Macro Counting Q&A: Creatine, Fat Loss Phase, Protein Goals, Evening Snacks + More



Have you ever felt confused about macros or struggled to hit your protein goals? Do you find yourself wondering if you're eating the right amount for your body and goals?

Many women are on this journey, and this episode is here to provide you with the answers and support you need. In this exciting episode of Embrace Your Real, I dive into some of the most common health, nutrition, and fitness questions asked by the amazing women in my Movement with Julie private Facebook group. From understanding macros to navigating evening snacks, we cover it all! This episode will equip you with practical tools and resources to master your nutrition and fitness journey. You'll walk away with a better understanding of how to personalize your macros, navigate different phases of macro counting, and incorporate healthy snacks and protein into your diet.

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[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human you're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter, a podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I get you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:28][21.0]

[00:00:28] Hello, and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace Your Real podcast. Today I'm going to be diving into your questions that are asked Inside the Movement with Julie private Facebook group. Now, if you're not a part of this group, this is for active subscribers in the Movement with Julie app, there's, you know, over 10,000 women all across the world that do these weekly workouts. And I couldn't be more honored to be a part of such an incredible group of women. And I'm telling you, some of the conversations that we have in there, you know, are are very, you know, health and fitness focused. Others are deep, deep. And this community is just it's such a blessing to be a part of. And I want you to be a part of that, because I believe that community is so, so vital on this health and fitness journey and just finding other like minded women across the world who have similar goals to you can be so beneficial on your journey, not just, you know superficially of just health and fitness, but also in this life of just supporting you and encouraging you and lifting you up on the hard weeks, celebrating you on the weeks that you have many, many wins. And so if you want to be a part of this group, you can head over to sail. That's and become an active subscriber. [00:01:39][71.0]

[00:01:39] And when you're an active subscriber, you get access to this private Facebook group. But without further ado, I want to dive into this review. It comes from Teeny Tina. She's gave a five star review and said, what a blessing. Thank you for opening up your heart to the world and letting us know that you are not alone in the day to day struggles. You're inspiring and speak to my soul with every episode I listen to. Thank you for being so real and honest. Well, I'm so grateful. Thank you. Teeny teeny teeny teeny Tina who say that ten times. I appreciate you taking time out of your day to send in this review. It really does mean the world to me. I love seeing how these episodes and podcasts in general are helping you, so thank you in advance for doing so. If you could scooch over to Apple Podcasts and Liberating Interview, that would be so greatly appreciated and, just helps us know how we're helping you. It also helps us help other women, which is ultimately our goal. So thank you in advance for doing that. All right. Let's dive into today's question. So question number one is how does one know what macros they should be eating? I absolutely love this question because time and time again I see women following other women's macros. For example, they see, you know, a fitness influencer post what the what they eat in a day and then that's exactly what they eat. Or they see a graphic on Pinterest with a macro breakdown and they decide, oh, that's exactly what I should be eating. As nice as that would be, in a perfect world, it's just not the reality. Macros are not a one size fits all. [00:03:05][85.9]

[00:03:06] Like, seriously, that would be amazing. But here's the thing if you follow someone else's macros, you could either gain weight because you're eating too much, or you could kill your metabolism for lack of a better term because you're not eating enough. Either way, you're not going to see the results that you want, because you need to be following your personalized macros based on exactly what your body needs. And so that's why I have a macro counting made simple online academy. That's why I have a program that teaches you this. And I'm telling you, there's so many different approaches to macro counting as well. Like I think sometimes people get so caught up thinking, oh my gosh, I have to count all three macronutrients. That's so overwhelming. I don't want to do this. And I tell women that that's one way of doing it. There are numerous other ways that you can properly fuel your body without feeling so overwhelmed. So if that's you focusing on your overall caloric intake and focusing on your protein, that's great. If it's just you starting with I want to prioritize protein. So I need to figure out how much my body needs in terms of protein goals. And that's what I want to prioritize. That's amazing. Whatever it is, just know that you can absolutely see results when you are specifically focused on what your body needs, based on where you're at and what your goals are. And the only way that that is going to happen is if you figure out what your customized macros are, you can't go off of somebody else's. So that's definitely something that if you're interested in learning more about my program, it's called the Macro Made Simple Online Academy. Those who are inside the app get a specific active subscriber special deal. [00:04:40][94.2]

