8 Things I Do to Make Nourishing My Body a Lifestyle


I have been counting my macros for almost a decade. And since I’ve stopped doing competitions and found a new normal with my body, my body size and shape haven’t fluctuated all that much. But here’s the thing: I have made nourishing my body a lifestyle and because of that my weight is not continuously going up and down. I don’t have to “get back on track” the same way I know other woman need to. But, the difference is that many women are dieting and not making nourishment a lifestyle.

So many women ask me how I have the willpower to stay on track all the time. But here’s the thing: I don’t need willpower. Seriously, I don’t need one ounce of willpower and in this episode I’m going to explain what I do to essentially “stay on track” without needing willpower through making nourishing your body a lifestyle.

What I discuss:

  1. I know what my body needs.

  2. There is no scarcity in my “diet”

  3. I “budget” my food.

  4. I know when to chose memories over macros and vice versa to keep my life balanced.

  5. I pay attention to how food makes me feel.

  6. I prioritize cooking delicious meals.

  7. I honor my body with movement daily

  8. I focus on consistency over perfection.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy: www.macrocountingmadesimple.com

Get my recipe guides: https://www.juliealedbetter.com/recipe-guides

If you want more from me, be sure to check out…

Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

Free ebook: www.juliealedbetter.com/free-ebook

Amazon storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6bda1ca8?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_pub_influencer-6bda1ca8_dp_DgsIam9salgfi


[00:00:00] Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get hugs, girl. Hello and welcome back to another episode of the Embrace Your podcast. Eight Things I Do to Make Nourishing My Body a Lifestyle. Now, this is something that I get asked on a daily basis because often times, especially in the summertime with our schedules being crazy, vacationing kids are home from school. You're doing all the things you're normally not doing throughout the rest of the year. It's like people are constantly trying to get back on track. And even though I've been counting macros for almost a decade, I have since stopped doing like competitions. Like I previously competed in bikini competitions. I ended up winning my pro card and the day that I won my pro card, I stepped off stage and I told myself, I'm never going to be doing that again. And so since that decision of July of 2014, I have really kind of found a new normal with my body. My body size and shape truly hasn't fluctuated that much. I mean, I've definitely built muscle since then. But here's the thing. I have made nourishing my body a lifestyle. And because of that, my overall physique is not constantly fluctuating drastically. I don't have to get back on track in the same way. I know a lot of people struggle too, and when if you are in that position, I just want you to know that that is something that I personally struggled with for a decade of my life.

I was constantly in the position of telling myself I have to get back on track, and I know many of you might be struggling with that as well. So today I really want to dove into that and I want to kind of talk about willpower, because a lot of women ask me like, how do you have the willpower to stay on track all the time? But here's the thing. I don't need willpower. I don't need an ounce of willpower. And so in this episode, I'm really going to kind of explain what I do to essentially stay on track throughout the year without needing the willpower so that I can continue to nourish my body. And it is a lifestyle doing that so that I'm not feeling like I'm in this toxic cycle of always needing to get back on track. But before we dove in, I wanted to share this amazing review. It comes from Sarah, a mom of four from Montana. Hello. Hello. She said exactly what I need to hear every day. Julie, I appreciate your podcast so much. I've struggled with an unhealthy relationship with food and I am on a journey to healing it. I have had four babies in last seven years. Hello. You are amazing and have gained weight. Lost most of it, but I've been consumed by trying to lose it all. My youngest is a year now and I'm still trying to lose 15 plus pounds to feel my best. I have been stressed about it and have been working hard, but not consistently. Your episode on Unpopular Advice really spoke to me and gave me a push on keeping consistently going. Thank you much love gratefulness sister. I love this so much. First of all, you are incredible.

