How to Set Your Body Goals for 2023



Have you set your body goals for this year?

If you haven’t already, let me ask these few important questions:

What should your body be in 2023? What are you working towards? Are your goals actually healthy?

Before you continue to live in weight mode or before you join the next fad diet, it is crucial that you figure out the answers to these questions. By doing so, you can obtain a clear idea of what you should be working toward this year.

In this episode of Embrace Your Real podcast, I give you three steps to follow to determine what your body goals for 2023 should be.

What I discuss:

  1. Ask yourself why.

  2. Get Clear on Your Values and Priorities

  3. Reflect on Your Past Experiences

Links mentioned in the episode:

Episode 274: 8 Things You Need to Do to Achieve Your Goals

Episode 86:  7 Steps to Setting (And Actually Reaching) Your Goals

If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Movement With Julie Workout App:


Free e-book:

Macro Counting Made Simple:

Amazon Storefront:


Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Well, hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. What should your body be in 2023? What are you working towards? Are your body goals actually healthy?

I think these are all really important things for you to figure out before you continue to live in this constant state of weight loss mode, or you try to hop on the next fad diet. By answering these questions, I believe that you can have a clear vision for what you should or shouldn't be working towards this year.

And this is why in this episode, I'm going to hopefully give you some insight and I'm going to give you three steps to follow for determining what your body goals for 2023 should actually be.

But before we dive in, I want to share this reveal comes from Kelly o H. She gave a five star review and said Mindset Freedom. I've been following Julie for a while now and I can confirm she is consistently wise. Brings interesting topics to the table concerning health and fitness and speaks life over her listeners. Her programs have led me to a lot of food and mindset. Freedom ten out of ten recommend taking the time to listen to her real. You might find the courage to embrace your own. I love this so much for so many different reasons, but that last line ten out of ten recommend taking the time to listen to her real. You might find the courage to embrace your own.

That is exactly what my hope and prayer is for this podcast. I hope that you walk away feeling encouraged or empowered or educated in some way, shape or form. The three E's, as I like to call it. And so thank you, Kelly O for taking time out of your day to send in this review.

If you haven't already read it in a read the podcast, it would mean absolute world to me. If you could scootch over to Apple Podcasts tape and embrace your real first hit. That plus sign in the top right corner that make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode. They're just automatically downloaded to your phone. So that way, whether you have phone service or not, they're already on your phone so that you can just binge listen to episodes. They're completely free. If you are a Spotify listener, I hear you. I love my Spotify. For some reason. I listen to podcasts on Apple Podcasts and I listen to music on Spotify, but I could start listening to podcasts on Spotify. We are definitely over there, and if you do listen on Spotify, you can actually rate the podcast. You can't really leave a review, but you can read it. And if you could take some time to just type and embrace your email first, make sure you follow the podcast so that it pops up on your library. And then also you can click that rating section that does really help us out in terms of the charts over there on Spotify as well. So thank you in advance for doing that.

Okay, let's dive into the three steps to follow for determining what your body goals for 23 should actually be.

Number one, you've got to ask yourself why? Why do you want to change your body? Why do you want to lose the weight? Is it because you feel the need to impress someone? Is it because you feel the need to look a certain way in order to be accepted? Is it because you think you know, if you finally change your body, then I'll be happy? Or maybe you think, you know, if I lose the weight, then I'll feel more desirable or I'll be more valuable. If it's any of these things, I'm going to be real with you as a sister that loves you and wants the best for you, it is time to rethink what you're doing and why. Weight loss will never cure unhappiness. You'll find that once you lose the weight, you'll still be unhappy. Weight loss will not make you more desirable. If it does, you're more desirable in the eyes of the wrong person or the wrong people. The people who really truly matter. They love you for you, not for your body. We need to take a deeper look within ourselves and find a more healthy reason for wanting to change our bodies. I am a faith believing Christian, and I believe that it's so impactful to attach your why to something spiritual, because I have found that it's not just behavior modification, but it's spiritual transformation. And I did not make that up. I will 100%. Craig Reucassel He's awesome. I love his leadership podcast, but he was talking on this topic about how important it is to just stop thinking that everything is just behavior modification, behavior modification, especially because we are spiritual beings. When you attach that and you actually attach your why to something with spiritual transformation, it will allow you to have such a deeper reason. So, for example, my why I believe that God has placed a gift within me to speak to other women and to encourage them and empower them through, you know, avenues of this podcast, through my social media, through the content that I put out, but also encourage and show people that they can move their bodies through dumbbell workouts and teaching them that. And so for me, my why? Is really honoring the body that God has given me. He has allowed me to be in this place where I have this gift to share with women. And if I don't take care of myself, if I don't move my body consistently, if I don't nourish my body with what it needs, I'm not able to be the absolute best version of myself for that gift that God has put in my life, or there's people in my life that I'm able to serve because I'm in a healthier capacity. I think oftentimes we say, Well, I don't want to be selfish, and I totally get that we are called to serve people. But I also truly believe that we are called to be the best version of ourselves. And you have to remember this If you spend all of your time giving out and never prioritizing those things that matter in your life. I hate to break it to you, but you're likely not going to be here as long on earth like you might not, you know, be here as long as you hope to be. If you, you know, have the dream of being a mother one day or grandma one day. If you're not prioritizing yourself right now, those people in the future, they might not get as many years with you because you have not prioritized yourself. And so it's this fine balance and it's reminding ourselves of the deeper reason why. And for me personally, attaching that to something spiritual has really transformed my life in terms of creating the disciplines in my life that then turn into habits that lead me down the path of consistently nourishing my body and consistently moving my body. So you've got to number one, ask yourself why.

