What I Eat in a Day


I know this episode of Embrace Your Real is going to be a fan-favorite because it is one of the top questions I always get asked! I’m about to share what I eat in a day. You’ll get the full scoop on what I eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks, plus I give you a detailed explanation as to why I eat these things daily. I also give you my best advice on how you can determine what you should be eating in a day, too. But be sure to tune into the entire episode because at the end, I share three key things I want you to take away from what my daily food intake looks like!



Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I dish you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get and let's go.

Hello, and welcome back to the Embrace Your Real podcast. I'm so grateful that you are here wherever you are in this beautiful world, wherever you're tuning in from. Whatever you're doing, thank you for being here. Today's episode I know is going to be a favorite of many, because this is one of the top questions that I get asked daily. And I'm about to share with you what I eat in a day. So be sure to tune in to the entire episode. Because at the end, I'm going to be sharing with you three key things that I want you to take away from my daily food intake. And after I shared that with you, I just think that it's really important the things that I'm going to share with you. So be sure to tune in. Before I dive into today's episode, I would love to share this super sweet review from Ashley0005.

It honestly meant so much to me. She says, "The podcast I didn't even know I was missing in my life is finally here. We all have areas of struggle, whether it's lack of self confidence, body image issues, issues around food. Julie is the perfect person to help you through them. Her realness, vulnerability, and honesty are so inspiring."

Thank you so much Ashley, for the review of the day. I love reading your reviews. I read every single one of them, and I appreciate them so much. If you haven't already subscribed to the podcast and/or rated and reviewed the podcast. If you are in Apple Podcasts, it really means a lot for this podcast to just continue to spread the word to women all over this world. We have listeners in almost every single country, and it's so incredible to know that there is a community of so many listeners around the world that are all choosing to prioritize themselves and learning more about what it means to embrace real. So thank you so much. If you haven't, please, please, please send a review in. I would love to read it on the show. All right. Let's dive into the episode. 

So we're going to be talking all about what I eat in a day. First thing's first, I want to share that I am a creature of habit. And I don't say that because I stick to boring foods. I say that because I have over the years found that there are certain foods that I just love. That I feel like sit with my stomach very well. I feel like I digest them good. I feel like I found foods that make me feel satisfied both mentally and physically. I have found foods that just really allow me to have energy and also not feel deprived. So there are certain foods that I have eaten for a while. And then there are certain foods that I kind of interchange depending on if I'm getting burnt out. Because when I say I'm a creature of habit, yes there are certain foods that I have on a weekly basis and I've had them for literally years. But there's also foods that I kind of go in and out just because we're human, we get burned out. And literally eating the same thing every day can get boring. And especially when we're in quarantine, right? There's not a whole lot of other things going on outside externally. So we want to spice some things up in the kitchen. 

So I'm going to be sharing with you what I eat a day. And this is something I would say pretty common that I eat, a lot of these meals and snacks are things that are kind of my go to staples. This will kind of give you a good idea. 

So first thing's first, I've talked about this in my 10 things that you need to do every single morning to win the day episode. If you haven't listened to that, be sure to do so. But in that episode, I shared that I cannot not eat breakfast, first thing in the morning. I'm not one of those people that fast. In fact, I shared this on my Instagram story last week, but I actually got blood work done a couple of days ago. Yeah, it was last week. And I had a fast, so I fasted from 8:30 PM until 2:15 the next day, because my doctor was like, "It would just be better if you fasted for your blood work and hormone panels and all those things." So I was like, "Okay."

So I made sure to eat a bigger dinner and actually had two Yasso Bars instead of just one, which I'll get into that later. But I always have dessert every single night. 

And oh my goodness you guys, my body's just not used to fasting. So by 2:00 PM, when I was driving to go to my appointment, all I could think about was food. I was so hungry. So I think you just kind of have to know yourself and you have to know your triggers. And this is something that is kind of a whole nother episode, but I get this question a lot. And that's should I intermittent fast? And I'm not going to go into detail about this. This is an eating preference. 