You are a mom to four amazing human beings. That in and of itself is something that you should be so proud of. And I'm just so grateful that this podcast is helping you. And I'm so thankful that that episode in particular, unpopular advice, really spoke to you. So thank you for taking time out of your day to send in this review. I appreciate every single one of your guys' reviews. They truly do keep the show going. They help us understand how this podcast is helping you, how it's impacting you. So if you could scooch over to Apple Podcasts, type in, embrace your real first, make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode. And lastly, if you could scroll all the way down and leave a rating interview, that would mean the world to me. Okay, so let's dove into eight things I do to make nourishing my body a lifestyle. Number one, I know what my body needs now. I know that you talk about macro accounting a lot, but through macro counting, I know exactly what my body needs. And the truth is, knowledge is truly power. Once I learned how much protein, carbs and fats that I needed daily, it was truly hard to ignore it. So even on the days that I'm not counting my macros, I kind of have in the back of my mind what I need to prioritize. For example, if I eat a carb dense breakfast, I know the next meal I should prioritize protein. Or if I'm traveling, I will pay attention to really ordering meals that are higher in protein. Not because I'm trying to cut back on carbs. I don't live in that mentality. I don't eat a low carb diet. I actually eat well over 250 grams of carbs per day.

But that's kind of beside the point. I just know that protein in and of itself makes me feel my best. It's the most satiating of the three macronutrients, so it's going to keep me fullest the longest. And I just overall, when I'm traveling, kind of eyeball the amount of protein, carbs and fats. And because I've been doing this so long, because I have educated myself, I have that in kind of the back of my head. Now, does it consume me? Absolutely not. I believe that anything that consumes you, anything of even a good thing can be unhealthy. And so if it is consuming you, I want to encourage you to kind of. Take a step back and reevaluate and ask yourself, okay, if this is consuming my thoughts, if this is consuming everything that I do, how can I approach this? And how can I take a different approach so that I can still nourish my body but not have it consume me? And I'm telling you, once you kind of have the knowledge of what you actually need to be eating daily, it will be kind of second nature to you over time. Now, when I first started counting macros, was it easy for me? I am going to be flat out honest and say no because anything new that you try in life that you've never done before, it's going to require hard work, it's going to require perseverance. But I was committed to educating myself and like I mentioned earlier, knowledge truly is power. And because I now have the knowledge as to how to properly feel my body, I know that I'm not going to be, you know, spinning my wheels, trying to see results because I know exactly what it is that I need to do in order to see results.

I need to stay consistent, not perfect, but stay consistent, especially in my movement, and really make sure that I'm following an effective program. And then when it comes to my nutrition, knowing that my nutrition is queen, nutrition is more important than movement. Now, am I saying movements unimportant? No. But nutrition is so important. And so when you know how to properly fuel your body through your nutrition, you will get so much further simply because you're able to know exactly what your body needs. And so that is super, super important. And that is the first thing that I do to kind of make sure that I'm nourishing my body and creating a lifestyle out of it. Number two, there is no scarcity in my daily intake. What I've learned through my previous eating habits in working with countless women over the years is that scarcity regularly leads to a pattern of overindulging. Let me say that again scarcity regularly. So when you have this scarce mindset, when it comes to food, that will lead to a pattern of overindulging. As humans, it's natural for us to want more of what is scarce, right? So whatever it is that's scarce in your mind or in your life right now, often times you want more of it simply because it's a scarce resource, right? So if you never let chips in your house or if you tell yourself you can never eat them, then you go to a party and there's a bowl of chips there. You're likely going to have all of these feelings that are coming up inside of you that literally is leading you to that bowl of chips. And when you get to that bowl of chips, you're not going to have any willpower anymore because that has been such a scarce food, in your mind.

Now, am I saying if you're struggling with chips, to just constantly be like bringing in these bags of chips? No, there's ways around it. There's ways of you know, I've mentioned this on a few podcasts ago talking about getting the Pre-Portioned snack. So if snacking is an issue for you, I want you to still eat the foods that you love. I want you to still eat the foods that bring you joy. But if you struggle with overindulging, try to maybe get the pre portioned packages of chips and that way you're regularly having them. So when you go to that party and you see that bowl of chips, you're not just going to be consumed by that to the point of where you're eating them and you can't stop. So I just want to encourage you to not have scarcity in your daily intake. This also goes with sweets. If you've been following me for a while, you guys know that I am a sweet tooth queen. I love my sweets. I will never not go a day without having some sort of sweet in my daily intake simply because I don't want to have that scarcity in my daily intake. I've done that before and it has led me down a path of getting to the end of a week or even getting to the end of two weeks or three weeks of me saying, No, I'm not eating this, and then completely overindulging to the point where I feel sick. So please, please, please do not have scarcity in your diet. And I know if this is you, if this is something that you struggle with, which was this was me when I first came into kind of this lifestyle of like telling myself, I need a rehab, I need to figure out how to properly nourish my body.

