My Ultimate Reset Guide


It’s not simple to ALWAYS stick to your routine. Plus, when you got out of your routine, sometimes it’s hard to get back with it, right? Even though you know how much better you will feel if you move your body or nourish your body, actually doing it always seems to be another story!

When I feel myself starting to get off track a bit, or feeling not so motivated, I have a little reset protocol I like to follow that makes getting back into the swing of things super easy. In this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, I walk you through this protocol, step by step, and explain why it’s so powerful!

What I discuss:

  1. Honor your body with movement, it doesn’t have to be a workout, it just needs to be movement of any kind.

  2. Focus on exclusively tracking your protein intake consistently.

  3. Hydrate! You need to flush out those toxins and reset your hunger hormones.

  4. Get at least 8 hours of sleep each night for at least two weeks. This will give you the energy to feel like yourself again and help you get control of your cravings.

  5. Plan out and visualize. Your brain can’t differentiate between what you vividly imagine and your reality. So visualize yourself as your healthiest self and your brain will start to align your actions with this visualization.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy:

Workout app:

Amazon storefront:

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Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Role With Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. I am so excited for today's episode. I know it's not simple to always stick to your routine and when you get out of your routine, sometimes it's really hard to get back into it, even if you know how much better you'll feel if you like, move your body or nurse your body. But actually doing it is another story. So when I feel kind of myself getting a bit off track or feeling not so motivated, I typically have this reset protocol that I like to follow that makes things getting back into the swing of things like pretty easy. And I thought that I would share that with you today. So my ultimate reset guide. But first, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Sara Z Own. She gave a five star review and said, Love this. I just stumbled across this podcast and I am now obsessed. Your positivity and clarity and inspirational words have me hooked. Thank you so much for your content and your whole outlook on everything. Keep up the good work. I am so grateful for you. Thank you so much for this review, Sara. You are amazing. I love reading all of your guys' review as they truly do mean the world to me.

And I just appreciate you taking time out of your day to do that. So when we get off track, we try to kind of implement all these habits at once, or at least I don't know if you do, but I know that's me and it's hard. Like, you know, your sleep is out of whack. You know, you need to drink more water. You need to start eating healthier. You need to work out more or work out at all because you haven't been moving your body like all these things. And so you go to try to like implement all these things, right? You're going from 0 to 100. So kind of with my reset protocol, I like to make things as simple as possible. It's basically the lowest barrier to entry to ensure that you're actually following through on it. And this is because the reset relies solely on this snowball effect. So if you were to roll a snowball and then toss it down the hill as it rolls, it's going to build and build and build and build, right? So these habits are meant to kind of help you gain momentum. And that's exactly what this kind of reset protocol will do. And so as you start to feel better with these habits, you'll want to build on top of them because of how you're feeling. So I have five things that I do, and I'm kind of feeling like I need to do a little reset for myself. Here they are. Number one, I honor my body with movement for 30 minutes. Now, I know a lot on this podcast. We've been talking about working out, but we haven't really been talking about how to simply just honor your body with movement. There was a time when I was feeling so burnt out from the gym that I found myself just not moving my body at all.

So what I did to help me kind of get moving again was to just simply tell myself I need to move my body without any limitations or guidelines. And all I literally needed to do was just move. Like that could be walking around target for 30 minutes. That could be walking my pups. That could be cleaning the house. It could be mowing the lawn, doing chores, all of those things. Now, really, it was not committing to a workout. It was just committing to any kind of movement. I wasn't going to judge myself or the type of movement I was doing. I was simply going to celebrate the fact that I move my body for 30 minutes. And once I started doing this, it got me so much more motivated to go do my workouts because there wasn't any pressure to work out. And I know that sounds silly, but this is exactly what I did and it really did help me out. And I remember doing this, it was two and a half years ago now, actually. No, it was three years ago. Wow. COVID has really messed with my timeline. Like, I feel like every time something happens, I'm like, Oh yeah, that was just a few months ago. And they're like, No, that was actually a year and a half ago. I'm like, Why? So anyways, three or two and a half years ago, I decided to do a 30 days of 30 minutes of movement, and I put it up on my Instagram and I was like, Hey, I'm just going to honor my body for 30 minutes every single day and I'm going to celebrate that. So if any of you guys want to do that, like that's that's what I want to be doing.

