How to Squeeze in Workouts: Real Advice From Busy Moms & Working Women


Hey, hey, sister! Today, we’re talking about how to find time to work out when life feels absolutely crazy.

Now, if you’re new here or haven’t joined yet, Movement with Julie is my workout app designed to help you feel strong, confident, and capable in your body. And when you join, you also get access to our amazing private Facebook group, where women connect, share their wins, struggles, and ask questions. It’s honestly one of my favorite parts of the program because the support in there is unreal!

​​Alright, let’s get into it: how do you actually make time for workouts when life is already full to the brim? Here’s what the women inside Movement with Julie had to say…

What I discuss:

  1. Delegate or delete – Remove something to make room for workouts.

  2. Wake up at 5 AM – It’s hard at first, but it gets easier and ensures you get it done.

  3. Stack it with other tasks – Find ways to combine movement with daily life.

  4. Use your lunch break – If possible, work out midday when kids are at school.

  5. Move during kids’ activities – Walk laps, do bodyweight exercises, and use whatever space you have.

If you loved this episode, you’ll also love Episode 339: How to become a “morning person” with your workouts…

And if you want workouts that fit YOUR life and a community of women who truly support each other, check out Movement with Julie! Head to to start!

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Hey there, beautiful human, you're listening to Embrace your Real with me, julie Ledbetter, a podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I dish you a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real, let's get it. Let's go. Hello and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace your Real podcast. I am so happy that you're here Today. We're actually talking about something that so many women inside my Movement With Julie private Facebook group have been asking about, and that is how the heck do you find time to work out when life feels absolutely crazy? Now, if you're new here, you haven't joined.


Movement with Julie is my workout app that is designed to help you feel strong, to feel confident, capable in your body. They're dumbbell-only workouts that you can do literally anytime, anywhere. All you need is a few pair of dumbbells in a small space and when you join, you actually get access to our amazing private Facebook group where women can connect, share their wins, their struggles, ask questions. It's honestly one of my favorite parts of the program because the support in there is absolutely unreal. But inside the group, a few women recently posted about struggling to fit workouts into their busy schedules. Like one mom said, how do you all find the time to exercise regularly? I'm struggling to do the normal mom stuff juggle my son's basketball schedule, work 40 hours, be a wife, take care of the house and then try to find time to exercise and get my steps in. I still have almost all of my Christmas stuff out for crying out loud. How do you people do it? And then another mom said how do you guys work out so early in the morning? I'm an after work workout girly usually, but I figured I'd try to switch it up and this morning absolutely dragged like heart. It felt like my pre-workout didn't do crap for me. My form wasn't there. I felt weak AF, feeling a little defeated because I feel like I didn't even get a good workout in. Listen, I get it. I personally totally relate to these. I know that these two women are not alone in feeling this way, and so today I wanted to share real life solutions from Movement with Julie users who have figured out what works for them and hopefully their advice will help you as well.


But before we dive in, I want to share this review. It comes from Sierra Loves Cat. She gave a five-star review and said wonderful podcast. I am 14 years old and my mother introduced me to this podcast because she really liked it. The first episode I listened to was seven positive affirmations and I have been a fan ever since. I used to hate my night chores making my lunch, packing my bag, et cetera but listening to your podcast makes it more enjoyable. Thank you for creating such an uplifting podcast. Oh, my goodness, the fact that you are 14 and you're listening to podcasts, girl, that is amazing. I'm so grateful for you. Thank you for taking time to leave a rating review and also thank your mother. For me, that is amazing. That your mom introduced you to the podcast Like that just brings my heart so much joy. So thank you, thank you, thank you. Okay, let's get into it.


How do you actually make time for workouts when life is already full to the brim? Well, here's kind of what some women said. Just in response to some of those women asking questions inside the Moot with Julie community, the first one that they said was delegate or delete. So one Moot with Julie user said to add something new, we have to remove something. So either delete or delegate, and I personally love this reminder.


If your schedule is packed, look at what you can either delegate or delete. Can your significant other or your kids take on more household tasks? Can you let go of something that truly doesn't need your attention? You have to remember that we can't magically add more hours in our day which I totally wish we could but we can absolutely be intentional about how we spend them. Another great tip is to really evaluate what you do in your downtime. Are you spending hours scrolling on your phone, watching TV or doing tasks that aren't urgent? Maybe it's time to swap those things out for workout session. Even cutting back on 15 to 30 minutes of mindless screen time can free up a significant amount of time over the course of a week. Also, consider how much you say yes to things that actually don't align with your priorities, like are you over committing to social events? Are you volunteering or projects that don't serve your personal goals? Learning to say no can be an incredibly powerful tool in reclaiming time for yourself, and remember that delegation isn't just about chores.