I had fear foods, right? They were called fear foods in my life. And I struggled with cereal. I struggled with peanut butter. I struggled with chips, cookies, all of those things. And for me, I needed to go week by week and try to overcome that fear food. And, you know, I'm telling you week by week, but it really like I wouldn't overcome a fear food in one week. Sometimes it would take a month, sometimes it would take six weeks. Other times I would be able to conquer that fear food in two weeks. It totally just depended, but it really required my focus. And so what I did was I tried to implement my fear foods, one or two of them into my daily intake throughout the week. And I started by doing pre-portioned packages. So for example, with peanut butter, I knew I couldn't have a whole jar in my house or I would eat the entire jar. So I started with a pre pour. And packages of peanut butter. And I started to slowly incorporate them into my daily intake. I learned moderation. Moderation is key. And same thing with cereal. I would get the travel size bowls of cereal. Yes, it was a little bit more pricey. But I'm telling you, in the long run, if you can truly overcome those fear foods, if you can overcome having this scarce mindset, it will serve you long term and you won't have to do it for the rest of your life. But I did that in week by week, month by month. Within a year, year, year and a half, I had overcome about 15 to 20 fear foods. And I'm telling you, that was way back in 2014, 23, 2013, 2014. Here I am are eight years later and I don't have those fear foods anymore.

If they come into my house, I'm able to have them. Right. When you break this scarcity mindset, you gain so much more control over your eating habits and you can allow yourselves to have the chips or the cookies or the cake or whatever it is because you don't have these off limit foods. Yes, it will require you to dedicate yourself. It will will require you to focus on trying to overcome those things. But I'm telling you, when you do, it will serve you long term because you no longer feel like you need to load up on those foods. The next time that you're out at a party or on vacation, which will likely lead you to completely overindulging, thus feeling like crap and nobody wants to feel like that. Number three I budget my food now. Yes, I allow myself to eat whatever I want on any given day, but I'm very mindful about doing so. It is still a priority for me to nourish my body with what it needs because I know that it makes me feel my best. And that's what's most important in this journey. So yes, I do budget my food. I want to still hit my fat, carb and protein goals for the day. So if I'm craving ice cream on a day, which typically is every day, I have a yeah. So I saw a review a few weeks ago. This girl said, I'm telling you, I want to give you a less star simply because you're stealing all my money, because I am buying all the ASOS at the grocery store. And I'm like, Girl. Me too. Yeah. So if you also had they were a public company. I think that I would buy stock in. So because I have a lot of.

Yeah. So anyways, I digress. So for me, I budget my food accordingly. So if I know that I'm going to have that at the end of my day, I typically enter that into my macro shopping tracking app first and then I kind of build around my the rest of my day, or I'll even do that if I'm going out to eat, right? So I'm going out to eat and I am tracking it. Sometimes you go out to eat, I don't track it. Other times I do go out to eat and track it. If I'm tracking it, I will enter what I'm eating at the restaurant first, depending on, you know, maybe that is breakfast. That's great. I enter it first and then into my macro tracking app. Or maybe it's dinner. Even if it's dinner, I still entered into my macro tracking app first because then I can kind of build around the remaining of my day and I can say, okay, this is, you know, about how many carbs, fats and proteins that I have left. And typically, if I do that, especially if I'm eating out, then I'll have a more, you know, protein dense couple of meals and snacks and really focus on making sure that I'm hitting my protein because hitting your protein at a restaurant, I mean, you can definitely get, you know, a good four ounces of chicken or some sort of protein source, but you're not going to be loading up on protein most likely when you're going out to eat, most likely you're going to be dipping into your carbs and fats, which is totally fine, but just kind of budgeting that around it. So that's kind of how I get the best of both worlds, right? So I'm still being able to hit my macros while eating the foods that I love, and I'm able to still work towards my goals without ever having to deprive myself.

