Feeling Hungry vs. Full: Which is Better?



Many people mistakenly believe that being hungry all the time means they're on the right track. They think hunger equals a calorie deficit, which leads to weight loss. However, this assumption is not quiet.

That’s why this episode of Embrace Your Real, we will dive into difference between feeling hungry and being full. 

Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Episode 337 - What Your Low Calorie Diet is Doing to Your Body

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Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go.

Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode.

Feeling hungry versus full. Which one is better? We're just going to dive straight into it. Constantly Feeling hungry is not a desirable state to strive for when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I know many of you and I are thinking this because this was me for a decade of my life. You guys thinking that being hungry 24/7 means that you're doing something right, like being hungry means that you're in a deficit. And being in a quick deficit means that you're losing weight. Not quite. And that's what I want to explore in today's bonus episode.

But before we dive in, I wanted to share this sweet review. It comes from Jess Dear 76, and she said:

This has quickly become one of my favorite podcasts. So inspiring, so informative and uplifting, such great info that is relatable to everyone. Listening to Julie has totally changed my mindset, which in turn has changed so many things in my life for the better. Thank you, Julie, for sharing your wisdom with us and for always caring about us so much.

Well, Jess, thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you for taking time out of your day to send in this review. I'm grateful that this podcast is helping you. That is my hope. That is my prayer that every single episode either encourages you, empowers you, or educates you on some way, shape or form. Because I know when you take the time to learn things or just listen to things that will help change your mindset, it can actually change so many things in your life. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Let's dive right in to the bonus episode of Why being Hungry 24/7 is not something to celebrate. Because let's be real. Many women do celebrate this. They think like, Oh my gosh, I haven't eaten all day. This is some badge of honor. And I'm here to tell you that it's not the only badge that they're receiving, that you might be receiving. If this is you, is that you are hindering your metabolism.

And you guys, I speak on this topic because this was me and my hope and my goal always with this podcast is to inspire or encourage or save someone the time that I wish I would have saved because I didn't know these things. And I used to think that being hungry was a badge of honor. I used to think like, Oh, I didn't eat all day, look at me. And it was something to celebrate. It's not.

I know it's commonly believed that being hungry equals to weight loss or building the body that you want. But I can in fact tell you that it definitely 100% leads to detrimental consequences. And the weight loss that you will get from this toxic pattern is not the weight loss that you're looking for. Trust me, here's the truth Bomb. And if you only get one thing out of this episode, please let it be. This. Being hungry does not necessarily equate to losing weight and feeling full does not automatically mean that you're gaining fat. Let me repeat this again. Being hungry does not necessarily equate to losing weight.

On the flip side, feeling full does not automatically mean that you're gaining that as much as people think that being hungry equals weight loss even more people think that feeling full means that they're going to gain weight. And this just couldn't be further from the truth. Let's dive into each individual so that you can kind of get a more full picture when it comes to each of these things.

So like I said earlier, the idea of being hungry leads to weight loss stems from this notion that when we are consuming fewer calories than our body needs, that will result in burning stored fat for energy. While that is true that creating a calorie deficit can contribute to weight loss to a body compositional change, not eating all day is not what people mean when they say creating a caloric deficit. The truth of the matter is attaining weight loss through feeling hungry all the time is not going to work.

I actually explain this in way further detail in Episode 337 - What Your Low Calorie Diet is Doing to Your Body. I really do get into the nitty gritty, into the science behind what it's doing to your metabolism and your hormones. But with this episode, the purpose is to break your beliefs and thought patterns around feeling hungry and full.

So if you want to dive into the nitty gritty, I will link episode 337 in the show notes below, But I want to just kind of start here with helping you to break the belief that, you know, feeling hungry is the only way to achieve your goals, and feeling full means that you are walking away from your goals.

Feeling full after a meal does not inherently imply weight gain. Satiety is a natural physiological response that indicates the body's nutritional needs have been met. Let me repeat that. For those in the back, satiety is a natural physiological response that indicates that the body's nutritional needs have been met. It is an important signal. Better yet, it is an essential signal that ensures that the body receives necessary nutrients to function optimally.

