How to Be Your Best Self in 2025: New Mom Edition


Are you ready to step into 2025 as the best version of yourself, but wondering how to juggle it all with the demands of new motherhood? Or maybe life has thrown new responsibilities your way, and you’re struggling to find balance.


In this episode of Embrace Your Real, we’re diving deep into what it truly means to redefine your best self during this unique season of life.

I discuss about:

  • How to see motherhood as a new chapter in your growth story.

  • Letting go of the pressure to “bounce back” and embracing your evolving self.

  • Focusing on who you want to be, not just what you want to do.

  • Why “good enough” is more than enough.

  • Creating small, impactful non-negotiables for self-care.

  • Using challenges to build emotional strength.

  • Dreaming big and creating space for your goals.

  • Redefining your best self beyond the number on the scale.


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[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you with each episode and issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real, let's get hands, girl. Hello and welcome back to another episode on the Embrace Your podcast. And why don't you put together an episode on how to become your best self in 2025? But as I was working on this episode, I realized that becoming your best self looks so different when you are a new mom. Like the same tips that I would regularly talk about don't quite apply this season of our life. New Moms. This is a delicate time in life that has so many different needs and demands. And so that's why I decided to create an episode. How to Become Your Best Self in 2025 New Mom Addition. But even if you're not a new mom, but maybe you find yourself with new responsibilities or new demands in your life, I know that you're going to find a lot of value in these tips that I'll share. But let's be real. Like being a new mom is completely life changing. Yes. In the most incredible way. But also it's very challenging. Like you're learning to juggle a thousand things and it's easy to feel like your old version of you is gone. But here's the truth. You're not lost. You're growing. And I want to help you see this chapter as an opportunity to rediscover and redefine your best self. And again, if you are not a mom and you don't plan to be a mom, I truly believe that there are key takeaways in this episode. And also I have another episode that I think you'll find very beneficial as well. Seven Mental goals for 2024. In fact, it's a two part series and I know that you will love and most likely want to hear over and over again. So be sure to tune in to that so that you can check that out as well. I think that that will be very beneficial for you. But before we dive in, I want to share this review. This came from t money 1 to 1. And she said, I absolutely love Julie's podcast. This is exactly what girls and women need right now. When I I'm having a difficult body image day. I turn on one of her podcasts and it's like she's speaking to me directly, calling out my thoughts and helping me counter them. She does an incredible job showing us how important mindset is and provides practical tips to get us to where we need to be to be in a healthy way. Thank you so much. You are spreading so much light and love. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in that review. It genuinely means the world to me and our team. If you could scooch over to Apple Podcasts and liberating interview, that would mean so much to us. Just also know how the podcast or maybe a specific episode is helping you. So you can go to Apple Podcasts, type in, embrace yourself first, make sure to subscribe so that you never miss a new episode. And then lastly, you can scroll all the way down and leave a rating interview. Again, that just helps us so incredibly much. Okay, so I'm going to be sharing eight points on how to become your best self in the New Year. But before I dive into each one, I just want to say at the end of the day, becoming your best self really does start by giving yourself permission to redefine what your best self is right now in this time of your life. Like give yourself permission. I know that it will feel hard. It might even feel weird to let go of the expectations that you had for yourself. Or you may even feel by doing so, you're losing yourself. And so my goal for this episode is to really help you through that. Like help you realize that it's okay to build a new you in this new chapter of your life. So let's dive in. Number one, See motherhood as a new chapter in your growth story. Can we just take a second to talk about how motherhood is not the end of your story? It's actually just the beginning of a brand new chapter. Like, I know that it can feel like life is completely flipped upside down. And that could also be like the biggest understatement of the year. But your priorities, your schedule, even your body, all of it has shifted. But instead of seeing it as your losing your old self, I want you to reframe it. You are growing into someone even more incredible. Like motherhood teaches you things that you never imagined you'd need to know. Patience. Check. Resilience. Double check. Going with the flow even when everything feels out of control. Absolutely. It's literally a crash course in personal growth. And even on the hard days, you're learning, you're evolving, and you have to continue like there is no days off, right? The fact that you continue to show up for yourself is growth. I want you to think about this. What have you discovered about yourself since becoming a mom? Maybe it's that you've realized how strong you are, how deeply you can love, how quickly you can pivot when your little one throws you a curve ball. Those aren't small things. Those are actually huge. I mean, think about it. You are becoming someone who's more adaptable, who's more compassionate and more capable every single day. And listen, it's okay to miss pieces of your old life. That version of you was amazing. But this new chapter, it's all about stepping into a new version of yourself, one that's growing in ways that you never thought possible. So here's really the most important thing I'm going to say in this episode. Instead of thinking I've lost myself, I