5 Ways to Keep Moving Your Body This Summer



Girl, I know how easy it is in the summer months to toss your goals aside. You just want to go chill at the pool, or beach and enjoy summer festivities like BBQ’s, or just hanging out on the deck with a refreshing beverage. So how can we keep ourselves on track this summer while STILL enjoying our summer to the fullest? Don’t worry, I have 5 tips to share with you in this episode of Embrace Your Real.

What I discuss:

  1. Instead of skipping movement to go chill with friends, plan workout dates with your friends.

  2. Realize that your movement doesn’t always need to be standard workouts.

  3. Schedule your movement around the heat.

  4. Do yourself a favor and just have a plan to follow. It’s going to make your life so much easier

  5. Lower the commitment if that means you’ll stay more consistent.

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Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Role With Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. I know how easy it is in the summer months to toss your goals aside, like you just want to go check out the pool, the lake, the beach, or enjoy all of the summer festivities, like barbecues or just hanging out on the deck and, you know, just chillin with your friends. But I want to today kind of get creative with you and try to give you some ideas of how you can keep your body moving in the summertime. Because I know that our schedules can get completely out of whack, especially with kids out of school going on vacation. Our schedules just not the same as the majority of the year. And so in today's episode, that's exactly what I'm going to be sharing with you. But before I dove in, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Claire Atkinson. She gave a five star review and said, My go to podcasts. I started listening to Embrace Your Real Podcast about a year ago. It has helped me totally changed my mindset about my body and about fitness. I now choose to do workouts because they make me feel good, not because I want to punish my body. Julia's had such a major impact on my mental health, as well as her empowering words of encouragement.

She really makes me feel like you're talking to a friend. I listen to this podcast every day and could listen to each episode ten times. I love this so much. Thank you so much for your review. I appreciate every single one of your guys' reviews. I am going to dove straight into this to make it short and sweet. Five Ways to Keep Your Body Moving. This is summer number one. Instead of skipping movement to go chill with friends, plan workout dates with your friends. So I know it's easy. You want to blow off your movement to enjoy the summer with your friends. It's honestly one of the first things that a lot of people are like, Oh, you want to go hang out? Okay, my workout can wait and that's totally fine. I think that there are time, there's a time and a place for that. But if you want to chill with your friends, workout and then chill, or if you don't want to do that, you can always incorporate movement with your friends and enjoy this summer while moving alongside some of your favorite people. So here are some of ideas that I came up with to kind of give you ideas and get your creativity sparked. So I know personally in Colorado Springs alone, and I know that this is like across the city in the metropolitan areas, but there's tons of boutique gyms that honestly offer a first free class. But there are tons of boutique gyms that offer a first class for free. So you could go take advantage of that, whether it's kickboxing or yoga or Pilates or a boot camp style workout. So go take advantage of that with your friend and then go sit outside for brunch or a drink or whatnot.

You could also find a place to rent paddleboards or get your own paddleboard. That is such a great workout. We got paddleboards last year after looking at them for so long and saying like, man, we really need to get them. And I can tell you that they were one of the best investments. I think it was in the middle of the summer. We got it last year and we got them on like a buy one, get one free sale. And they're a little bit pricey depending on the ones that you get. But I mean, the last two forever and they're such a good workout and you can genuinely take them anywhere like the ones that we got are in a backpack. And so you can like if you're hiking a little bit, I mean, they're pretty big backpack, so you don't want to go on like a huge hike, but they're super convenient and you can just throw them on top of the car, throw them in the car. And I know we have two dogs. One of our dogs macro is our swimmer. He's our English cream golden retriever. He loves the water and loves swimming. He's not keen on the paddleboard simply because he loves swimming so much. But our other dog, he's a Belgian Malinois, great Pyrenees and Border Collie, he's a lot he's not a swimmer, but he loves the paddleboard so much. And so that's been really, really fun for him to get on the paddleboard. And we'll just take him up to, you know, different lakes like Twin Lakes we love, which is kind of at the base of the Independence Pass, which takes you to Aspen. It's right past Buena Vista before you get to Leadville. That's one of our favorite places.