[00:04:40] So if that's something that you're interested in, you can just message me in the app. You can always contact me that way and I can send you over a link. And so you can get the special deal on the program if that's something that you're interested in. But otherwise macro canning made You can learn all about that program over there. Question number two I've been using the Julia app, and I've been in a body fat loss mode for about two months now, and I'm so happy with my results. I love that she said. My question, though, is that since I do not feel comfortable cutting my calories further, should I stick with my current macros for another month or should I go into a reverse diet? First of all, I love that this woman knows that you should not be living in a caloric deficit for too long, and I love that she knows that cutting calories too much can be detrimental to your progress. This is something that I talk about so, so much, so clearly. You have been tuning in to the podcast, or at the very least you've learned that, and I'm so proud of you because this is something that I believe so many women miss. A few things that I want to kind of mention is, first of all, many of you guys know that there are phases of macro counting, and if you didn't know this, you likely haven't tuned into my podcast as I've talked about this a lot in the podcast. But there are four different specific phases of macro counting, and you should be cycling through those for optimum results to prevent, you know, prevent a plateau to prevent messing with your metabolism. And the cycle kind of goes like this. [00:06:00][79.6]

[00:06:00] So if you're not familiar, listen up, tune in, bookmark this timestamp, or at the very least, get your phone out and just write this down so that you have it. You have maintenance phase reverse diet into a body fat loss phase, reverse diet into maintenance, back to maintenance, and then reverse diet to muscle building phase, then reverse diet to maintenance phase. Okay, let me say that again. Maintenance phase. Reverse diet into a body fat loss phase. Reverse diet back to maintenance and then reverse diet to muscle building phase and then reverse diet to maintenance phase. You're never going to be staying in one of these phases for longer. Well, okay, with the exception of maintenance for longer than 12 to 20 weeks. Now, I know that that's kind of a big range, but again, it depends on how slow or fast you go through these phases. So I mean, it could even be as short as 6 to 8 weeks. But typically 12 to 20 weeks is about a time that you'd be in a phase. With that being said, I did say there's an exception with maintenance. Now, I've been, you know, prior to being pregnant, I was personally in maintenance phase for, I don't know, a year, a year and a half. You know, there was maybe one time in that time period that I did like a mini body fat loss phase, which was like 4 to 6 weeks. But for the majority of that year, year and a half, I was in a maintenance phase. And so that's totally fine. That is that's a totally fine thing to be in. But when it comes to body fat, last phase, when it comes to reverse diet or muscle building, typically again gonna vary from person to person. [00:07:30][89.2]

[00:07:30] But the majority it's 12 to 20 weeks is typically a good range of time, sometimes 6 to 8 weeks, but again the majority 12 to 20 weeks. And this is so, so important that you are cycling through these phases of macro counting because you're not going to hit a plateau, you're not going to slow down your metabolism, you're going to be able to optimize your results through utilizing these four phases. And the second thing that I need you to know is that you should really only cut your calories by 3 to 500 calories, and this is honestly a lot less than one oftentimes thinks that they need to cut. And that is oftentimes the reason why they're not seeing results is because they're cutting too many calories, or they're doing it too fast, and then it's not even sustainable. So they're not even sticking with it, and then they're getting the way back, and then they're getting frustrated because it's not working, because it's not sustainable in the first place, or they're cutting their calories too fast, and then you're leaving no room for your body to have any sort of, you know, adjustment you're going from, you know, maybe 2500 calories to immediately going at 1500 calories and your body's in a state of shock. There are so many. There's just so much that goes into it that I could again, I've done so many various podcast episodes doing deep dives into specific things because there are so many factors and facets to the different phases. But just know that you should only ever be cutting by 3 to 500 calories, and you shouldn't even be cutting 3 to 500 calories right away. I would start with 200 calories or 300 calories max cutting, and then any stay in there, stay at that body fat loss, you know, 2 to 300 calories. [00:09:09][98.8]