If work responsibilities are overwhelming, can you automate some tasks. Can you use meal delivery services, online grocery ordering or even carpooling with another parent to free up some extra time. Sometimes, these small shifts in daily responsibilities can make a big difference in creating space for workouts. Lastly, I want you to take inventory of what truly must be done each day. So many of us place this unnecessary pressure on ourselves to do everything all at once, and not everything is urgent. Can certain tasks be done every other day instead of daily? Could they be simplified? Time management is key to making movement a non-negotiable part of your life on a day-to-day basis.


Number two wake up at 5 am. Now this one might sound so tough, but so many women in the group said that waking up early was a game changer for them and the only way to make it happen. Like one woman said, it sucks, but it's the only way. For me, life is so busy, especially when working all day and then running kids around in the evening. Another woman said the first two to three weeks were rough, but it does get easier. An overwhelming number of women echo the same thing. Like waking up at 5 am is the best way to make it happen. It's tough at first, no doubt, but your body is going to likely want to resist and you're probably going to want to hit snooze a million times. But the magic happens when you push through and over time your body will adapt. Over time your body will adjust and before you know it, waking up early does become second nature.


If you are struggling with waking up early, start by making gradual adjustments Go to bed 10 minutes earlier or 15 minutes earlier and then slowly over time, get to 30 minutes or an hour earlier each night until your body naturally begins to shift Like. Set yourself up for success by laying out your workout clothes the night before, prepping your water bottle, your pre-workout and having a plan for exactly what you're going to do in the morning. And then, in the morning, use Mel Robbins' five-second rule. You have five seconds to just get up and do it. The alarm goes off. Five seconds to get up. Five, four, three, two, one. Get up Again.


Keep in mind that it does take a few days oftentimes three to seven, for your body to adjust to a new wake-up time. As your circadian rhythm, your internal clock needs time to recalibrate. Yes, those first three, four, five, six, seven days, those are going to likely be the hardest, but once you push through, your body will start to reset. It's also important that if you wake up at 5 am every weekday. Try to wake up at 5 to 6, even on the weekends. I know that sounds kind of crazy, but your circadian rhythm will likely be out of whack if you constantly change it, and consistency is key to really making it easier. And, most importantly, just remind yourself why you're doing this, like you're not just waking up early for the sake of it. You're carving out time for you. You're prioritizing your health, your goals, your wellbeing, and when you show up for yourself first thing in the morning, it really does set the tone for the entire day. So give it a try, stay consistent and see how it can transform not just your workouts but your entire mindset.


Number three stack it with other tasks. So one movement with Julie woman said a lot of nights I'm making dinner and working out. At the same time, I prioritize and maybe wait to do laundry or something else, because I know that I need to be at my best to care for my kids. I work out for my mental, physical and emotional health. It's not an option for me not to do it, and this is such a good reminder Like sometimes workouts don't have to be separate dedicated time slot where you block off like an entire hour to head downstairs or head to your gym place in your garage or wherever it is or drive to the gym.


Life is busy and it's not always realistic to carve out like a perfect, uninterrupted workout window every day. And that doesn't mean that movement has to take a backseat. Instead, you can find creative ways to integrate exercise into your daily routine, like think about this. Movement can happen while you're cooking dinner, you're playing with your kids or even catching up on your favorite show. It's about shifting your mindset from I don't have time to how can I make this work, and the key here is to stop thinking of workouts as all or nothing, like you don't need to have a full hour for it to count. Every little bit adds up, and the more you move throughout the day, the better you feel. So, instead of stressing about finding the perfect time to exercise, start looking for small opportunities to add movement into the things that you're already doing, because it all adds up and it all counts.


Number four use your lunch break. Another woman inside Moot with Julie said I do it at lunch, since my kids are at school. Then lunch is at my desk. So this is a smart approach, like, if your work schedule allows. Using your lunch break to squeeze in a workout can be an absolute total game changer, like even a short 20 to 30 minute session that can boost your energy, improve your focus for the rest of the day and free up your evenings for family time, relaxation or other priorities.