But there's tons of places and honestly, they're so, so fun. Even if you have a river nearby, you can paddleboard in the river and they're so incredibly fun. You can also look for like a river trail or a smooth trail and go for a bike ride with friends. I love going on bike rides with friends simply because you can go a lot further than just like hiking or walking. But don't get me wrong, there are so many good places in Colorado Springs to go hiking. There's also this one hike that I go on with my friend Marlena shout out to you, but it's called the Manitou Incline. And if you've been following me on Instagram, I actually have been posting about it when I go and it is so hard. It's so humbling every single time I do it. But essentially it's like 2000. I think it's 2750 step straight up and it's not even a mile up, but it is so steep and so freaking hard. It's humbling, but it's so fun. So you do that up and then there's bar trail, which is the backside of Pikes Peak, and it's like a three mile hike or jog down and it's really, really fun. So that's always super fun to do that. I know there's tons of different things like you can even go, you know, plan to drive to a cute town that's, you know, an hour or two way. Explore new place with your friends. Exploring and walking is such an amazing like getaway to do with your friends during the summer. I love doing that. You could also do a workout in the yard, followed by a pool day. So if you have the movement. Julia I've seen a lot of women either get together with their sisters or their friends and take their work out.

Outside is really all you need is your body weight and a pair of dumbbells. And you can set it up as like a giant circuit, like are 30 minute workouts inside the app or is just a giant circuit. So you can do that together and that's always really, really fun. I do that a lot with my mom during the summer. It's really, really fun and you can get a good sweat in alongside the people that you love or you can just go more the simple route and go for a long walk, followed by grilling out. Whatever your summer favorites are try to do is pair it with movement. You'll probably enjoy it even more just simply because you'll feel so good, just by simply moving your body. There's so many ways to combine movement with enjoying your summer. Plus, it doesn't make you feel like it's a sacrifice when you're doing it with your friends. Like, from my experience, my friends are always excited because they also want to move their bodies and it's just more motivation when you're together. And I find that when you're alongside of people that you love, especially like in the summer heat and you're just pushing yourselves, you just get that extra push of motivation and then your endorphins are flowing afterwards and you'll enjoy like hanging out with them even more. So there's an idea for you. And number two, realize that movement doesn't always need to be the standard workout. So if you have a beach day or a pool party or whatever it is, you don't have to squeeze in a workout. Like you can simply just move your body while you're at the pool or the beach. Like if you're at the beach or the lake, bring the paddle board.

Like I said, hit a ball around with your friend. This is there's seriously so many good games out there that will get you tired and will get you a good sweat. And you could bring a volleyball, pass it around. You could take a long walk on the beach. I know that walking in the sand in particular can literally work all types of muscles. So whether you're walking your jogging or running in the beach, that is a great workout. You can take 15, 20 minutes and swim some laps, whether you're in the pool, you're at the lake or at the beach, whatever it is. Swimming also works muscles that aren't used a lot and it's a great low impact workout. There are just tons of things that you can do. It's all about getting creative and it's all about finding a way. So if there's anything like any motto that you want to stick to this summer, it's like it's consistency over perfection and finding a way like you will find a way, whether that's pool games, whether that's a few laps, whether that's walking around, you know, the lake or the beach with your friends. Just find a way to get some movement and get some steps in and you'll feel so good. Number three is schedule your movement around the heat. So if you love being outside in the summer and doing like movement outside, make sure you're timing it correctly because you don't want to wait till the heat like the height of the day when you go out there, because once you run, you're not going to be motivated to, you know, go outside when it's like so freaking hot. So I know for me, like when we did the incline a few days ago, we scheduled it at 6 a.m. and yes, it was an early morning, but I'm telling you, when you're done with that thing by like 8:30, like eight or 8:30, you feel like you conquered the day. Like I had like 16,000 steps before 8 a.m.. It was so amazing. And you're not trying to battle the heat when it's like, you know, 100 degrees outside. So really try to set yourself up for success by scheduling your movement around the heat and you'll just have so much more fun around that and you'll just have so much more fun when you do that because it won't be so miserable. Number four, have a plan. I know I say this all the time, but when you're not feeling motivated to move your body, the best fix is to just have a plan to follow. Because if you don't have one, it's so much easier not to do it. But if you have a plan, literally all you have to do is show up and follow it with anything in life. If you have a plan, it makes it so much easier and a lot more motivating to execute. Seeing the movement. Would you ladies thrive during the summer because they have the plan and they have the option, whether it's the full workout or the 30 minute variation just brings me so much joy because I can relate so much to that, because you guys have to remember that I create these workouts for you just as much as I create them for me, because I follow every single one of them too. And it's so easy for me to just pull out my phone and have a plan. And when you have a plan, you're more consistent. And when you're consistent, you're going to feel great in your body because you're consistently showing up for yourself and honoring your body with movement.