So intermittent fasting in and of itself is great. If that's something that fits with your schedule, if that's something that is a preference of yours, as long as you're hitting your macronutrients within a 24 hour window, that's great. You can absolutely do that. Now I will say for those who have triggers from binge eating and/or restriction. So for me, that was years of my life, I struggled with restriction. And so intermittent fasting and going long periods of time without eating and then having shorter eating windows can be a trigger. 

So just kind of know yourself. I know for me, I just prefer to eat all day long. I feel best. I feel like I have energy that way, and I get excited about it. And so you kind of got to know your jam, and it's going to be trial and error, right? I'm eight years into this and in a good jive with it.

So breakfast every morning. I have a ONE Bar, typically that's my go to breakfast. I love ONE Bars. My top two flavors are birthday cake and dark chocolate sea salt. Those two are so good. I love them so much. 

On other mornings. I will have a bagel with either a protein shake or some egg whites with some cheese, and I'll just do a bagel sandwich. But recently I have been just loving a ONE Bar and I always have Alphamine, which is my caffeine because I don't prefer coffee. I just feel like coffee does not sit well with me. So I do one scoop of Alphamine, which is PEScience, and then one Crystal Light. So that together is about, I want to say it's 150 milligrams of caffeine. So that's what I have. And I have that at about 7:00 AM. So I wake up around six ish, six to seven depending. So I'll have my breakfast right when I wake up. As soon as I go downstairs, bless Joshua Dean's heart, my husband. He is so credible. And I think we actually just celebrated five years last week, last Sunday. And he just knows me. He gets my ONE Bar out. He makes my Alphamine and Crystal Light, and it's always waiting on the counter every morning. Love him to pieces.

I love this because I feel like a ONE Bar is giving me enough protein. It's giving me a good amount of carbs. Not too many, not too little, and a decent amount of fat. So I believe a ONE Bar has around 20 grams of protein, around 25 to 30 grams of carbs. And I want to say it's about seven to nine grams of fat. So a good amount for me, at least to hold me over until about 10, which is when I typically have a mid morning snack. And this kind of varies. But recently, I have been loving cottage cheese and cinnamon or cottage cheese and blueberries or strawberries. I just feel like it's a really good protein dominant snack. Has a good amount of protein and it has some carbs and some fats. And then I love with blueberries. I feel like it's so good. Blueberries are great for the brain. I also love strawberries.

I kind of have my favorites when it comes to fruits, especially fruits and vegetables. I definitely have found trial and error. There are certain fruits that just do not sit well with me. Or I feel like it's a very small amount for the amount of carbs. And I feel like blueberries and strawberries, you can still get a good amount of actual volume with 100 grams of blueberries or 100 grams of strawberries with a moderate amount of carbs. And/or I will have a protein shake.

So recently my new favorite PEScience protein has been cake pop for a long time. I love cake pop. It's a great whey protein. If you can have whey protein, if it sits well with you, it's great. I find that it does not upset my stomach and I don't feel like it has any weird aftertaste, which is awesome. But PEScience just came out with a brand new protein, and it's the chocolate and peanut butter or chocolate peanut butter. And I am not really a vegan protein type of person. I just feel like there is chocolate delight. I love chocolate bliss from PEScience is pretty good, but I would still say my go to was cake pop. And the chocolate mint cookie from PEScience, both are whey proteins.

But you guys, they nailed this vegan protein. And it has really good macros too. It's not gritty. I feel like it's super, super smooth. I feel like with even the chocolate delight, chocolate bliss. I think it's chocolate bliss, chocolate bliss vegan protein from PEScience. It's pretty smooth, but there's a little underlying gritty taste, which you're just going to get in a vegan protein. But this one, I honestly, I had it this morning. And I feel like it does not have any sort of gritty taste. So if you're open to it, the vegan chocolate peanut butter PEScience protein is amazing, amazing. I do have a code. This is not sponsored by the way. I am sponsored by PEScience, but this specific plug is not sponsored. I do have a code though that saves you. I do make a small commission off of it. So if you do use it, it's code Julie. And like I said, it just supports directly your Ledbetter fam Josh and I. So let me know and I will personally thank you, but it's so good.