want you to try thinking and saying to yourself, I'm just finding a new, stronger me. Here's something to try Take. A minute to reflect on how far you've come. What have you learned about yourself since becoming a mom? Maybe it's patience. Maybe it's resilience. Maybe it's realizing that you can find joy in the smallest moments. Write those lessons down somewhere that you'll see them. Because on tough days, it's so helpful to remind yourself of how much you are actually growing. Like motherhood is a wild ride, but it's also an incredible opportunity to evolve. You're not just a mom. You're a strong woman who is writing an entirely new chapter of her story. And let me tell you, it is going to be an incredible one. Number two, you don't set the expectation that you need to bounce back to where or who you were first. Let's start with the most important mindset shift. Your best self doesn't have to look like it did before becoming a mom. That version of yourself. Yes, was incredible. But life has changed and so have you. And that's more than okay. Becoming a mom is one of the most transformative experiences you will ever go through. It's only natural that your definition of best evolves with this new chapter. You don't need to bounce back to who you were. You need to embrace this new chapter as something completely new, and you need to bounce forward into what this chapter can bring. Maybe your best self before was hitting the gym or hitting your workouts five days a week, sticking to a perfectly planned schedule, juggling multiple projects with ease. But now your best self might look like squeezing 10 to 15 minutes of movement, remembering to drink your water, or just managing to get yourself showered or dressed for the day. These might seem like small wins, but they're still amazing and they're absolutely worth celebrating. The key here is really shifting your perspective. Instead of measuring yourself against who you used to do or who you used to be. I want you to focus on how you want to feel in this new season. Do you want to feel more energized so you can keep up with your little one? Then prioritize these small actions like taking a short walk or stretching or staying hydrated. Do you crave this sense of calm or centeredness and amidst the chaos? Maybe that means starting your day with a few minutes of breathwork or journaling or reading the Bible prayer. These small, realistic priorities may not look like the big structured routines that you had before, but they can still make a profound difference in how you show up for yourself and your family. What's most important is to meet yourself where you're at. Redefining your best self starts with grace. Give yourself permission to embrace this new version of you imperfections and all. And when you start small and build from there, those little wins, they will actually begin to stack up and you'll feel more empowered and aligned with the person that you're becoming. You don't have to do it all to be your best self. You just have to start. Number three, focus on who you want to be, not just what you want to do. Being your best self doesn't mean that you have to be your most productive self. I'm a repeat that again. Being your best self does not mean you have to be your most productive self. When we think about becoming our best selves, it's natural to zero in on actions. What we want to do. Maybe it's sticking to a workout routine or it's eating healthier or it's being more productive. And yes, while those goals are valuable, they only scratch the surface. Real transformation starts when you shift your focus to who you want to be. Do you know who you want to be? I don't know how many of us actually sit down and really think about that. Like, I know we are also so busy in this season of life. But if you're in the shower or you're sitting down, if you're pumping or you're breastfeeding or whatever it is in this new season of life, those little pockets of quiet moments, ask yourself, Who do I want to be? Who do you want to show up as in this season of life? Like what this really means is what qualities or what values matter most to you right now. This shift is powerful because it creates this clarity and alignment. For example, maybe you want to be more patient. You want to be more resilient. You want to be present in your new role as a mom, as a spouse, as a professional. Those are big, meaningful traits. But here's the good news. You don't have to be perfect to embody them, even if you're working on them in small, imperfect ways. Having a clear vision of who you want to be helps guide your daily choices. It's not about taking something off the to do list. It's about living in alignment with the person that you want to become. So really, like take a few minutes to reflect on this. If you are your best self in this season, how would you describe yourself? Like, how would you really describe yourself? I want you to write down three things that will describe the version of you that you are striving to become. For me, it's loving it strong. It's adaptable. For you, it might be more present, relaxed, whatever it is. Post those words somewhere visible, whether that's your bathroom mirror, your fridge, your phone lock. Screen those words. Let them become your guiding light, reminding you of who you're growing into every time that you see them. Having this vision makes even small, mundane decisions feel more purposeful. Instead of focusing on checking the boxes, you're actually showing up intentionally as the person that you want to be. And when you get hit with all of these inevitable changes and challenges or moments where you just completely doubt yourself. I want you to lean on those three words. Remember that they will be the reminder that you need to get back on track. All this to say focusing on who you want to be rather than what you want to do gives your actions deeper meanings. It's reminder and it's reminding yourself that your best self is really less about perfection and more about intention. Let me say that again. Being your best self is less about perfection and more about intention. By showing up each day in alignment with your values. You're not just working towards your goal. You're becoming the person that you aspire to be. One small choice at a time. Whoo! This