[00:09:09] And when I say 2 to 300 calories, that's from your maintenance. So from here, maintenance calories 2 to 300 calories from that. Stay there for 4 to 6 weeks and see and stay consistent with it 4 to 6 weeks and see where you're at. And then if you need to reassess in 4 to 6 weeks, then you could slowly start to cut, you know, maybe 50 calories or 100 calories until you get to that 500 calories from your maintenance. And this is, again, you have to stay consistent with it in order for your body to adjust and adapt to those things. You can't be, you know, cutting five 300 calories one day, and then the next day you're going over by 800 calories. So you're going over, you know, a couple hundred calories from your maintenance. And then the next day you're up back at 200 calories less from your maintenance. Like that is where the inconsistency is, and that's where you're not going to see the results. So that's why it's so, so important that if you have a goal and you really want to dial this in and you want to learn how to properly feel your body, it's so important that you get the proper program or calculation in place based on where you're at and what your goals are, so that you can follow that. And you're not just super confused by all of this. If all of this confused you and you're just feeling like, oh my gosh, I'm so overwhelmed, trust me when I tell you the macro counting. It's simple. Online Academy genuinely lives up to its name. We try to simplify the macro counting process as much as possible without cutting out the necessary parts, right? We try to simplify the process, simplify the learning, but still teach you this comprehensive approach. [00:10:45][95.9]

[00:10:46] So my recommendation for you again, this woman who is saying my question is that since I do not feel comfortable cutting my calories further, should I stick to my macros for another month or should I go into a reverse diet? My recommendation to you is that you would move into a reverse diet slowly by keeping your protein the same, but kind of increase your carbs by maybe 8 to 10g and your fats by 2 to 3g toward your current set of macros. So from there, that's what I would recommend you initially do, and then kind of increase your macros every 3 to 5 weeks. Again, decided on how you feel with your progress, with your personal check ins and how consistent you've been overall. Again, if this is confusing to you, it doesn't have to be confusing. We will simplify the process for you, especially if you purchase that macro made simple online academy. You actually go through a comprehensive questionnaire form that will allow us to see kind of where you're at and what your goals are, and then we recommend, all right, this is the phase that you should be starting with. And then from there we say okay within this phase here's your breakdown of macros. So if you're in a body fat loss your first set of macros is going to last you 4 to 6 weeks. This is what it should be in 4 to 6 weeks. Go through this checklist. Make sure that you have been consistent with your macros. Actually like hitting all the dots if you say yes okay, move on to set number two of macros. So it's going to kind of guide you through that process so that it's not as confusing. And again this is completely based on you what your goals are and where you're at. [00:12:21][95.1]

[00:12:22] And that's all from that questionnaire form that you initially sent us. So again we we try to even though it's a self-paced program, we guide you through it as much as possible. So it doesn't have to be so overwhelming. Question number three. What are some ideas of evening snacks that I could have that would still fit into my macros if I only have a few left, but want to fix my sweet tooth, but also want it to be easy and fairly quick to make okay. There are so, so many. I have so many, so many for you. I recently have been loving Greek yogurt with a dash of vanilla extract and sweetener. I personally love that trivia. I feel like it tastes so, so good. It tastes like a sweet treat. It adds extra protein with not a lot of carbs and fats. Even if you add a little bit of cereal or you add like maybe one thing that I do often is I'll take like a chocolate rice cake and I will crunch it all up, and then I'll put it on top of that Greek yogurt. And it's just like, it's so good. It's so, so good. I love that because you're getting the crunch of granola, but you're not getting the additional like protein or carbs and fats that come from the granola, because a rice cake, a rice cake typically is, you know, the chocolate rice cake, I think is one gram of fat and 12g of carbs for one. Crunch that up, put it throughout your yogurt, and it makes it crunchy and it's chocolaty and it's so good. Another sweet treat that I absolutely love. And if you've been following me for any length of time, you know Jaso ice cream bars, oh my gosh, they're so, so good. [00:13:50][88.3]