So that's kind of my mid morning snack around 10 to 11. I prefer to have something moderate protein, moderate carbs, and moderate fats. I feel like that's what works best with me simply because in an hour or so later is when I have been working out recently. I'm kind of in the strive of mid day workouts for during quarantine. I've just been doing that. And I feel like it's been working well for me. I might go back to my morning workouts because I just love getting it done, that way I have no excuses. But that has been great, and that's kind of a mid morning snack.

Now once I work out, I will have egg whites scrambled with mozzarella cheese, bell peppers, spinach, and a little bit of basil. So I scramble that up on a pan and then I toast two slices of sourdough bread and I use Greek cream cheese. If you haven't used great cream cheese, it's awesome. It's a little higher in protein, and I just love it. They have a whipped version that I get at my Kroger, and it's so good. And I use that on the two slices of bread. And then once the eggs are done scrambling, I just put the scramble over both of the slices of bread. And it's so delicious. The reason I love this post-workout meal is because it's high in protein, which is important. And it's pretty moderate to high in carbs because the sourdough bread, I would say this is around 45 to 50 grams of carbs for this meal. I feel like it is replenishing. I feel like it's not too, too heavy. I'm getting enough protein. And it's just delicious. 

So that's what I've been having post-workout, and I typically have that around 1 or 2:00 PM. Depending on when my workout is, I will typically eat right after my workout. 

So nutrient timing is something that I can about in a whole nother episode, but it is important that you get your protein at least, I would shoot for at least 30 grams of protein post-workout and a good amount of carbs. I tend to recommend anywhere from 30 to 50 grams of carbs post-workout. So just make sure that you're being intentional about that. If possible again though, nutrient timing is kind of like icing on top of the cake. It's not going to make or break your results, but it is going to help a lot when it comes to your overall results.

So post-workout meal, that's what I've been having. I've been loving it. Now moving on to a snack. So around that time, like 1:00 PM ish is when I'll have another Crystal Light. So one packet of wild strawberry Crystal Light with another one scoop of Alphamine and PEScience just came out with a sour green apple and Alphamine. So you guys know I love my high volume, which is my caffeine free pump formula that I use right before I work out. And that's the thing that I dry shot. You don't have to dry shot it, but it just kind of hypes me up. And that's caffeine free. But that's going to help with blood flow. It has beet extracts. It's going to really going to help with that blood flow during your weight lifting session. And then post-workout, I will have my Alphamine, which is another dose of caffeine.

So I typically have around, I want to say it's around 325 milligrams of caffeine total in my day. So I have been loving that and kind of mid afternoon snack. Around three, three to four depending is when I will have my Joseph's lavish bread. So I cut it up into squares. I did a whole IGTV recipe. So head over to my Instagram if you want and check that out. And I'll do the cake pop icing. So that's just one scoop of the cake pop PEScience protein, a little bit of Truvia, a little bit of almond milk, mix it together, put it in the freezer for about eight minutes while the chips are cooking. And then I sprinkle a little bit of Truvia and cinnamon on the chips and then I have that together and it is so good. You guys, it's sweet. It's good. It's delicious. Oh my goodness. I just love it so much.

So that's one thing that I'll have kind of depending again on what I already previously had or what was in the store. Like I said last week, the stores are getting pretty good with stocking up. But during quarantine, when there was not a lot of the irregular foods that I eat, my day was kind of a little bit messed up. But I feel like now it's getting back into a good rhythm. 

