Navigating Change and Life Transitions (Part 2)



Welcome back to the second part of my series on life transitions! In this episode, I dive deeper into how to navigate these challenging periods with an open mindset. As I await the arrival of my baby, I'm sharing insights on using transitions as opportunities for growth and renewal.

We’ll explore the difficulties that come with change, strategies to cope with them, and how to view these moments as beautiful new beginnings. Join me as we continue this journey together!


What I discuss:

Step 3: Embrace uncertainty…

Step 4: Create a routine and set small goals.


If you loved this episode, be sure to tune in to…

Episode 458: Navigating Change and Life Transitions (Part 1)


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[00:00:00] Hey, beautiful human, can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22]

[00:00:30] Hello and welcome back to part two of this two part series, Navigating Change and Life Transitions. So like I said in part one, by the time you listen to this episode, I am hoping that this baby that is on the inside of me is on the outside of me. So that's why I wanted to dive into this little series on life transitions, because at some point in our life, we will all experience a life transition, and it's extremely hard to navigate through, even if it's a transition that you're excited about. Like I mentioned, right in part one and in so in this episode of part two of this two part series, I'm going to be kind of exploring how to navigate through them with an open mindset so that we can use them as a chance to grow, have renewal and a better future. So we'll kind of explore the difficult aspects of life transitions and how to cope with them, and just kind of how to view them with, you know, these changes as a beautiful opportunity. Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this review. It comes from young Tessa. At 18, she gave a five star review and said, helping me think positively, I haven't been here for long. I just started barely listening in, but I just listened to you and it has made me think a lot more clearly about things. I have been struggling for a little bit of not liking how I look at the end of the day, and I want to believe that I am beautiful and my body is as well. Listening to you has made me think about all of the negative thoughts I've been putting on myself, and I know it's not okay. And I thank you and your podcast for that realization. Well, I'm so grateful. Tessa, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in this review. And I'm so grateful that it's helping you to reframe your mind. That is ultimately, my goal in this podcast is to help you, encourage you, empower you in some way, shape or form, and so, so grateful that you are finding these podcast helpful. And thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in this review. All right. So let's kind of recap what I talked about in part one. I will go ahead and link it in the Shownotes if you haven't already tuned in. But step one is to really feel your feelings and acknowledge the change and transition that it is weighing down on you, and to acknowledge that and recognize it and not try to deny it, but acknowledge it and say yes, this is something that I'm dealing with. And then step two, it's okay to mourn the loss of your identity, but work on understanding your identity should really only lie within the core values and character, not in the seasons or these things in life that are fleeting. And so let's kind of dive into the last two steps are steps three and step four. So step three is to really embrace this uncertainty, right? One of the toughest parts of any transition is not knowing what the future holds, saying no matter what you're going through, you might have a roadmap, but your experience might be totally different than somebody else's experience. Right? And so this uncertainty can make it difficult to make decisions and move forward like it's scary to step into the unknown because there's really no way to truly prepare for it. Like you can do what you know to or what other people say to do, but you don't know exactly how you should prepare for what you're going to experience. But embracing this uncertainty is crucial. Like, I promise you that it is. It allows you to remain open to new possibilities and trust that even if you can't see the entire path ahead, each step will bring you closer to where you need to be and navigating life transitions. This can be super complex, but by facing these challenges and facing the unknown head on with this open mind, this is going to allow you to turn these moments into powerful opportunities, right? When things or are uncertain, or when things are uncommon or something that you're not familiar with, opportunities become endless, which is kind of exciting, right? Like, so what if this time of uncertainty is not a time to stress? What if it's a it's a time where you could actually remind yourself, this is a time to get excited. And just having that simple mindset shift of saying, like, you know, because I don't know what this uncertainty is going to look like, that's going to stress me out. And oh my gosh, I'm going to get anxious about this instead, flipping that and reframing it in your mind and saying, wow, because of that, that means that the opportunities are endless and I am going to choose to get excited about that, even if it's hard, even if I feel stressful, even if I'm sleep deprived with a newborn baby crying like reminding myself that these are opportunities that I get to learn and get excited about that. And then last but not least, step number four create a routine and set small goals. So when going through this life transition, whatever it is, whether it's a new job, it's a new. Baby. It's a new city. Whatever it is they can feel, it can feel very out of control. It can feel like everything in your life has been flipped upside down and you feel like, oh my gosh, my total world has been rocked. But having some slight routine that will help you feel like you have just the tiniest bit of control amongst the unknown or amongst the chaos of the change. And with your routine, you can even start to set small goals that help you feel like you're on track, right? Like it's a way to navigate through change with intention, making the process feel less overwhelming and more manageable, like having even the slightest routine. This will give you this comforting sense of predictability, right when everything around you is changing. At the very least, having some sort of daily structure or some sort of checklist of things that you can do throughout the day that will ground you and reduce these feelings of chaos and uncertainty. And also by setting these small goals, you can stay focused on immediate tasks at hand instead of getting overwhelmed by the bigger picture. The big picture, oftentimes you remember, is the scariest part. So setting these small goals will allow you to take the small, manageable steps forward without getting overwhelmed so that you can build this momentum and confidence during this life transition. Even if you have a short, simple routine and set one small goal per day, every little bit of structure will give you just a slight sense of relief. So there you have it. That's my, you know, my four steps, my biggest tips on kind of navigating life transitions. I'm sure that as I go throughout this myself, I will have even more post-baby. So get ready because I can I can already sense that I'm going to learn so much, and I'm going to have so much to talk to you about in these upcoming episodes post-baby. But let me quickly recap what we talked about in this series. So step one is to feel your feelings and acknowledge the change and transition that is weighing down on you. So acknowledge what you're going through. Number two step two is to mourn the loss of your identity, but work on understanding that your identity should only lie within your core. Values are character, not things in life that are fleeting. Step three embrace uncertainty. Instead of stressing out about the unknown, try to reframe your mind and get excited about all of the possibilities. And last but not least, try your hardest to create a routine. Set some small goals. This will give you structure amongst the time of chaos and control in a time where you have little to no control. So there you have it. If you haven't already tuned into part one, I will go ahead and link that in the show notes that you can easily go tune in to that after this episode, but I hope that this was helpful for you. If you have a friend or coworker or someone in your life that is going through or about to go through a major life transition, I want to encourage you to send them this series. It's just a two part series. It's about, you know, 30 minutes total, 15 to 20 minutes total of two episodes. And hopefully it will give them some encouragement. Hopefully it will give them, kind of some steps to, to take in this time of life transition. But I love you so dang much. I mean it, and I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:08:13]

[00:08:15] 0404040I love you. [00:08:21]

[00:08:21] You all right, sister? That's all I got for you today. But I have two things. [00:08:28]

[00:08:28] That I need. [00:08:29]

[00:08:29] You to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, a led better. Yes, it's with an a in the middle for that daily post workout. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with. [00:08:54]

[00:08:55] One last thought. [00:08:55]

[00:08:56] The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface, so go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:08:56]