[00:13:51] One bar has well, it depends on the bar I like I personally like the chocolate crunch ones. Those are good. And those are about 160 calories. I don't know the exact macros on them. I want to say they're maybe 17 to 25g of carbs, a couple grams of fat, 1 or 2g of protein. Those are really good. Yeah. So also has just ice cream bars that are not chocolate covered. And those bars I do know are 100 calories. They're two grams of fat, five grams protein, 16g of carbs. And so those are so, so amazing. Especially in the summertime. You just want some ice cream. They're just so good. So I get them at target. You can get them pretty much anywhere. I think they're sold at most grocery stores. Kroger has target Walmart I don't know. I mean those are the basic Safeway I think chasm. So those are those are the current grocery stores in Colorado. I don't know about where you're at. Publix I know has them. So check those out in the ice cream aisle. They're so good. Yeah. So so it's why a so another option is a protein mug cake I don't know if you've tried those before. I feel like these used to be all the rage and no one really talks about them anymore. But here's kind of a reminder if you've forgotten about them, you can use a scoop of whey protein a tablespoon of coconut flour. This kind of helps with just adding some moisture, and then you could add some extra sweetener if you wanted to. If your protein powder is sweet enough, you don't have to, then you can add a half a teaspoon of baking powder, one egg, one fourth cup of milk. [00:15:18][87.2]

[00:15:18] I personally like the unsweetened almond milk, and if you want to add, you know, some mixers in few chocolate chips, that depends, you know, depending on how many macros you. Have left, then just kind of pop everything in a microwave. Microwave it for 60s and enjoy. So let me tell you again what that recipe is. So it's a scoop of protein. Whey protein is personally what I use a tablespoon of coconut flour sweetener if you want. If the protein powder is sweet enough, you don't have to a half a teaspoon of baking powder, one full egg and one half cup of milk. Or you could do water, but I personally do milk. And then just mix everything up in a large mug and then pop it in the microwave for for 60s. And they're delicious. Another thing that I've seen, I personally don't have it yet, but the creamy, the ninja creamy. I've seen all the rage about that as well. And that's something that can be super helpful in terms of just helping you get in more protein, but also have it be more of ice cream. The one downside that I've heard about the cream cheese is that, you know, you obviously have to prepare them like a day or two in advance. And so that can be kind of frustrating. But I do see people prepare, you know, multiple ones. So on a Sunday they'll prepare, you know, 3 or 4. So they have them throughout the week. So that is another option. I personally don't really know the recipes, but I'm sure you could just Pinterest Ninja creamy recipes or into Instagram or TikTok and you'll see a ton so that hopefully those gave you some good answers in terms of just some good evening snacks that will help you fit your macros and cure your sweet tooth without having, you know, a ton of macros to work with. [00:16:51][93.0]

[00:16:52] All right. Question number four I feel like I struggle to get past my 120g protein daily. Are you all finding this as well? Protein shakes. What about them? Should I be doing them for hitting my macros? I thought about adding collagen into my coffee as well to give me an extra boost. What are your thoughts? Okay, so it's no question here. That protein is one of the hardest macros to hit. And just know that you're not alone in this and that it's a struggle for many, many women. But here is the simplest hack to hitting your protein goals is to increase your portion size by 50%. That is the single best way to hit your protein goal, and that's literally just increasing your portion size. So I think sometimes we're overthinking like that. We have to eat so much protein, when in reality we just have to bump up our amounts of protein and our meals a little bit and it adds up so, so much. Right? This is going to allow you to stay within. Let's say you love to have three meals a day. You don't want to have four meals. You'll feel like you'll feel too full. You can simply just increase the portion of the lean proteins or of the protein that you're using, and that will help so much. So for example, let's say you're eating, you know, eight ounces of chicken at a meal. Increase it to 12oz. That's going to provide an additional 25g of protein, which is pretty wild. Or similarly like bumping up egg white portions from a half a cup to three fourths of a cup. That's going to add seven grams of protein, going from a half a cup to a three fourths of a cup of Greek yogurt, that's going to provide five extra grams of protein if you just made those three changes alone. [00:18:29][97.0]