So I'll either do that or I'll do a protein shake if I didn't already have one earlier in the day. That's really good. Sometimes I will mix it in my Ninja blender, and I will do a scoop of protein, ice, a little bit of egg whites in the carton. You can drink those, they're totally safe, and it just adds a little bit more protein. So if I'm lacking in protein, it's a great thing that I do. And I would either drink it just like that, like mix it up and then drink it. It tastes like a Wendy's frosty. The consistency when you use egg whites, something about it is so good. And I will either drink that plain by itself, or I'll put it in a bowl and I'll do blueberries or strawberries or some sort of fruit in there. And I'll eat it with a spoon. So kind of just depends. 

Another snack idea that I do a lot is Tribe Hummus. I love that Tribe Original Hummus. And I do like bell peppers, cucumbers, baby carrots. I love that snack. Another snack that I've been loving recently that is really low in macros and just delicious is watermelon. Watermelon and cinnamon is so good. If you have never tried watermelon with cinnamon, it's delicious. So that's another snack idea that I'll have.

Another snack that I've been recently loving is Kodiak Cakes. So they have a waffle and pancake mix, and they have a dark chocolate. That can get it at my local Kroger and my Target. So, so good. You can also get it on Amazon I'm sure. But I'll do a little bit less than a serving of that. And I will mix a scoop of protein if I'm low on protein. Or just a little bit of protein, just to kind of get my protein intake up if I'm lacking. Which typically protein is the one that's hardest for me to reach. And then I will do a little bit of Truvia, a little bit of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, mix it up, and then I microwave it. And I've been adding just a tad little bit of cool whip on top. I'm telling you guys it's so good.

As you can probably tell by my snacks and my meals and stuff, I do love sweets. Sweets are like my jam. So I've found over the years just healthier alternatives for that sweet kick. So yeah, those are kind of some snack ideas. I also love chicken salad, doing a small amount of chicken salad with cucumbers. That's really, really good. Good amount of protein. Mix some mayo in with the chicken. We've been grilling chicken and then I'll just shred it, and then I'll turn it into a chicken salad and I'll cut some salary up. And then I will eat it with cucumber. Sp the cucumbers will be the chips and I eat that. So that's something that I've been doing. 

So that was just a ton of stack ideas, but I kind of vary. It just depends on how I'm feeling, where my macros are at, what we're having for dinner. That's a whole nother thing too, is really being intentional about planning ahead. If we are having a bigger dinner, a smaller dinner, are we cooking, are we going out? So on a normal day though, those are kind of some snacks that I would have. 

And then dinner recently, we've been loving the pasta bake. Which I have yet to share on my Instagram. I will be doing that hopefully this week as you're listening to this, hopefully it will be up on my Instagram. But essentially what it is, my pasta bake is red lentil pasta. So red lentil penne pasta, and then I get out a pan. And once I cook the pasta, I use marinara sauce. So tomato and basil marinara sauce. And then I use mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese, and then I just kind of layer it. So it's about three layers. So I do the marinara sauce and then I put some of the pasta. And then I top it with mozzarella cheese and Parmesan cheese. And then I do another layer of pasta with the marinara sauce, the mozzarella, the Parmesan. And I do that all the way until I don't have any more. 

And for the pasta bake, I've already figured out the macros, knowing how much total amount of each thing that I use. So I measure out, I believe it's 250 total grams of mozzarella cheese that I use throughout the whole thing. Keep in mind it's six servings. Josh and I both have it. And then we also always have four servings leftover that we do for the next dinner, or I'll do it for lunch or whatever the next day. So I've already figured out all those macros.

Having dinner dishes that you figure out the macros, it's going to take, honestly it probably took me maybe 10 to 12 minutes to figure out the entire macros for the pasta bake. But once I did that, I entered it into my macro tracker, which I use My Macros+. And it was great. NOw that I have it, I know what one serving is. I know the total amount that the dish makes is six servings. So I divided into six. And then one serving, I know the macros from that.