one's good. Number four, embrace the power of good enough. Can I just say that good enough is more than enough. Good enough is more than enough. Good enough is more than enough. We live in a culture that focuses way too much on perfection, especially for moms. There's this unspoken expectation to juggle everything flawlessly, like a sparkling, clean house, an Instagram worthy meal plan, endless attention for your little one, and somehow self-care that looks like a spa day four times a week. I like I'm just being honest. Like, here's the truth, though. That is not realistic. That is not sustainable and that is definitely not necessary. Again, your best self is not about what you do. Doing things perfectly does not by any means mean that you are your best self. Your baby doesn't need a perfect mom. They need you. The real you, the happy, the present, the sometimes let's be honest all the time. Tired but perfectly imperfect. You. So let me give you permission. Because sometimes I get it. Moms, we need to hear it. It's okay to choose good enough. Good enough Might mean ordering takeout tonight because you're just running on fumes. Good enough might mean leaving the dishes in the sink so you can sit and watch your favorite show for 20 or 30 minutes. Good enough might mean skipping that workout because your body is begging rest. The world will not crumble if you let a few things slide, but your mental health will crumble if you don't. And you cannot be your best self if your mental health is not prioritized. So here's what I want you to do. Replace. I didn't do enough with what I did. Today was enough for now. Remember, you don't need to check everything off the box to make progress. Progress is not about perfection. It's about showing up even in the smallest ways, consistently. Did you manage to move for 5 or 10 minutes even if it was chasing her toddler or rocking your baby around the living room? Guess what? That's progress. Did you grab a quick protein shake instead of leftover crackers on the counter? That's a win. Did you take a deep breath instead of snapping when your baby or your toddler spilled something for the third time? That's growth. It's not about getting it all done. It's about focusing on what really matters. Your well-being and the love that you gave your baby. Because when you are calm and cared for, that energy radiates into everything else. So, Mama, I need you to let go of perfect. And I need you to instead embrace good enough. Trust me, it is more than enough for the people who love you most. Number five, anchor yourself in small non-negotiables. These aren't meant to add more to your plate to overwhelm you. Instead, they're simple. They're meaningful habits that bring structure, joy, and a sense of connection back into your day. And the best part is that they don't need to be time consuming or elaborate to make a difference. For me, my non-negotiables are tiny, but they're very impactful, at least at the very bare minimum, a 10 to 15 walk to clear my mind and reset. And if that's just walking on my walking pad while I literally stare at a blank screen or I do some emails, whatever that is, that is a non-negotiable for me. A non-negotiable for me is adding protein to every meal that I have to keep my energy steady to keep my milk supply up. That's important to me. A non-negotiable that's very small is journaling a single thought of gratitude to help me shift my perspective on paper. These habits again, might seem insignificant, but here's the magic. When you show up for them consistently, they compound into something powerful. They anchor you during the chaotic days, and they remind you that you're taking these small steps to care for yourself, even when life feels overwhelming. So I want to challenge you to make your non-negotiables and make them as effortless as possible by. Daring them with habits that you're already doing. So if you're feeding the baby, drink a glass of water every time you sit down, if your baby's napping. Read that book or walk for that 10 to 15 minutes. If you're brushing the brushing your teeth, use those two minutes to pray or mentally list three things that you're grateful for. It's not about adding more to your to do list. It's about weaving small moments of self-care into your existing routine. Again, these small habits might feel small, but trust me, they do actually create these big shifts over time, and they actually will create these huge, huge shifts in your life. When you prioritize these little moments, you're investing in yourself, and that energy will ripple into every other area of your life. So start small. Stay consistent and let those non-negotiables be the foundation that keeps you grounded even on the toughest days. Number six Use your New Mama Challenges to Build Emotional Strength. One of the most powerful lessons of motherhood and just life in general is that emotional strength isn't built in smooth, easy moments. It's built in the messy and the raw and the sometimes very overwhelming ones the sleepless nights, the tantrums, the moments where you feel like you're stretched so thin. Those are opportunities to grow emotionally stronger. Strength comes from allowing yourself to feel the hard moments fully and learning how to process those emotions in a healthy way. It's not about avoiding the tears or the frustration, but it's about embracing them as a part of the journey. Let me remind you, it's okay to cry. It's okay to feel frustrated or to admit that this season is freaking hard. But what truly matters is what you choose to do next. When a tough moment hits, I need you to take a breath. Take a pause. Instead of spiraling into this self-doubt or guilt, ask yourself, okay, what emotion am I feeling right now? Identifying your feelings gives you power over them. And then follow up with this. How can I respond in a way that aligns with the person that I want to become? Maybe that response is taking a deep breath. Stepping away for a moment to regain your patience. Maybe it's calling a friend or family member to vent. Maybe it's journaling your feelings. Maybe it's praying, crying out to God, or just simply choosing to let it go. Every challenge that you face is an opportunity to grow emotionally stronger and more resilient. The tough days, those are shaping you into