And that's the key. When you feel like you are depriving yourself, that is not a sustainable lifestyle. That's not something that you're going to be able to sustain long term. And so finding something that is enjoyable that you feel like you can do long term, that is key. Number four, I know when to choose memories over macros versus when to kind of keep my life balance. For me, creating a lifestyle is all about balance and because I've learned that nothing lasts long term if there isn't balance. And I've also learned and I lived in this season of being obsessed where I was always obsessed and I was always depriving myself at holiday parties and summer barbecues and vacations. And I would obsess so much about what I was and wasn't going to eat. I wasn't present, and I wasn't enjoying those special moments with my family and my friends. And so I have kind of learned that I can't live on one end of the spectrum. I can't be like, Oh, memories over macros every single day and then get frustrated why I'm not reaching my goals. And then on the flipside, I can't be so obsessed that I'm tracking every single. Morsel of food that is going into my body that I'm not able to be present. So you kind of have to try to find a balance and it's going to look different for everybody and it's also going to look different from season to season in your life. And that's really important to remember as well. And sometimes I choose, you know, the memories over macros because I have learned the balance. It doesn't throw me into that spiral of getting off track and trying to get back on track and, you know, going through that toxic pattern.

For example, Josh and I just went on vacation in California. We were with my dad family that I don't see often. And was I counting markers on that trip? Absolutely not. It was for four nights, five days of amazing California sun. We are at Lake Arrowhead, spending tons of time at the lake, on the boat, going out, eating my step mom's delicious food like she is a freaking queen of a cook. And so for me, I was not tracking my morsels of food. I was enjoying the time. But was I mindful? Absolutely. I was mindful. I knew that in the mornings is typically when that would be the opportunity that I could get some good amount of protein in. So I would try to shoot for around 50 grams of protein in the morning simply because I knew that the remainder of the day it would be harder for me to get more protein in. I was really intentional about my water intake, so in the mornings I would make sure that I got at least 30 to 50 ounces of water in before we kind of started our day before, you know, 10 a.m.. And I felt so good. I felt so good. And so it's just really an example of learning how to find that balance. There are some times, though, that I will go on vacation and I will track maybe one of the days where I will track a few of the days, or maybe I'll, you know, track my breakfasts or I'll track just my protein. It just kind of depends on the type of vacation that you're going on. It's so important to find that balance of living in the moment, but also not spiraling out of control and then getting frustrated at yourself because you're working so hard, but you're just not seeing results because you are just too relaxed in saying, well, whatever.

I'm just, you know, going to eat whatever. And that's a kind of goes back to again, having that knowledge in that foundation of knowing how to properly fuel your body. So for me, even though I was on vacation in California and I was eating home cooked meals that I it was it would have been very difficult to track. It's doable, but difficult and something that I didn't want to put time and effort into. I know what protein, carbs and fats look like. I know how to create a balance plate. I know that I want to have, you know, the majority of my plate being protein and veggies, having a carb source, having, you know, fats is typically going to be cooked in. Whether you're having mashed potatoes, you're cooking that with butter, whether you're, you know, putting butter on your veggies and other things like that. And so I know what a balanced plate look like. And so that's what I did. So really like if you don't have the foundation, balance can be hard. But if you have the foundation, balance can be and is totally achievable simply because you have the knowledge of what foods look like and kind of what protein, carbs and fats are. And so you can kind of build your plate that way as well as, you know, what it feels like to be properly nourished. And so when you're on vacation or when you're in those moments where you're not tracking, you know, okay, if I'm really, really tired or if I'm really, really feeling sluggish, maybe that's a few reasons. Maybe that's, you know, I'm eating too many carbs and fats for what my body needs. Maybe I'm not drinking enough water. If I don't have energy, it's likely because I'm not fueling my body with enough protein.

Right. And I am not optimally fueling my body. So it really does go back to the foundation of knowledge. And that's why I press on that so much, because if you could just learn how to properly feel your body, you will see that balance is completely attainable. It really, really is. Number five I pay attention to how food makes me feel now. This is why I am really intentional about the decisions of what I choose to eat because I have noticed a difference like I was just mentioning before. I notice a drastic difference in how I feel in my energy levels when I am not properly feeling my body versus when I am. And so in my opinion, if you're going to go on vacation and completely throw everything out of the window, you're likely going to not feel good. You're likely going to feel bloated, you're likely going to lack energy. And I know for me, I'm not going to be enjoying my vacation as much. And so that's why it's important for me that I prioritize protein, I prioritize water intake, and then I just eat mindfully. I allow myself to eat foods in moderation so that I can come back feeling refreshed, energized and not sluggish and dull. So this is kind of a huge motivator for me. And one other thing that's important is that when you start kind of tracking your food and. So learning how to properly fuel and optimally fuel your body. I found that I personally can't have certain foods like veggies, like broccoli, cauliflower. If I have too much sweet potato, it just doesn't make me feel my best. And I wouldn't have known that unless I was tracking my food simply because I wasn't mindful prior.