If you work in an office, consider taking just a quick walk outside to get some fresh air or movement in between meetings. You could also find a nearby gym if your office doesn't have one, to do a quick strength or cardio session, like. Some offices even have wellness rooms now or quiet spaces where you can do a short, moodually workout, because genuinely all you need, guys, is a few pair of dumbbells in a small space. So even if you bring some dumbbells and you put them underneath your desk and you take them out, you could honestly even do them, like in your office, depending on how big your office is. But if you work from home, keeping dumbbells, resistance bands, a yoga mat nearby, that's going to make it even easier to fit in these workouts without having to drive anywhere or make even a big production out of it. And this is again why the movement with Julia makes it so simple to work out from home with very limited equipment and time.


The key, though, is being intentional with your time, like if you typically scroll on social media or check emails while eating lunch, you might be surprised at how much better you feel by swapping some time out for just movement, like it doesn't have to be complicated, just something to get your blood flowing, your muscles working and your body moving. And remember, if a full workout isn't possible, even those small bursts of activity throughout the day add up. Add a short walk, add a few sets, do a tri-set some midday stretching. All of those things can make a big difference in how you feel, both physically and mentally, and the more creative you get with your time, the easier it becomes to stay consistent. And last but not least, number five move during kids' activities. So I loved this tip. It's such a great example of how you can make movement fit into your life instead of trying to squeeze it into an already packed schedule.


If you're spending time sitting at kids practices, consider that time to move instead of just scrolling on your phone or waiting in the car. Those small shifts in how you use your time actually do add up in a big way over the weeks, over the months and think about it Like if your child has practiced for an hour. That's a full hour of potential movement that you can take advantage of, even if you don't want to do a full workout. Just walking around the field doing a few stretches, sneaking in some body weight exercises that can make a huge difference in how you feel, like some easy ways to make the most of practice time.


If you are a practice mom right now, your kids are involved in tons of different activities. You could walk laps around the field or facility. You could use bleachers for step-ups or push-ups or tricep dips. You can pack resistance bands and do like a lower body, upper body or some full body workouts Inside the Moot with Julie app I give you flex workouts and they do utilize resistance bands, so that can be super helpful for you. Do bodyweight exercises like lunges, squats, planks inside the Moot with Julie app. Under the Flex workouts. I also have bodyweight-only workouts that you can do literally anywhere and all you need is your bodyweight and there's tons of different ones there, so highly recommend that for you. But the best part is your kids actually get to see you prioritizing movement, which really does set a great example for them too, like they'll grow up seeing fitness as a natural part of life rather than something that requires a gym or tons of extra time. And so the next time you're at practice, think about how you can use that time intentionally, even if it's 15 or 20 minutes of movement that can boost your energy, clear your mind and keep you feeling strong, all without adding another to-do to your already full day.


Okay, so let me quickly recap the five pieces of advice from my Moot with Julie ladies inside the community. Number one delegate or delete, so remove something to make room for workouts. Number two wake up at 5 am. It's hard at first, but it does get easier and ensures that you get it done. Number three stack it with other tasks, so find ways to combine movement with daily life. Number four use your lunch break If possible, work out midday when kids are at school. And last but not least, number five move during kids' activities Walking laps, doing body weight exercises, whatever you can with the space that you have.


I hope that this episode gives you some ideas and encouragement, and remember, finding time to work out isn't about perfection. It's about doing what you can with what you have, and if you love this episode, I know you will also love episode 339, how to become a morning person with your workouts. I will go ahead and link that in the show notes below, and if you want your workouts to fit into your life and you want to have a community of women who truly do support you, you've got to check out my Moot with Julie app Head to sale. That's S-A-L-E. Thatmootwithjuliecom to start, and with the app, you have loads of options. So you have all of the flex workouts, and then you also have five brand new dumbbell-only workouts that all you need are a few pair of dumbbells on a small space. Every single workout, and plus every workout gives you a 30 minute or a 60 minute variation, depending on the time constraints that you have. This app was truly created for busy women out there, and so you have to give it a shot, so I encourage you to go check it out Again. That's salesalemovementwithjuliecom.


All right, I will see you in the next episode. I hope this was helpful. I love you so dang much. I mean it, and I'll talk to you in the next one. All right, sister, that's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie A Ledbetter yes, it's with an A in the middle For that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real, because you're worth it.