And so many women were like, yes, I need that. I feel so burnt out because my summer schedule has me all messed up and whatnot. And I'm telling you, just commit to 30 days of 30 minutes of movement, not 30 minutes of workout, 30 minutes of movement, and you'll see how amazing you feel. So that's number one. Number two is that I track my protein intake so personally when I go from not tracking my macros from a four bit to tracking everything, it can feel really daunting, especially even if you've not tracked before ever. So something I personally recommend is to kind of make the equation less daunting by only tracking my protein intake. So for example, I personally focus on hitting my protein intake, which is anywhere from 140, 255 grams of protein per day. And again, we're going for the lowest barrier of entry here, and protein is the most important for us to see and maintain results. And once you kind of get back into the swing of tracking your protein, it can be a lot easier to add in fats and carbs, too, if you are choosing to kind of go that route. But what you're doing here is just kind of building momentum by only tracking your protein and then kind. And once that momentum starts rolling, it will be a lot easier for you to kind of get yourself back into the groove of things. Number three is that I hydrate. I hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Now, typically when we get off track, it's because we're feeling bloated, we're feeling sluggish, we're lacking in our energy. And when we feel like this, often times, more times than not, we need water. We need water to help us flush out the toxins in our body.

The more that we hydrate, the more that we're able to flush out this stuff that is kind of making us feel blah. So staying hydrated also not only helps with that, but it also helps you to control your hunger. Sometimes when we feel hungry, we're actually not hungry. It's that our bodies thirsty and we get those cues mixed up. And it really does. When you hydrate your body, it really does allow you to feel so much better and not feel as hungry all the time simply because you're hydrating your body. Now, if you are the type of person that love straight water, kudos to you. There's a lot of people that are not like that. I would say if you can get some of the electrolyte mixes, you know, they have like tons of different mixes that have electrolytes in them. You can add them to your water or you can just add like fresh fruit or lemons or limes or whatever it is, but that really just helps you get your water intake. I have a goal of at least drinking 100 ounces of water per day. Now that's like my minimum, and that's not it. That's if I'm really not doing that much activity, if I'm doing more activity, then I'm going to need more water simply because the exertion of my body in that activity is going to require me to hydrate more. So personally, I got a yeti. It's it took me forever to get these the ideas you guys like for years I was like, I'm going to get a yeti, but I didn't want to spend the money on them because they're kind of overpriced. And then I decided to, I just bite the bullet like we were in bigger and we are getting some grass seed.

And then Josh was like, Hey, it's, it's time we need to get a yeti. So anyways, I got a yeti with a straw and I think it's like a 46 ounce tumbler. And I love it. I love it so much. I love the straw. I mean, there's tons of different bottles that you can get. You can get get them on Amazon. I know a lot of people like the hydro jug. I'm just not never really was into it. But yeah, the yeti has been awesome and I personally just refill that a few times a day and that just helps me reach my water intake. Now a great kind of goal for water is your body weight in pounds. So just estimate if you don't know your exact body weight, but body weight in pounds times 0.67, that should be the number of ounces that you should have in water. Or you can just take your body weight and then kind of cut that in half. But if I were to do that, that would be less than 100 ounces for me. And I personally feel my best when I'm at least drinking 100 ounces of water a day. So definitely keep that in mind. Hydration is key. Number four, get at least 8 hours of sleep each night for two weeks sleep. You guys is so underrated. Getting a good night's sleep for a week straight can truly turn you into a whole new person. And sometimes the only thing that's really holding you back from getting on track is your sleep. No wonder you're not able to get yourself to work out or check your macros or whatever it is when you're running on 5 hours of sleep because you're just a zombie, like you're just trying to get by throughout your day.

And I understand there's going to be women listening to this, a different season of life. You have a newborn baby and you're like, Girl, I wish I could get 2 hours straight. Like, I get it. And I just know I want to encourage you that this season, this too shall pass. This will not be a season that you're in forever. But lacking sleep is so important. Are lacking sleep also makes it harder because it can actually increase your hunger hormones greatly, which can trigger you to crave that salty carb heavy food. And there are countless studies to actually show this. So if you're sleeping 5 to 6 hours a night, you're not going to have the energy to get yourself to go work out because you have your hunger hormones spiked. So sticking to your macros or nourishing your body properly is going to be so much harder. So my encouragement to you is to really prioritize sleep. I am huge on sleep. I'm a huge person. On making sure that you prepare yourself for sleep. I'm not always the best at this, but I'm trying to get better. But trying to reduce or eliminate your devices, especially your phone for, you know, 30 minutes to 45 minutes before you go to sleep, read a book, pick up a book like an actual physical book if you have one. I know tons of people like reading their books on devices, but if you can pick up a book, it just allows your brain and allows your eyes to start to wind down. And that blue light really does affect and can really affect your sleep. So my encouragement to you is to sleep, even if that means starting with 6 hours and then 7 hours and then getting to that seven and half or eight hour mark.