I was eating those things and I was like, Well, I just want to be healthy. And then I was wondering why I was feeling so entirely bloated all the time. So I personally don't eat those veggies if those veggies are served. Like, for example, my step mom made an amazing meal. Broccoli was part of it, cauliflower. And I was like, I would love to have these veggies, but I just know that they don't make me feel my best. So I'm going to choose to opt out of that. So for me, it's broccoli, cauliflower, kale. I can't have any of those foods. They make me bloated and very gassy. And so just really being intentional and finding the foods that make you feel your best is really important as well. And so that's kind of just another perk of just learning again, how to properly nourish your body. And that can really serve you, especially on those times when you're on vacation or you are just being mindful about eating and you're not tracking. Number six. I prioritize cooking delicious meals now in my thirties, I'm 32 now, just turned 32. I'm like, I don't know how I feel about it. I feel wiser, but I'm also like, Oh man, I'm like, not freshly in my thirties. And I'm sure some of you guys are like, Girl, you're still a baby. And I am. But I also feel like as I'm getting older, I have just learned that I feel my best when I cook delicious meals. Like I love eating yummy foods. I don't know. It's probably an Italian thing in me. I have an amazing family that cooks incredible Italian food. Like if you see me on video, I'm doing that. It's so, so good, but it's so important that you don't eat boring foods.

It's amazing, though, that you can still cook and have it be macro friendly. And that is one of my favorite things about all of my recipe guides that I've made is just showing you that you don't have to eat boring, you don't have to eat this food that is dull and plain, and you can have delicious food while still nourishing your body and you're able to feel satisfied. You're able to feel energized and nourished and fueled. And so it's really important that you learn these things. But one thing I will say is that I can't have like very complex things. I did not grow up learning how to cook. I mean, my mom definitely cooked growing up, but it wasn't like she was, you know, a chef like every single night was not like this elaborate meal. She definitely knows that. Not, like I said, knows how to cook. But I. I personally love a good, delicious meal, but it has to be simple. And so for me, that's another thing. And a lot of feedback that I get honestly in my recipe guides are like, Girl, I don't know how you do it, but your foods are so delicious and they're fairly simple and it's what I need. Whether you are a working professional and you just don't have a lot of time, or maybe you're a mom with kids and you're like, I don't have a lot of time to make these meals. I've got kids running around or you just are kind of like me and you're like, I just, you know, I might have some time to make a good elaborate meal, but I don't choose to spend my time all in the kitchen. I like doing other things. And so finding meals that are simple is really important.

So if you want to learn more about my recipe guides, I do have them available. You can go to my website, julieledbetter.com/recipe-guides or I will link it in the show notes below. But I really think that they'll be a game changer for you in you finding delicious macro friendly meals. And when you can find those satisfying meals, I can assure you that you will no longer struggle with nourishing your body simply because you have found meals that are both delicious and properly feel your body without being super complex. Number seven I honor my body with movement daily. You're probably like, okay, what you're talking about, what do you do to nourish your body and how do you make it a lifestyle? Well, I think that movement is a huge part of this, right? So when you move your body daily, it makes you want to nourish your body daily, too. Like when you make the decision to honor your body with movement, it motivates you to want to do other healthy things for your body as well. And this is what I see a ton inside of my movement with Julie Group is that people are motivated and the first step to when you get motivated and you kind of want to change your lifestyle, I say kind of like the point of entry is your movement because it's the easiest thing to change, you know, in the back of your head that moving your body, having a good workout is going to not only make you feel good because of the endorphins, but you just know that it's something that you need to do. And so it's kind of the point of entry that a lot of people start with.

