Rediscovering Your Fitness Journey with Confidence + Resilience



Have you ever felt like restarting your fitness journey is an insurmountable task? We've all been there, facing that daunting first step and grappling with discouragement. But in today's episode of Embrace Your Real, I am diving into strategies that can help shift your mindset and reignite your motivation.

You'll learn how to stay present, celebrate even the smallest victories, and make decisions that truly support your goals. We also talk about the importance of understanding your deeper motivations—keeping your "why" front and center can be the key to pushing through tough times. If you want to explore this more, don’t forget to revisit episode 88, where we dig deep into discovering your "why."

As we transition into fall and the last stretch of 2024, it's the perfect time for fresh starts and building resilience.

I also discuss:

(1:44) - Fitness journey setbacks and starting over

(3:09) - The why behind your goals

(5:51) - The type of goals you need to have

(08:37) - Embracing authenticity and self-confidence


And more!


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[00:00:00] Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me. Do I better? I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. Hello and welcome back to part two of this two part series, How to Overcome Discouragement of Starting Over in Your Fitness Journey. So like I said in part one, if you're feeling discouraged about starting over, just know that you are not alone. We all hit that point in our journey where we need to press a reset button. Life happens. We get off track, Motivation dips, but we don't need to beat ourselves up. And so that's why in today's episode I want to share the last three points on how to change your mindset about starting over and how to feel good about opening this new chapter. Before we dive in, though, I want to share this review. It comes from J r ace 003. She gave a five star review and said much needed podcast. This is my first time tuning into the podcast and it came just in time as I was starting to feel bad about rest days, Julie gave us the science and the importance of rest days and she made it quick and easy to listen to great podcasts that aligns well with her program. I'm so grateful. Thank you so much for tuning in. And also I'm so thankful that you are part of the moment with Julie community. So if you are not familiar with my memoir, Julie App, it is my Dharma only weekly workout plan where I give you five brand new workouts every single week and so you can head over to sale that's as elite. Absolutely. and check that out. But if you could also scooch over to Apple podcasts and liberating interview that would mean the absolute world to me. I love reading your reviews. It also helps expand the reach of the podcast to other people who stumble upon the podcast. So thank you in advance for doing that. First, let me recap what I talked about in part one. I will also link that in the show notes that you can easily go check that out. But I talked about these three points. Number one, it's normal to start over. Number two, setbacks are a part of the process. And number three, fitness journeys are not linear. So if you haven't tuned in to part one of this two part series, again, I will link that in the show notes that you can easily go check that out after you tune in here. You don't need to tune in to that first. All right. So let's dive into the last three points. Number four, focus on the present and keep moving forward. You have to remember that all that matters right now is that you're here and you're ready to start again. So forget about how many times you tried to start over in the past or how many times you might in the future focus on the fact that to date right now, you have made that decision to take that step forward. That is something to be proud of. So I want you to concentrate on what you can do right now to move closer towards your goals. Don't worry about tomorrow. Don't worry about next week. Just take it one step at a time. Celebrate the fact that you're ready to make that change, no matter how big or how small that change is. And I want you to focus on being present in the moment and making choices that align with your goals. Remember that every choice is an opportunity for you to take steps forward, right? And so look at the choices that you have in front of you today and say, okay, these are the opportunity that I have today that I can move myself forward that moves the needle towards your goals. Number five, you have to remember your why you have to take a moment to either reestablish or remind yourself of why it is that you have this goal. What is motivating you to begin this fitness journey again? Is it that you want to feel stronger? You want to have more energy, you want to improve your overall health. I need you to keep those reasons front and center. Write it down, put it on a mirror, set it as a reminder on your phone right before you go into your workout knowing your Y is going to help you push through on the days that you don't feel like doing it. On the days that motivation is so low, is this having a Y and establishing that and constantly reminding yourself of that Y is going to help you keep focused on the bigger picture. Also, remember when you connect with your why, it's easier to stay committed because even when life gets tough, yes, it's going to get tough. It's