If you can just commit to 10 to 12 minutes for a new recipe, figuring out the total macros of the entire dish and then figuring out how many serving sizes it is. Honestly, the way that My Macros+ works, I don't really know a whole lot about MyFitnessPal, but the way that My Macros+ works is you just enter in the amount of serving size after you've entered in the total amount of all the ingredients. And then it just figures it out for you. So it's super simple. And one thing that I don't stress too, too much about honestly. Because I have found if I stress about the little things, that's when this lifestyle is not sustainable for me or it's not enjoyable. 

So for me, I know that the dish makes six servings. AM I going to weigh the dish in total and then divide that by six in grams, weighing it out? I personally don't do that. I eyeball the servings, I eyeball. I cut it into six squares and I call it good. So it is what it is. It's however you want to do it. Like I said, I have just found over the years this is what's sustainable for me. And I can stay consistent to that instead of trying to be perfect one day, and then getting stressed to the point where I just say screw it and then I don't do it. So for me, that's what I found sustainable. 

And for dinner, I have one serving of the pasta bake, which it's a good amount. So when you see this recipe, if you're an Italian lover like me, you're going to love it. It's delicious. I love it because it's higher in carbs, which is great. Pretty moderate protein. By this time, I am pretty good on my protein if I've been intentional about it. If not, then I'll have some chicken on the side or I'll put some chicken in the pasta bake or whatever. But typically I'll get my protein from the cheese, like mozzarella cheese has a good amount of protein. And this penne pasta, the red lentil version actually has a good amount of protein as well. So that's what I've been doing for dinner. 

And then like I said, every single night, I have a dessert. This is my go to dessert. I love it. I stand behind this product. Yasso is where it's out. If you guys have not tried Yasso, girl, you're missing out. Yasso is so, so good. There's so many delicious slavers. My top flavors recently have been the chocolate peanut butter, that chocolate fudge. There's a chocolate fudge. It's the blue box. That's so, so good. And what other ones? The chocolate cookie dough. So the cookie dough chocolate chip one is so, so good. Those are kind of my go-tos. You can get it at Target. They're sold at my Kroger. I think they're sold at Walmart possibly. Don't quote me on that, but check it out. You can go to Yasso. It's Y-A-S-S-O. Again, not sponsored, but love this brand. So, so good. And they have 100 calorie to 130 calorie ice cream bars. And I feel like it's just enough to make me feel satisfied. Not too much to make me go over my macros, but I love it. And it's about 17 grams of carbs, a few grams of fat, and some protein, like maybe five grams of protein. So that is one of my go to desserts.

I also love doing a dark chocolate sea salt ONE Bar. That's really, really good. So kind of depending on my macros, I'll either have either the ONE Bar or the Yasso bar. Or some days if I'm running really behind on my macros and I have enough, I'll do both. Both I feel like satisfy that sweet tooth and it's just delicious. 

So I eat that typically around eight to 8:30 PM. And then pretty much by that time, I am done with my macros and I drink a bunch of water. I actually drink a lot of water at night, which is unfortunate for me because I have to go to the bathroom a lot during the night. But I don't know, for whatever reason, I get really thirsty at night. So I typically drink around 30 to 60 ounces of water at night. So from 8 to 9:30, I have a good amount of water. And then that's it. That's pretty much my day. 

Again, this is on a normal day. This is kind of the foods that I eat. There's tons of other dinner options that we do, but that's kind of one of my go-tos. Another one that we've been doing is carved out French bread pizza. That's really, really good. Another one that I've been doing is a calzone. So I do a lavish bread with some ricotta cheese, some marinara, and some mozzarella. And then depending, I'll either do ground turkey in the calzone and that's been delicious. So those are kind of some other options. As you can tell, we love Italian food and I'm a big Italian food lover.

