe. Her positive message and how much it resonated with me. She has truly and a great ability to relate to everyone and actually seems to get what's going on in my mind more than me. I love that so much. I'd say give this podcast a try. I'm sure you won't regret it. [00:01:55][25.8]

[00:01:56] Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate that. Thank you for tuning in and I'm grateful that these episodes are helping you. My hope, my prayer for every single episode is that you walk away feeling encouraged, empowered or educated in some way, shape or form. And I think today's episode is going to be the education. So let's dive into our conversation on supplements. [00:02:15][19.4]

[00:02:15] I kind of want to walk you through supplements that actually are worth taking and kind of explain why. As always, I do want to put this disclaimer. Please consult with your doctor first. This is not medical advice and be sure to always, always, always do your own research, become informed on your own before incorporating anything into your daily routine. [00:02:34][18.6]

[00:02:34] So the first supplement is omega three. So a mega three fatty acids, they're essential for maintaining optimal health. Our diets often have high in omega six, which leads to an imbalance that can actually cause bloating and chronic inflammation. Ideally, we want to have a 1 to 1 to 4 to 1 ratio of omega six to omega three, but the average American is between a 20 to 1 or 40 to 1. So omega three supplementation such as a fish oil, can help to restore this balance and alleviate these issues. Right. It also does provide benefits for cardiovascular health, brain function, skin health and digestive health. [00:03:15][40.7]

[00:03:16] I personally use the omega three from science, but again, you can honestly get an omega three pretty much anywhere. I just trust science. I've been working with them for a while and I have, you know, talked with the team. I vetted the team. I've been working with them since 2018. And they really they really do not know what's going on. So omega three is definitely a supplement worth taking, in my opinion. [00:03:39][23.3]

[00:03:39] Number two, any sort of immunity booster. So a strong immune system is not only vital for overall well-being, but also for optimal optimal results when working towards building the body that you want. If you're constantly getting sick, it becomes difficult to see results and a robust immune system can actually keep you energized, which helps you to keep pushing during those workouts. So investing in a supplement that supports immune function can be a complete game changer. This can be something as simple as like a vitamin C, a vitamin D with K two, as that helps your body to absorb the vitamin D best. Or you can find a different immunity blend that works best for you. [00:04:18][38.1]

[00:04:18] But no matter what route you kind of go with, focusing on supplementing for immunity is going to get you a lot further than just supplementing with things in hopes that it boosts your metabolism, but actually doesn't. [00:04:29][11.0]

[00:04:30] Number three, magnesium. Magnesium for sleep. So quality sleep is essential for literally everything. Without sleep, it's impossible for us to perform at our best self. Plus we also need sleep for optimal recovery. So if you're, you know, pushing hard in your workouts and you're really wanting to see results, it's going to be necessary in order to have optimal recovery, muscle growth and also hunger, hormone regulation, the lack of sleep, which I've talked about a lot in this episode, it's slowed out, slows down your metabolism, it increases your cravings. [00:05:01][31.2]

[00:05:01] So instead of investing, you know, supplements for weight loss, which I see way too often, people are getting these fat burners, people are getting, I don't know, some sort of pill that someone told them that it's going to lead them to £15 weight loss in two weeks. It's it's just craziness. Instead of kind of going down that path, I want you to invest in something that is actually going to help you get deeper. Or sleep at night. For many people, this is magnesium, which is also known as the relaxation mineral, and it can also play a vital role in promoting deep and restful sleep. [00:05:35][34.0]

[00:05:36] It can regulate neurotransmitters and it also supports smell it, and also supports melatonin production, which regulates sleep wake cycles. I have personally used and use magnesium from science as well. And again, I have talked about this before, about tracking my sleep through my ordering. I have found that my deep sleep is tremendously better when I am supplementing with magnesium. So I know some people can, you know, they'll take a pill. Other people there is some powders. I personally use a powder. I just mix it with one of those electric mixers in water and I don't taste it at all. Like it literally has no taste. Some people can mix it in hot water if they prefer hot water at night. But again, what works for one person doesn't work for another. So kind of figure out for you which magnesium supplement will work best for you. [00:06:28][52.2]

[00:06:29] Number four, protein powder. So meeting your protein goal, this is key for muscle repair and recovery as well as growth. But meeting our protein needs isn't always easy, which is why I personally always have a protein powder readily available. Even when I travel, I try to take at least one scoop of protein for each day if possible. Just because I know protein is the hardest to get in in terms of on a regular basis because it especially if you're traveling, if a road tripping or you're somewhere new, I mean, just, you know, a unifying plane, chicken like you did, you got to find ways to get creative in terms of protein. And also what I found is when I am eating enough protein, I'm feeling energized. I'm not feeling as hungry. And that's because protein is the most thermic of the three macronutrients, which I've talked about on previous episodes. [00:07:16][47.5]