By ignoring this signal and striving to be constantly hungry that can result in overeating or overindulging later on, especially in foods that are less nutrient dense when the hunger becomes overwhelming. And let's be real, focusing solely on the fear of feeling full. Can also lead to a very unhealthy relationship with food.

So you can see both sides of the spectrum are going to lead in ultimate destruction, right? Like if you feel full after each meal, you will actually help to avoid those food cravings that you have and feel like you'll never feel the need to overindulge or stuff your face with foods that you think you're never going to see again. And thus you're just going to be like, I'm just going to eat this entire box of Oreos, or I'm going to eat this entire pack of whatever it is, right? You fill in the blank of whatever food it is. Just because you have gotten to this extreme point where you say, I can no longer hold it in any longer, I'm just going to eat. And then you get done with whatever it is and you just feel like crap. Your body feels like crap, you feel guilty, It's just no place to live. And oftentimes that solely comes just because you are starving yourself from what it actually needs. But when you can break free from the belief that you feel like you need to be hungry all the time to building the body that you want, or on the flipside, feeling like being full always is the enemy. You realize a few things:

  1. You'll see better results when you're actually fueling your body correctly.

  2. You'll have a much more positive attitude in your life and you'll live with much more greater vibrance and vitality.

  3. This is important. You'll have a healthier relationship with food, fitness and your body.

  4. You'll actually have the energy that you need to live the way that you want to live your life.

  5. You will stop obsessing about food and you'll start obsessing about what actually brings you true joy.

You'll actually start to focus on the most important things of our life. Right? So with that being said, instead of constantly striving to be hungry or constantly avoiding feeling full because you think both of those things are not going to bring you the results that you want, I want you to aim for a state of feeling balanced, feeling nourished, and being satisfied.

When you honor your body's hunger cues and you eat mindfully, you will develop a healthy relationship with food, with your body, and you'll be able to, most importantly, maintain it long term, and you'll live a much more happy, healthier, fuller life, no pun intended. So my challenge to you is this The next time you feel hungry, ask yourself, Why am I feeling hungry? Am I depriving myself? Or is this just a natural?

You know, I'm hungry again, and the next time that you feel full, I want you to give yourself a pat on the back. You achieve the goal of eating. Like really try to be aware. This is one thing that I wish I would have learned so much earlier on, because there are so many signals that our body are telling us. And oftentimes we have conditioned ourselves to ignore the signals. We've conditioned ourselves to ignore the signal, like, okay, I'm good. Like at a meal, like I'm full, I'm good. We just have put on these blinders and we've completely ignored that signal. Or on the flip side, like, Hey, I'm hungry. You're just like, No, no, no, I'm going to try and put it off. I'm going to try and put it off as long as I can. And again, you go back to thinking that that's a badge of honor to feel hungry.

It's not. I'm telling you, speaking from experience, it's not I desire for you to be able to honor your body's hunger cues. I desire for you to feel the healthiest that you've ever felt in your body so that you can maintain this long term. All right. I know that you can do it because I've done it. I've been in your shoes. I've been there where I've listened to people say, Oh, it's possible. And me just thinking it's not. And then me actually finally getting to a breaking point and saying, you know what? I'm just going to try it. I'm going to try this out. I'm really going to just be in tune with my body. And I know that it's a process. I know it's going to take time. But please hear me when I say it is 100% possible to have a healthy relationship with food and your body and be able to sustain it long term.

Again, if you love this episode and you really want to dive deep into the science of living in a constant perpetual state of a deficit, I go really deep into the nitty gritty. In episode 337. I will link that in the show notes below so that you can easily go tune in to that. But thank you so much for tuning in. I hope that this gave you some nuggets to think about and if you have a girlfriend or a friend or someone in your life that you feel like would benefit from this specific episode, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link, send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your story. That's all that I have for today's bonus episode. I love you so much and I'll talk to you the next one for you.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie. A Ledbetter. Yes. It's with an A in the middle for that daily post about real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me and means The Absolute World. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it.