Sometimes we'll have asparagus. I'm not a huge asparagus person. I feel like I got burnt out on asparagus, unfortunately. Asparagus if cooked right, can be delicious. We've also been loving our air fryer. So that's a great way to make things good in a different way that I'm not used to cooking. So for veggies and things like that.

I honestly don't have a lot of veggies because they do not sit well in my stomach. So broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions. A lot of sweet potato, I can't do. So unfortunately, those key vegetables that you probably see a lot of other health enthusiasts eat, I just unfortunately can't eat them. My stomach literally feels horrible, and I've tried so many different things. And every time I'm like, "Okay, I'm just going to stick with my go-tos." Like I love zucchini. I love spinach. I love spring mix, and I love carrots and bell peppers. But all the other like onions, things like that, I just cannot have. 

When you're hearing this, you might be like, "Where are all your vegetables?" I'm trying to get better at getting creative with vegetables. Now that you've heard what I eat in a day, I wanted to kind of share three key takeaways from this, because I know what works for me. And this is what works for me, right?

This is something that is not a diet plan. This is not copied from another fitness influencer whose body I love and who I want to look the same or whatever. This is not even a diet that I shared with you. This is foods that I have found that fuel my mind, that fuel my body, that fuel my soul. So I don't want you to just listen to this and try to replicate every single thing that I said. Because like I said at the beginning, you need to find what works best for you. And just because you read these articles talking about oatmeal and talking about processed carbs and how you shouldn't eat this, or shouldn't eat that. It's like you have to decide that for yourself. You have to look into it, but you ultimately have to remember that this is a lifestyle. And if you cut that food out, is that going to be still something that you can sustain three years down the road, five years down the road, right?

I've been eating a lot of these same foods over the last five to seven years. When I first got into this, I was eating all of this broccoli and I was eating all of this rice. And I found that number one, rice is awesome. But it is very carb dense. So for me, I would much rather prefer to have a bagel or something that is equivalent to that. I feel like I am full on that. But again, that's just me. There's some people that need to have something like rice to make them feel full, or sweet potato, or something like that. A complex carb. They need to have that in order for them to feel full. So again, this is something totally that you need to trial and error and ask yourself how does this food make me feel? 

And when I first got into it, I was eating all this broccoli and I was eating all these Brussels sprouts because that's what I saw other people doing. And then I was just feeling like crap. I was not feeling good. I was not enjoying it. So as you eat certain foods, I want you to ask yourself how you feel after it. And this can be with something like Brussels sprouts or broccoli, but this could also be something like cereal or Pop-Tarts, or things like that. Totally not against those foods, but just keep in mind that obviously that is going to be a lesser nutrient dense food. So it's going to be a higher number of calories for a lower amount of volume.

So keep that in mind as you are kind of doing a trial and error. There's no foods off limits for me. And there shouldn't be foods off limits for you either. Be mindful there are certain foods that you might not want to have the full thing in your house. if it's trigger food for you, right? You have to figure that out. And that's something that you really need to be mindful of for you, because I don't want you to constantly fall into this trap of buying something and then completely binging on it. Which is a whole nother thing. And that's something I'm not experienced in binge eating. So I would encourage you to go to a binge eating coach. But there are certain foods and certain trigger foods that I know can trigger people. 

So just keep that in mind. Again, this is a trial and error thing. For me, it's important that I have both nutrient dense foods and non nutrient dense foods in my house. Just because I know the more nutrient dense foods are going to keep me fuller longer. And then the less nutrient dense foods like a Yasso Bar for example, it's still Greek yogurt. Or Pop-Tarts, or cereal, or whatever. They're going to give me the ability to have a little bit in moderation, keep my sanity, and overall wellbeing. Again, this is consistency over perfection, finding what works best for you. 