someone who can navigate future challenges with more grace and confidence by leaning into the hard moments instead of running from them. You're building a foundation of emotional strength that will serve you not just as a mom, but as a person. And last but not least, number seven. I need you to start thinking big again. Even after everything that I've said in this podcast, I need you to know that you can still dream big. It is possible when you're in the thick of early motherhood, it's easy to shrink your vision and put your dreams on the back burner. There's so much to juggle and sometimes it feels like there's barely enough energy to get through the day, let alone focus on big goals. But here's the truth. Becoming your best self means daring to dream big again, even if those dreams take a little longer to achieve now. Motherhood doesn't mean giving up on your goals. It means recalibrating them to fit this new chapter of your life. Instead of telling yourself, I'll never have time for my dreams. Try shifting your mindset too. I'm building the foundation to achieve my dreams one step at a time. Your goals might not look at the same as they did before, but they are still valid and they're 100% still worth pursuing. This is a season of planting seeds small actions that will grow into something incredible over time. I need you to take a moment to write down your long term vision for yourself. What is your dream life look like? What are the small steps that you can begin to take to get yourself there over time? Dreaming big does not mean that you have to tackle everything all at once. It means you're holding space for your goals and taking steady intentional steps towards them. You're not just a mom. You're a woman with dreams, ambitions and so much potential. Give yourself permission to think and dream big again, knowing that this chapter of motherhood is a part of the beautiful journey towards becoming your best self. Instead of saying, There's no way that I can accomplish this. Say to yourself, when there is a well, there is a way. I truly, truly believe that. And if you declare to God what your big dream is, I guarantee he will guide you on that, so long as that is what he wants for your life. Right? There is always a way. If there is something that you truly desire, when you commit yourself to God, God will always be alongside and He will give you the strength and the guidance to pursue it. Last but not least, number eight Your best self is not your skinniest self. I cannot forget this one because I know so many. You guys might be thinking this like New Mama. I need to tell you that your best self has nothing to do with your skin, yourself or your pre-pregnancy self. This even applies if you're not a new mom. But after having a baby, it's easy to feel this pressure to bounce back or fit into your pre-pregnancy pre-baby clothes that you know that's a measure of success. But that's not where your worth lies. Your best self is not about being the smallest version of you. It's about being the most energized, the most fulfilled, and the most vibrant version of you. Motherhood is so demanding, and what your baby needs most is not a mom who's obsessed with this scale. It's a mom who feels strong, who is capable, whose present your best self comes from prioritizing how you feel, not how you look. It's about fueling your body with foods that give you energy to keep up with your little one. Finding movement that helps you feel strong and confident and making time for the things that bring you joy. Outside of getting your body back. Instead of thinking I just need to lose this baby weight so I can feel like myself again, I need you to shift to. I want to feel energized. I want to feel fulfilled. And I want to be proud of how I am showing up as a mom. I need you to let go of that weight focus goal and focus on feeling base goals, for example, instead of I need to fit into these pre-baby jeans. Say I want to feel strong enough to carry my baby without back pain or instead of I need to lose x amount of pounds. I want to move my body in a way that makes me feel good and helps me show up with more energy. Your baby doesn't care what size jeans you wear or how flat your stomach is. They care about your love, your strength, the presence that you bring every single day. Your best self as a new mom isn't about shrinking. It's about growing into a new version of you that's rooted in energy and fulfillment and in purpose. That's the version of you that thrives and that's the version of you your baby will always look up to. Okay, so there you have it. Those are all my tips for becoming your best self this new year as a new mom. Let me quickly recap what we talked about in today's episode. Number one, you have to see motherhood as a new chapter in your growth story. Number two, don't set the expectation that you need to bounce back to who you were. Number three, focus on who you want to be, not just what you want to do. Number four, embrace the power of good enough. Number five, anchor yourself in small non-negotiables. Number six, use your new mama challenges to build emotional strength. Number seven, start thinking big again. And number eight Your best self is not your skinniest self. All of this to say being your best self as a new mom is not about perfection or doing it all. It's about showing up with grace, focusing on who you want to be. Embracing the beauty of progress over perfection. You are evolving every single day into someone stronger, more resilient, and more incredible. Remember that the small steps matter. Celebrate those wins no matter how small they feel and trust that you are doing an amazing job, Mama. All right. That is all that I have for today's episode. If you have a new mom in your life that needs to hear this, please, please, please send it out to them. I would love to hear kind of your moments. I would love to hear when you gave birth or kind of just your moments as a new mom. I love you so much. I mean, I don't like an accent. All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you're not already following me on the gram. Be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes, it's with an eye in the middle for that Daily Post workout rail talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it. [00:00:00]