Number two, you got to get clear on your values and priorities. This is kind of what I was, you know, just talking about in relation to kind of just looking inward and saying like, what are the gifts and talents or what are the roles that God has placed me in in my life? And and how can I get super crystal clear on that? Like, what do you value most when it comes to your life? This understanding of your values and your priorities will really help set goals that align to what you truly care about, and they'll make the make them more meaningful, which leads to more disciplines in your life. Because here's the thing. When you just have this surface level, like I just want to lose weight, it actually prevents you from focusing on your true values and priority like you're just solely focusing on, okay, I just want to lose the weight and I'm just going to go on this fad diet to lose the weight. And it's all about weight loss instead of how you want to feel the energy that you have so that what? So that you can be your best in in the different areas and the different roles that you have in your life. I think that, you know, weight loss when we just solely focus on the surface level things. They get in the way of our priorities and what our priorities should be in life. And that's why we're down this this rabbit hole in this toxic cycle of like losing and gaining and losing and gaining is because we've never actually gotten clear on what our values and our priorities are. So you might say, like when I ask you what are your values and your priorities? Not in red, no, Lily, not in relation to fitness. You might say like, Oh, I love my family or my value is, you know, being the absolute best that I can at my job or whatever it is. Those are all great things. I love that. I love that you want to be there for your family. Okay. So let's attach that really important value, that really important priority in your life and just attach that to what your, you know, your health and fitness goals because you want to be able to make memories with your kids because you want to be the healthiest version of yourself and have the energy to keep up with your kids because you want to be mentally acute in your job so that you are able to perform your absolute best because you know you believe that you've been placed in this specific role in your life, whether that's at a job or that's in your community or that's in your family. And and so you've got to attach these these really important values and priorities, and you've got to look at your values and priorities when you're looking at kind of the lens of your fitness, health and fitness goals and attaching them will really help you to ensure that you're not just staying at this surface level of like, oh, I'm just, you know, I just need to lose more weight because when you when you do that, then you're going to be missing out on creating memories with your kids. Then you're, you know, you're not going to have the energy to make it through the day without, you know, like taking two or three naps or having two or three cups of coffee. Like you'll be so focused on these surface level things that actually are pulling you away from your values and priorities. And that's the exact reason why you're not able to stick with it, is because you're not actually tying in your health and fitness goals with what you genuinely, genuinely prioritize in your life.

And then number three, I think you've got to get real and you've got. To reflect on your past experiences. And this is where, you know, reflecting on your past values and priorities might have been different prior to having kids or prior to where you are in a different season of life. Maybe you were single before and your values and your priorities have shifted Now that you're engaged or you're married, different life seasons will change, and I think that it's really important that you get honest and you reflect on your past experiences and know that it's not going to be the same exact journey as, you know, five years ago or ten years ago or even last year. Like, things can change a lot. And I think that it's important that we honor this season of life that we're in, and we recognize that past seasons of our life might have looked differently and we might have had different values and priorities. And that's awesome. But we should learn from that and not try to duplicate the exact same thing. You know, that we tried four years ago and now we're. When you were a single in college and now you're married and have two kids, like your season of life is going to look different. So just honor that and try to learn from what you previously experienced, like previously when you were following, you know, and you had health and fitness goals and maybe you achieved X, Y, and Z. Did you genuinely do it in a healthy and sustainable way? If not, then learn from that and take that and create a new foundation for your body goals in 2023.

So let me quickly recap these three questions you need to ask yourself in order to determine kind of what your goals and what your body goals should look like in 2023.

Number one, ask yourself why you've got to get deeper. It's deeper Why? In my specific life, I have found that it's not just behavior modification. It is spiritual transformation. It is attaching my why to something spiritual for me, my gifts, my talents, the roles that I have been placed in in my life. I have to attach my why to my goals that I am in this place and I want to operate at the best possible level that I can. In order for me to do that, I've got to honor my body regularly with movement and nourish my body with what it needs.

Number two, you got to get super clear on your values and priorities. And that's kind of ties into what I just talked about. But you got to ask yourself, what is your priority in your life? What are your main priorities in your life? And you've got to tie that to your why. And lastly, number three, you've got to learn. You got to reflect from your past experiences. You got to honor the fact that you are possibly in a different season of life than you were before. And so your goals are likely going to look different. And that's okay. That is the that's part of growing and evolving. As humans. Our seasons of life are going to grow and evolve and and I would hope that you would learn from your past experiences. And hopefully that will allow you to see results in maybe a more sustainable way or even in a quicker way, because you've learned from your failures and you've learned from things that didn't work out in the past.

So there you have it. That is all that I have for today's episode. I hope that you found this helpful. I hope that something stuck with you again. If you want to learn more about things that you need to do in order to achieve your goals, I do have a really powerful episode on that. It's episode 274. I think that you're really going to find this one helpful. I will link it in the show notes below, but basically I just give you eight things that you need to do in order to set yourself up for success. And it's kind of a list format and I hope that it helps you. I also in that episode mentioned another episode which I mentioned here, Episode 86 seven Steps to setting and actually reaching your goals. Both of those I think will be very, very tangible for you in terms of setting your goals. So I will link both of those in the show notes below, but I hope that you found this helpful. I hope that you got something from it.

If you have a friend or a coworker or someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this specific bonus episode, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link and send it to them in a text message, or you can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story and be sure to tag me so that we can see you and chat with you. I love you so much. I mean it and I'll talk to you in the next one for you.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie. A lot better. Yes, It's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the app. Absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

Julie LedbetterComment