[00:18:29] So you added more chicken, you added more egg whites to maybe your breakfast and then to your sweet treat at night. You added more Greek yogurt. That right there increases your protein intake by 37g. That's a lot. That's a lot of protein, if you ask me, especially because most of the time, women, that's what they're struggling with. They're struggling with, you know, 30 to 40, sometimes 50g of protein. That's what they need to try to achieve by the end of the day. And that's what they're struggling with. So just increasing those portion sizes. Another trick and hack, which I won't go into too much detail because I just talked about it on a recent episode, is my protein Shakes. If you go to my Instagram, Julia Ledbetter and go to my highlight story that says Protein Shake, I just recently did it. That protein shake alone, I think has 51g of protein in it, and it has single handedly changed my pregnancy because I was struggling with getting protein until I discovered this protein shake that is literally amazing. And it has 51g of protein in it. So go check that out. Also, I dive into collagen in this episode, so definitely check that episode out. I will link it in the show notes. All right. Question number five. To understand to my understanding, your body can only breakdown where tabbouleh is efficiently 30 to 40g of protein at a time. True or not true. I've been told that anymore is absolutely or is almost wasteful. So is it best to spread out protein throughout the day for proper digestion and utilization of protein? This is such a huge misconception, and I'm really happy to address it, because I don't think we really have on any other episodes. [00:20:03][93.8]

[00:20:03] But according to research, the human body can absorb virtually an unlimited amount of protein at a time. And this is something, again, that I talk about a lot in terms of protein. Like people think this often I hear this often is that people say, okay, talk about all this protein. But I've heard that I can only have 30g of protein at a time, and I'm like, oh my gosh, that is such a myth. Which is good because honestly, like if you think about this. 30g of protein is actually not that much protein, especially if you're heading out for like a steak dinner or barbecue. Yea, that alone is probably gonna be like 30 to 40g protein in that meal. I mean, even like the modest fitness lifestyle breakfast of protein oats with extra yogurt that will take you over 30g of protein right there. In nutritional science, absorb refers to the way that nutrients move from the gut into the like systematic circulation. But the digestive system can't really detect 30g of protein or any other arbitrary number, so there's really no sudden off switch that it would redirect. You know, the 31st gram of protein elsewhere. One thing to be aware of is that, you know, obviously eating in excess of calories from any macronutrient that's going to just overall lead you to weight gain. But if you consistently eat more calories in your body burns, your body will store that extra, you know, extra body fat. But let's say you need 140g of protein a day. You break that up into three different meals. That's going to be 46g of protein each serving. You're going to reap all the benefits of hitting that 140 gram goal, even if you have it in three meals, so I hope that that makes sense. [00:21:37][93.9]