Again, the purpose of me sharing what I eat is not for you to replicate it, but to show you that you don't have to eat perfectly clean to build the body that you want. Yes, I eat carbs. Yes, I eat fat. Yes, I eat processed food. Yes, I eat sugar. Yes. I have nutrient dense foods, and veggies, and fruits. I eat all the things. And I realize that just because I eat ice cream, that doesn't mean I messed up. I have learned to fit that food into my daily allotment. It's something that I truly want. And it's something that I love. And it's something that makes me happy. 

So the third takeaway that I have for you is honestly just macro counting. Learning how to properly fuel your body. That is the single most transformative thing that has transformed the relationship that I have with food. And I think some people when they go into this having not counted backers before, it can feel really intimidating, it can feel like well, that's just really restrictive. But in my mindset, what I have found is when I count my macros, I am eating enough for what my body needs. So knowing how much my body needs to fuel my body optimally. and also recognizing that doing that, fueling my body with enough protein, carbs, and fats is honoring my body.

So looking at it like that has transformed the way that I look at food. Because previously, when I was not educated whatsoever on the contents of food, the amount of protein, carbs, and fats in certain foods. I was constantly asking myself, "Is this enough? Should I eat less? Should I eat more of this? Why am I not getting results?" And I was constantly questioning. But when you know how much your body needs, the right amount that you need, it's like all of the anxiety and stress of what you should eat, or whether it's the right food, or the not right food, or the best amount of this for weight loss, or maintenance, or muscle building, or all the things. It's like it can feel super stressful when you don't just get down to the core root, which is how much does my personal body need? My almost 5'9" frame, 150 plus pound body needs a totally different calorie allotment than a person that is 5'0" and however many pounds. And they are either on a weight loss journey, or they're trying to gain weight, or they're trying to build muscle or whatever. We are going to need completely different protein, carbs, and fats in terms of our customized nutrition.

So just keep that in mind, macro counting has literally taken the stress and anxiety out of what to eat. More so, it's taken the stress and anxiety out of how much to eat of each food. Because I know that I'm nourishing my body with the right amount. 

So if that's something that you want to learn more about, we'll put it in the show notes. I do have a program, it's called the Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy. I'm not going to take a whole lot of time to talk about it. If you have a question, feel free to DM me. I am more than happy to answer it. We'll also put in the show notes a page that you can click on and you can learn more about it. And in that program, when you sign up, I'll personally provide you with customized macros tailored to your body, your goals, your activity level. Keep in mind, this is not a meal plan. So I'm not giving you a prescribed amount of broccoli and food that you need to eat at every single meal. This is how much your body needs in terms of calories, protein, carbs, and fats. And then the beautiful thing is that you get to pick and choose what foods you choose to fit into that daily allotment. Again, that's completely customized to you. And that's what I found to be most sustainable. And in that we also have tons of macro friendly recipes and things like that. So be sure to check out the show notes for that.

That is all that I have for today's episode. I hope that that was informative for you. I know I was kind of all over the place with different snack ideas and things like that. But hopefully, at least you took something away from this. Maybe got a new snack idea. Maybe it was just solidified that, "Oh man, we all can eat differently and still reach our goals." And that's the beautiful thing about it is that we all have different preferences. Again, I am a meat eater. Someone that's vegan might be listening to this or someone that can't have dairy or things like that might be listening to this and be like, "Man, I can't have those foods." I'm the same way when it comes to certain vegetables. When I see certain recipes I'm like, "Oh, that looks so good," but it just does not sit well with me. 

So again, learning to celebrate every single woman and knowing that if they're happy and if they're eating what makes them happy and is allowing them to fuel our body optimally, then celebrate that. So again, I hope this served you in some way. If you have somebody that you feel would benefit from this, be sure to click the three dots on Apple Podcast and you can copy the link and send it in a text message, in a DM share, post it up on your story. Tag me, Julia Ledbetter. But I love seeing who you are, who's tuning in, and where you're tuning in from, or your aha moments. So be sure to do that. And I will talk to you guys in the next episode.

All right sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. @Juliealedbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle. For that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check.

Second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there, and embrace your real. Because you're worth it.

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