Sleep is so important. Number five is to plan out and visualize. So along with sleep, this is super important kind of when resetting yourself when I'm feeling off or out of my routine. I spent some time mapping out my plan for the next day or the upcoming days. So especially if I'm late getting back from a vacation, which by the time that this comes out, I am getting back from a vacation. I have already gone to California and come back and I know when I'm on vacation I typically get a little bit off track my I get out of my routine. And so I always feel my best when I sit down and I, you know, plan out kind of my my next day or my next few days. I look at my schedule, see if I have anything. I kind of plan out, okay, when am I when am I doing my workouts? What am I doing my work? What am I doing X, Y and Z? Am I meeting a friend here? Am I doing something? And then I'll sit down with Joshua, my husband, and then we'll kind of correlate with our schedules as well and just make sure that we are good to go. And then once I kind of have my like to do list slash like plan for the next few days, I visualize. Now I'm a huge believer in visualization. Visualization is key. And what I do is I visualize myself going through that. So I visualize myself really making sure that I'm getting my workout in. Like, okay, I put my I put my workout in for 9 a.m. tomorrow morning for I'm doing lower body and I just start to go through that visualization. Then I have a meeting with this person, then I have this place to go to and I just visualize myself getting back into a routine.

How do I want to feel the feeling of what it's like once I've completed a workout and I've crushed to work out the feeling of what it's like after I've just had great quality time with people that I love, the feeling that I get when I check off that to do list at work, like all of those things really do help so much. And so going through that visualization, I've mentioned this before in the podcast, but your brain actually struggles to differentiate between what you visualize and what is actually reality. So the more that you visualize, the more that you constantly show up in those visualizations. Your brain can actually start to make new neural pathways that align with this visualization. It is so amazing. God has made our minds so incredible. Like, I just I baffle every time I see studies about how effective visualization is, but it's so incredible, you guys. And so really, if you haven't visualized, I have some podcast on it, you can just scroll through, you'll see visualization. I also talk about gratitude, practice and the science behind that and why it's not as cliché as you might think, but so, so important to visualize so in your daily life, start to take that action of visualizing. What would it look like for me to show up as the healthiest version of myself? And you will start to see that your subconscious brain will actually take over because it has seen it so many times that it doesn't know if it's real or vividly imagined. And so it's going to help you. It's going to create those new neural pathways. So incredible. So there you have it. That is kind of my ultimate reset guide. Five Steps. Let me recap those five things.

Number one, honor your body with movement doesn't have to be a workout. In fact, it shouldn't be a workout like when you first start getting back into it, unless you want it to be a workout, just any sort of movement of any kind for 30 minutes, if you want to embark on that 30 days of 30 minutes of movement, I highly encourage it. If you do, I would love to hear about it, so be sure to tag me. Number two, focus exclusively on your protein intake consistently. Number three, hydrate flushing out those toxins and resetting those hunger hormones. Number four, get at least 8 hours of sleep each night for at least two weeks. This will not only give you the energy to feel like yourself again, but it will also help you get control of your cravings. And then number five, plan out and visualize. Remember that your brain cannot differentiate between what you vividly imagine and what the reality is. So visualize yourself as the healthiest version of yourself, and your brain will start to align your actions with the visualization. So there you have it. Those are the things I hope that this was beneficial for you. I hope that you can take this, maybe bookmark this, because it's not if, but when. When we get off track, when we come back from a vacation, when we get into a new season, we'll start to feel a little bit off. These are a great it's kind of a great guide to help you reset so that you can start feeling your best, feeling your most vibrant self. One thing I did want to note is that if you are not already following, embrace your Instagram, take out your phone right now, open up Instagram and type in embrace your real on Instagram and start getting that daily real talk from me.

I do film all of these podcasts and so some of the golden nuggets here on this podcast are in video format for you to share on reels or for you to bookmark and remember that. And while you're at it, be sure to check out movement with Julie. This account is where I post all my dumbbell workouts exclusively. You won't find anything else but dumbbell workouts on there. So if that is your jam, if that is something that you're interested in, type in movement with Julie and give that a follow as well. That is all that I have for today's episode. Thank you so much for tuning in. I hope that this was helpful. I love you so much and I'll talk to you in the next one. It's all right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes. It's with an name in the middle for that daily poser about real talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it.

Julie LedbetterComment