[00:07:17] But protein is so essential and it's one of the most convenient ways that you can meet your protein intake. I personally only have one scoop of protein a day. Like I wouldn't have two or three scoops and I know some people stomach can tolerate that, but personally I like getting as much of my protein from Whole Foods as possible. I just feel like that gives me not only the best in terms of digestion, but also I know I'm getting vitamins and minerals from Whole Foods versus just the supplement. So if there's one thing that you could invest in while working towards building that you want, building the body that you want, protein powder is going to give you kind of the most bang bang for your buck. [00:07:57][39.8]

[00:07:57] And this is because it is the easiest way to help you to ensure that you're eating properly, which can lead to building more muscle to, you know, having a more effective metabolism and so on and so forth. And so definitely protein super important. Again, this is going to vary from person to person. I personally don't have issues with whey protein, and I use science whey protein, but I've also heard other people use I think clean eats is one I hear a lot. What other ones? You know, there's so many out there. I would say Clean eats is one that I hear a lot and then pee science is one that I actually hear a lot too. They have a vegan protein. But again, if it's a vegan protein, awesome. If it's a whey protein, awesome. This is where kind of your taste buds is going to come into effect. They're like, everybody has different taste buds. [00:08:47][49.8]

[00:08:47] So find a protein powder that you prefer. And the reason I personally like the pea science one, I just get the gourmet vanilla is because it's super versatile and it has no weird aftertaste. Again, weight does not impact my stomach, so I get the way gourmet vanilla, pea science protein and you can cook with it. You can drink it plain again. It just is so versatile, which is one thing that I'm always looking for because I get bored easily. So, you know, I don't want the same thing every single day. I want to be able to use it in multiple different ways and have it still work, which is why I prefer that. [00:09:21][33.8]

[00:09:21] And lastly, number five, this is really important. You got to get tested to see what you're deficient in, right? This is honestly the best approach to supplements. Instead of just buying whatever supplements you see your favorite influencer is using for building the, you know, their strong toned body or whatever. You've got to figure out what your body actually needs because without giving your body what it actually needs, nothing else is really going to matter. [00:09:43][21.1]

[00:09:43] You can supplement all day long with these fancy metabolism boosting supplements, but if your body isn't optimized and given the nutrients that it's deficient in, you're going to struggle to feel your best self. Some women have cravings and feel tired all the time, and this is because they're deficient in iron. Some women are tired all the time and it's because they're deficient in B12. It's going to be different from person to person. So the easiest way that I would suggest is to either simply just Google like vitamin D deficiency test and see what kind of pops up and see if there's things that you can take online. [00:10:16][33.1]

[00:10:17] I know there's tons of different services now, especially after COVID, like so many different services that you can do, or just ask your general doctor to get a blood. And having a blood panel taken regularly is important. I have my blood panel that I got and I'm just able to see it pop up on my phone. I have it on the app once they get it. It's just it's a great way to kind of know where your body's that's a great way to kind of check in with it. And so I would definitely recommend one of those two things to see what you're deficient in if you're deficient at all. [00:10:47][30.7]

[00:10:48] And one last reminder. I want you to approach supplements with caution and skepticism first, as most offer minimal benefits. And to be honest, most supplements are being pushed on social media simply because people are making money. So before incorporating any sort of supplement, please, please, please conduct thorough research, consult with professionals if needed, and assess your specific needs. I need you to avoid falling victim to these marketing gimmicks and exaggerated claims that you know are going to lead you to just spending your money on unnecessary things and instead just make these informed decisions and focus on maintaining a balanced diet, regular exercise, quality, sleep, stress management, and all the other healthy lifestyle habits. [00:11:34][46.0]

[00:11:34] First, I know it's not sexy, but those are what's going to lead down a sustainable path. These factors, combined with the strategic use of supplements, though, that can lead to ultimately having a sustainable and long term progress on your fitness journey. So again, remember, supplements should enhance your efforts, but they are not a substitute for a holistic approach to health and wellness, which is why people always ask me, you know, what supplements you take, what supplements should I take? And that is simply, again, going to vary from person to person, but supplements in and of themselves, they make less than a 5% difference. So take all of this that I said with a grain of salt. [00:12:15][40.2]

[00:12:15] Again, every single person is different. What you need is different from what I need. This is kind of just the bare minimum. And I didn't even touch on creatine, which again, I want to do an entire podcast episode on that, so stay tuned for that. But that is all that I have for today's episode. I hope that this was helpful. I hope that this gave you some good insights, maybe educated you a little bit in terms of specific vitamins and supplements that you could take and kind of the benefits behind them. If you have a friend or a coworker, someone in your life that you feel like would benefit from this episode or this podcast in general, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link and send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story. We love connecting with you guys. That is all that I have for today's episode. Levi So dang much. I mean it. I'll talk to you next one. [00:13:02][46.6]

[00:13:02] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie a Ledbetter. Yes. It's with an A in the middle, for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me and means the absolute World. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace Israel because you're worth it. [00:13:02][0.0]