not if, but when. Your reasons are personal and your reasons are powerful, and that can serve as a guiding light for you whenever you feel lost or whenever you feel discouraged and let that y be that fuel that keeps you going. If you actually don't have a Y or want to learn more about kind of discovering your why or why it's not superficial, in my opinion, I believe that we need to have a Y behind every single fitness goal that we have because it's a deeper reason why I actually have an episode on that. It's called Five Steps to Finding Your Y, and that is episode eight. So I'll go ahead and link that in the show notes if you haven't tuned into that, or maybe you have, but that was a while ago. I really said episode a couple of years ago, so go back, listen to that and follows a great time to really establish or reestablish a Y. Maybe you had a Y and you've kind of drifted away from it, or maybe your life season has changed. Like mine. Previously my Y was so that I could be really connected and really in tune with my work because that's that was what I had. That was my sole focus was work and my husband and time with my furry dogs, macro and Koa and now. I have a son. And so that has really allowed me to reestablish Why? Like I want to feel energy. I want to be able to pick him up. I want to be able to play with him. I want to be able to keep up with him as he grows and gets older. And so for me, my Y has kind of it's been redefined, right? I still want to be there for my furry dogs. I still want to be there for my husband. I still want to be present in my work. But having a huge life change can also kind of rediscover or allow you to rediscover or redefine what your Y is. So again, Episode 80 856 Defining Your Y. I will link that in the show notes. And last but not least, get small achievable goals. You have to set these small, achievable goals. I don't want you to look at the entire big picture that can be very overwhelming, especially when you're starting over, right? Or you're starting again. You're starting fresh. So instead of setting these huge, daunting goals, I want you to start with small, manageable ones. Decide on simple actions like today, I'm going to take ten minutes and honor my body with movement, whether that is going on a walk, whether that's doing a workout, and really start to do those and set those small goals that are very achievable and very doable because that's going to help you build the confidence and build the momentum that you need without stressing yourself out. Right. As you start hitting those small goals, I want you to celebrate them. Each small win is a step in the right direction, and those add up faster than you think. So by keeping those things small and focusing on the small steps, you'll be able to feel more accomplished. And that will give you the motivation that you need to keep going. Right? Who doesn't love the feeling of being able to check things off your list? And so start small and set these very achievable goals. And then as the weeks and as the months go by, you can continue to build upon those things. If you are wanting to learn about how to set small, achievable goals. I actually do a whole episode on that episode 86 seven Steps to setting and actually reaching your goals. So go ahead and link that one in the show notes as well. I think that will be very beneficial for you if you are needing some help in the area of how to set goals, how to be realistic with those goals so that you can actually start reaching them. All right. So let me quickly recap what we talked about in today's bonus episode number four Focus on the present and keep moving forward. Remember that all that matters right now is that you're here and that you are ready to start again. Number five, Remember your Y. Take a moment to think about why it is that you started over. What is motivating you to begin this fitness journey again? And last but not least, set small, achievable goals. When starting over, remember, it can feel super overwhelming to think about all the goals that you want to accomplish. So instead of setting these huge, daunting goals that are overwhelming and hard to measure and monitor, I want you to start with small, manageable ones. Again, don't forget to listen to part one. I will go ahead and link that. If you haven't tuned into that, I think that will be very beneficial for you, especially in this journey as journey on to, you know, rediscovering and redefining and overcoming this discouragement and starting your fitness journey again. So I would link that episode as well as episode eight five Steps to Finding Your Y. And last Finale's episode 86, seven Steps to setting and actually reaching Your Goals. Here's to Fresh starts, resilience and showing up for yourself no matter what it is. You got this every day is another opportunity and a chance to become the best version of yourself. So I want you to focus on that. Keep going one step at a time and make this a journey that you are proud of as you head into the fall and the remainder of 2024. Okay. I love you so much. I hope that this gave you the encouragement and the kick in the butt that you needed. I will talk to you in the next one. All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes, it's within in the middle for that Daily Post workout. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts and never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real, because you're worth it. [00:00:00]