[00:21:38] I think people love to make you think that, you know, there's all these myths when it comes to health and fitness and people overthink things. And I think that it's at the very, at the end of the day, kiss. Keep it simple, sweetie. Keep it simple, sweetie. If you hit your protein goal in whatever way, shape or form it feels, you know, feels your best, best fits your schedule, you'll well be on your way to building the body that you want, and that's ultimately the most important thing. And so again, if you feel sick eating, you know, so much protein and a specific meal, then that's just a cue that your body's like, okay, let's not have you know this much. Or maybe it's because you're having, you know, so much protein, but you're also having a ton of carbs and fats in that meal. So overall, it could just be the overall amount of food that you're eating. But just know that, no, there's no arbitrary number that, you know, at the 31st gram, your body's going to be like, nope, we're not going to use this protein. So you can absolutely have, you know, 50 60g of protein in one sitting so long as your body feels okay. And that's what I talk about in that other episode, in terms of my protein shake, is that I tried a protein shake that had a full size of, a weight of whey protein, and a full serving size of the vital collagen powder. And I didn't feel my best. That was 80g of protein in a protein shake. I just didn't feel my best. So I decided to cut a few servings in half. And so subsequently, it went from 80 to 51g of protein, and the 51 gram of protein protein shake is chef's kiss. [00:23:07][89.4]

[00:23:07] Perfect. I love it, and I do not find that I have any sort of digestion issues with that. So again, go to my personal Instagram Julia Ledbetter, check out that Protein Shake highlight story and hopefully that will help you. Okay. Question number six I have calculated my macros and still have a few questions for those of you who count them. My macros split frightens me a bit because it seems like to my body fat loss calories are very high and the amount of food I must consume to hit my macros is a lot. I have been pretty consistent over the past few weeks with the app and feel very motivated. However, I only do the 30 minute workouts five times a week. I'm wondering if that is enough training for the amount of food that I must eat. I really want a toned, strong body, but I have fat that I want to lose. I feel like I might get bigger instead of smaller. Here's my macro breakdown deficit calories 1772 calories. My protein goal is 126g, my fat goal is 49g and my carbs is 206g. Okay, before I answer this question, I want to make it very clear do not copy these macros. These are based on her body, her goals, and her needs. If you want to know your macros, I have a program for that I mentioned it. Check out the link in the show notes. Okay, so here are my initial thoughts on this question. Macro breakdown is in fact not a lot of food. It really isn't like 1770 calories is not that much food. I get that you might think it is, but I'm telling you that ultimately that is actually not that much food. And because I have been there, I understand that many people think, you know, they only need to eat 1000 calories or 1200 calories a day. [00:24:42][94.4]

[00:24:42] And I'm telling you, that's just not the case. Here's the thing the number of calories a woman burns without exercise varies, but on average, without exercising, a woman burns anywhere between 13 to 2000 calories per day. And again, this variation depends on several factors like age, height, weight, and muscle mass. But this is how many calories your body burns just going about your day, not including the exercise that you do. So your 1700 calories aligns with this number. It's really not a lot of food. It's the amount of food that your body needs. And so we kind of need to first break this mentality when it comes to less calories is better. More calories is actually going to rev our metabolism. And. Help us reach our goals. Less calories is going to ruin our metabolism, for lack of a better term, and make it harder to reach our goals, which will also likely trigger you to lose weight from muscle, which is what you don't want, right? It's going to trigger nutrient deficiencies, which can cause a whole other host of issues in your body. But long story short, you don't need to work out more to eat this number of calories. This is the amount of calories that your body needs based on where you're at, what your goals are, and the amount that you're working out now. So obviously, if you work out more and you do that consistently, this is where it's just so important to have that knowledge to say, you know, my activity level has changed, whether maybe you're in a very busy season of life and your activity level went from really high to lower or to a moderate amount, or vice versa. Maybe you have more time or you've prioritized your workouts, and now your workout activity has gone from, you know, low to moderate to now high. [00:26:19][97.0]