They start with workouts, they start to get consistent with it, and then they start to realize how good. They feel. And when you feel good, like I said earlier, it makes you want to nourish your body. And so I just want to encourage you to really take movement seriously. And this doesn't mean that it needs to be a rigorous workout every day. In fact, it shouldn't be. I just say, if you can commit to honoring your body with movement for 30 minutes a day, starting with 30 days in a row that will change your life. It will make you want to nourish your body. It will make you feel more energized. It will make you want to change other aspects of your life simply because of how good you feel. And so I am a firm believer that when you wake up and you make decisions for yourself that are honoring your body, it's going to bleed into the rest of your day. And I always talk about this, but the work ethic that you have in your workout that carries with you the rest of your week. So when you're in a workout and this is kind of a side note, but when you're in a workout and you are really wanting to kind of quit, you want to give up, you maybe see 12 reps on the prescribed plan and you're kind of on reps six and you're like, Yeah, I think I might do eight reps. I'm telling you, the work ethic that you have in those workouts that will carry with you. So whether that is you in your professional life, yeah, I think I'm going to cut this corner or that to you in a relational you know, your relational life, whether it's with your spouse, your best friend, your family.

Yeah, I think I'm going to cut corners here. We do not cut corners. We work hard. We learn to listen to our body. Of course, there's going to be times where maybe there's a workout on the schedule and you're like, My body's just not feeling it. Learn to listen to your body, but also learn to work hard. If you are in the workout, give it your all and that will bleed into the rest of your day. And number eight, I focus on consistency over perfection. If you have been tuning in for a while, you are probably like Julie, you drill this into my head. This is something that you talk about all the time, but I'm telling you, I do not have an all or nothing mindset. I don't tell myself, Julie, you messed up. I don't, because for a decade of my life I did. And that led me down a path of destruction. For example, if I overindulge, whether that's a meal out or eating something in the kitchen and I eat until I'm like feeling way to fall, I don't tell myself. I don't beat myself up. I don't say, Oh, my gosh, Julie, I can't believe you did that because I know that's not going to do me any good. Instead, I just focus on nourishing my body at my next meal because one untracked meal, one entourage day, one entourage week, it's not going to make or break you. You you have to get out of this all or nothing mindset because it's not going to serve you. It's not going to motivate you, it's not going to encourage you. And all of those things are so important. On keeping a sustainable lifestyle that both lasts forever as well as something that you enjoy.

We're here to create lifelong habit, so you have to get the perfection mindset out of your brain, and you just have to focus on being the best that you can and realize that your best is going to change from day to day and be okay with that. Be okay with not being perfect, be okay with, you know, not setting hours in your workouts every single day or not completely eating everything to a tee of what you plan to eat. It's okay. Give yourself grace. But you've got to be consistent. You've got to be consistent on this journey. If there's one thing that I can tell you is consistency trumps perfection every single time. I know I talk about it a lot, but it is so, so important. So there you have it. Those are all the things that have helped me making Nourishing My Body a lifestyle. I know in this episode I talked a lot about macro accounting, but honestly, it's because macro counting the tool of macro counting, the concepts, the knowledge that I've gained from macro accounting has been the number one reason why I am where I am today, because that knowledge and that expertise has really given me the confidence and the ability to go throughout my day. Number one, knowing how to nourish my body, but also being able to have the confidence to feel my body optimally with foods that are delicious. I'm not eating these boring, plain, dull meals. So if you want to learn more about macros, I do have an entire course on it. You can head over to macro counting made simple dot com. I have an entire online academy that teaches you everything that you need to know about macro accounting, so you can definitely check that out.

I will link that in the show notes below, but just for those list people who love a good list, these are the eight things that I discussed today. Number one, I know what my body needs. So I have the knowledge of the protein, carbs and fats that my body needs based on where I'm at and what my goals are. Number two, I have no scarcity in my daily intake. Number three, I budget my food. Number four, I know when to choose memories over macros versus when to keep my life balanced. Number five I pay attention to how. Food makes me feel. Number six I prioritize cooking delicious but simple meals. Number seven, I honor my body with movement. And number eight, I focus on consistency over perfection. Again, the two things that I mentioned in today's episode are my macro accounting made simple online academy, which I will linked below as well as my recipe guides. That's Julie a LED better dot com forward slash recipe dash guides and I will also link that in the show notes below. I hope that you found some value from this. I hope that you're able to take something, some form of nugget from this episode and implement it into your lifestyle. That is always the goal. If you have a friend or a coworker or someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this episode, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link and send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your story. I love connecting with you guys and I also love seeing your aha moments. That is all that I have for today's episode.

Thanks so much for tuning in. I love you so much and I'll. All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes. It's with an name in the middle for that Daily Post workout. Real talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

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