Struggling to Love Your Body? 3 Underrated Reminders…



We all have those days when loving our bodies feels like an impossible task. Maybe it’s after a tough week or a glance in the mirror that leaves you feeling less than confident. You’re not alone in this struggle. This episode is dedicated to every woman who has ever felt disconnected from her body or judged herself harshly.

In today’s episode of Embrace Your Real, we're tackling a topic that hits home for many of us: loving your body. We’ll dive into three powerful reminders that will help you shift your mindset and foster a more loving relationship with your body. These reminders are essential tools to keep in your back pocket for those tough days when self-acceptance feels out of reach.


What I discuss:

Reminder #1: Your Body Is Allowed to Change

Reminder #2: You and Your Body Are on the Same Team

Reminder #3: Your Best Body Doesn’t Equal Your Smallest Body


If you loved this episode, be sure to tune in to…

Episode 338: To the Woman Obsessing About What Her Body Looks Like…

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[00:00:00] Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:33]

[00:00:33] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode on the Embrace Your Real Podcast. Finding love can feel like sometimes it is this that elusive, impossible goal we all have these days where self-acceptance just seems so out of reach. And I can just tell you, speaking from experience, there's been so many days where I'm just like, man, I know that I'm called to love my body. I know that I'm called to accept my body, but that is like the furthest thing from what I'm doing in this moment, like what I'm thinking about. And so in today's bonus episode, I wanted to just kind of share with you some simple yet powerful reminders that I believe can help you shift your mindset when you're struggling to love or accept your body. And so that's what I'm going to be doing in today's bonus episode. This episode is to the woman who is struggling to love her body and just accept your body. I have three very important reminders that I want to share with you, just kind of from a sister perspective. Like, this is me coming with my arm around you saying, hey, sister, I want to remind you of some truth, and I want to encourage you if you are struggling. And so if you are struggling today, hopefully these reminders will help you. [00:01:36][63.2]

[00:01:36] And if today is a great day and you're not struggling at all with your body acceptance, your body love, that's amazing. I can tell you, just speaking from experience. We're humans. We have ebbs and flows. And so I want you to save this episode so that the next time that you are struggling with your body, you can simply pull this up from your saved episodes and you can listen to it and hopefully it will give you some encouragement. Reminder number one, your body is allowed to change. One of the most liberating things I believe that you can tell yourself is that your body is allowed to change. In fact, everything in this universe is constantly changing. The earth is constantly spinning, your cells are constantly turning over. Time is constantly moving. Even your emotions, they're constantly changing on a day to day basis. So why is it so hard for us to accept that our body is going to simultaneously change, too? I think oftentimes we hold on to this idealized version of ourselves from the past, and we forget that life brings change, whether that's through aging, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, simply the passage of time your body will evolve. It's not if, but when. And so instead of judging ourselves or punishing ourselves, we need to learn to embrace these changes as a natural part of our journey. And remember, change is a sign of life and growth and not something to be feared. Just because your body is one way today doesn't mean that it can't be another way tomorrow. Reminder number two you and your body are on the same team. If this is something that most of us constantly fail to realize, and I'm putting most of us, including myself, at the forefront of this, so many of us love to work against our bodies by punishing it, failing to listen to it, depriving it of what it needs over exercising it, speaking to it where these words that have harshness and these words of hatred, we act like our body is something constantly working against us, when in reality we are the ones working against our bodies, and when in reality, you and your body, you're really on the same team. [00:03:36][119.9]

[00:03:37] You and your body are in this together, working together towards the same goal living a fulfilling, healthy life. When you learn to listen to your body, when you learn to nourish your body, when you learn to move your body and give your body what it needs to thrive, it will become the body that it's meant to be. And we often prevent this from happening simply because we don't do any of those things. So I want to challenge you to start treating your body with kindness and understanding. And when you do, your body will start to work with you, and you will finally start to see the results that you want. And this is simply something similar to, you know, likely what you've heard when it comes to therapy or if you've been in any sort of marriage counseling or anything like that. What do people always remind you and you and your spouse are fighting? They they oftentimes remind you, hey, you're on the same team. You likely are working towards the same goals. And you know, in the heat of the moment you forget that. But when you in the heat of the moment or when you can take a step back, even in that moment, recognize that you are heated and that you're not looking at this from being on the same team. You would take a step back and say, oh wait, wait, wait, we are on the same team. How can I look at this through a different lens? It changes everything. And so I want you to do that with yourself. I want you to remind yourself that you are on the same team. You and your body, your mind and your body. You're on the same team. And reminder number three. [00:04:59][81.9]

[00:04:59] Your best body doesn't equal your smallest body. Girl, this is another one that I'm sure you need to hear because I need to hear it too. Your best body doesn't equal your smallest body, although most of us tend to believe otherwise. This is because society pushes this narrative that smaller is better. Smaller weight. Smaller pant size. Smaller. Waist size. Smaller. Smaller. Smaller. But I can tell you, speaking from experience, my smallest body was not my healthiest body. It was not my strongest body. It was not my happiest body. It was not my most successful body. It was not my most content body. It was not my most fulfilled body. My smallest body was my most miserable body, my most insecure body. And at some point, we have to stop striving for smaller and start striving for healthier and happier. So the next time that you're struggling to love your body, remember that your best body is the one that you feel your strongest, your healthiest, your most vibrant, regardless of your size. It's the body that allows you to do the things that you love, that carries you through each day with resilience and passion and fulfillment. Shift your focus from achieving a certain size to nurturing a body that feels good and allows you to live the life that you want. And your final reminder is that loving your body is an ongoing journey. It's filled with so many ups and so many downs, and that's why it's so good to have these reminders to help keep you on track. When you find yourself struggling, come back to these reminders. Allow yourself to change. Allow your body to change. Remember that you're on the same team. Remember that you ultimately get to in your mind and in your heart. [00:06:42][102.8]

[00:06:43] Redefine what your best body truly means. Because the smallest body doesn't always mean and in most circumstances is not your best body. I want you to embrace these truths, and when you do, I believe that you'll find body love becomes a little easier day by day. If you love this episode, I know you'll also love episode 338 to the woman obsessing about what her body looks like. I will go ahead and link that in the show notes below, but I hope that you found this episode helpful. I hope that these reminders spoke to your mind. They spoke to your heart. I pray that this meets you right where you're at, and that this gives you some hope and encouragement. And just know that you're not alone on this journey. And it's a journey that is ever evolving. But I think it's one that is so important that we put some effort and time and heart and soul into really exploring and reminding ourselves of these things. I love you so dang much. I mean it, and I'll talk to you on the next one. [00:07:37][54.4]

[00:07:37] All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace it real because you're worth it. [00:08:33][0.0]