[00:26:20] This is why being empowered and educated about how to properly feel your body can be so helpful, because you're going to want to recalculate your macros based on your new activity level. But long story short, all that to say, don't be afraid of food. Food is what is going to fuel your results when it comes to reaching your results and hitting the right macros, you have to trust the process. I know it can be scary, but when you stick with it, the results can and will be unbelievable. Like unbelievable. Okay. And so I just want to encourage you to kind of break this down and ask yourself, like, okay, how do I feel on three meals and two snacks a day? If that's the case, the majority of your protein will likely come from three different meals. So try to factor that in. Obviously, you're going to have some protein left over of that 120g, I believe was your 126g of protein. You'll likely have a little bit of room to play with for a couple snacks in there. But I'm telling you, if you have full, solid meals and you have, you know, protein, carbs and fats for all of your meals and the majority of your snacks might be, you know, higher in protein, a little bit lower in carbs and fats, you will actually feel so much better. I think oftentimes people think they need to just have a protein based meal, and then they're like, well, why am I hungry? You know, 45 minutes now? Like I just ate 45 minutes ago. I just had, you know, a high protein meal. Well, it's likely because you're not giving your body enough carbs and fats. You need to have enough carbs and fats and protein throughout the day. [00:27:53][92.7]

[00:27:53] So that's why I always recommend having, like a balanced meal of protein, carbs, and fats for lunch, protein, carbs and fats for dinner, and protein, carbs and fats for breakfast. Now I say breakfast last because breakfast is typically the most controversial one. Some people say, you know, I love Big Breakfast. Other people say I hate Big Breakfast. And so if that's the case, you know, you have to find what works best for your schedule and what allows you to feel the most energized throughout the day. For me personally, I got to have a big breakfast. I got to have a moderate sized lunch, and I got to have a bigger dinner. That's how I feel my best. I typically have a bigger afternoon snack than I do morning snack, and I just feel my best that way. And so again, it's going to it's going to be trial and error. You got to figure it out. But long story short and kind of to wrap this up, 1700 calories is not a lot of calories. When you actually take the time to really break it down and stay consistent with it. And that's the other thing that I want to just encourage you on is stay consistent with properly feeling your body. It's going to likely feel like a lot, especially if you're going from, you know, 1200 calories. Honestly, it's going to likely feel like it's a lot of food and you might feel pretty full for the first few days to a week. But our bodies are amazing at adapting, like incredible at adapting, and you will absolutely adapt to that. And you will start to reap the benefits so quickly. With energy, you'll start to see, oh my gosh, my metabolism. I'm actually like fueling my metabolism. [00:29:23][89.8]

[00:29:24] I actually feel strong. My workouts. I have so much energy. And then you actually start to see the toned. You're toning up, you're leaning out, your body measurements are getting less and less every week. Again, not going off of the scale, going off the body measurements, how you feel, progress, photos, all of those things. You will see how it all works in harmony together. So I hope that that encourages you and just pushes you to push through this and say, okay, I'm going to commit to this. I want to see how I feel three weeks, four weeks, five weeks of doing these macros and staying consistent with that. So again, if you want to learn more about kind of how to start properly feeling your body through utilizing it to a macro counting macro counting meets That's where you're going to get all of your help in terms of your custom macro calculation based on your body, your needs, your goals, all those things. And if you are listening to this and you're not an active subscriber in the app and you want access to this private Facebook group, I'm telling you, this group is incredible. It's it's hands down the most supportive group on the internet. I love it so, so much. You can learn all about my demo only program at sale. That's. Would you like to come sail, Sally? Would you later come to learn more? You'll gain access to five brand new workouts every single week. You'll also gain access to the private Facebook group where I'm telling you, these women, you know, they're all doing the similar workouts from week to week. They're celebrating each other's wins. They're motivating each other. They're pushing each other. They're answering each other's questions. [00:30:46][81.9]

[00:30:46] And it is just such a great support system so that you can stay connected and committed on your journey. So I will link both of those things in the show notes. I hope that this was helpful. I love doing this Q and A's. I know that they tend to be a little bit longer, but hopefully it kind of give you just some insight as to some of the questions that people are asking in the Facebook group. And I can, you know, just give you a little preview of some of the answers that we have to them in the private Facebook group. So that is all that I have for today's episode. Thanks for tuning in. I love you so much. I mean it, and I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:31:28]

[00:31:28] All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace it real because you're worth it. [00:32:36]