And number five, do shorter workouts. So in the summer months, it can feel impossible to get these full workouts in every single day. If your motivation is low or you're busy or your level of commitment is just a little bit lower, it can make it feel more doable. If instead of doing the hour long workout five times a week, you're just committing to, you know, three days, four days a week doing 30 minutes of training. I'm telling you, like never feel guilty for a shorter workout. I always say a workout is better than no workout. So whether that's 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and I always say this, but quality trumps quantity, like the amount of time that you're doing it every single time. So just figure out what is attainable for you and stick to that. I know. Some of the ladies who typically do full workouts inside the moment with Julianne during the year for the summertime. They just say, okay, I'm going to try to commit to three, four, maybe five times a week, but doing the 30 minute variation, because I know that that's more realistic for me. And at the end of the summer, they always feel better simply because they've been more consistent. Even if their workout is less time, they're much more consistent and trying to hold themselves to this unrealistic expectation. So do shorter workouts, do not feel guilty for it, and you can always find other ways throughout the day to move your body if you're craving more movement outside of your workouts. So let me recap those five things. Number one, instead of skipping movement to go check with your friends, plan, workout dates with your friends around movement. Number two, realize that your movement doesn't always need to come from a standard workout.

Number three, try to schedule and be intentional about moving and doing the workout around the heat so that you are no longer not motivated because it's just boiling hot outside. Number four, do yourself a favor and have a plan to follow. It's going to make your life so much easier. And number five, lower the commitment, even if that means that, you know, 15 minute or 20 minute workout, it likely will mean that you'll stay more consistent. So there you have it. The five ways to keep your body moving this summer. I hope that you found this helpful. If you need some motivation and you're looking for some shorter workouts to follow, you know, I've got an app called Movement, which really it's a weight training based program. So all you need is your body weight, a few pair of dumbbells and just a small space. And like I said, lots of ladies do this in the garage. They do it in their unfinished basement. They do it in a room, whether that's their home office or a spare bedroom. I've also seen ladies take it outside during the summer months and it's just so fun for them. So if you're interested, if you want to learn more, you can have head over to sale. That's Sally Dot movement with Julie dot com. It's a low price commitment and will literally give you priceless results, so I will link that in the show notes below so that you can easily go check that out. You can also follow me on TikTok movement with Julie and movement with Julie on Instagram to check out some of the workouts and get a good idea of what I offer inside the app. So there you have it. I hope that this gave you some ideas.

I hope it gave you that extra kick, maybe some motivation to get your body moving this summer. Stay consistent. Remember, it doesn't have to be perfect. You just have to stay consistent. If you have a girlfriend or a friend or someone in your life that you feel like would benefit from this episode, I ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link, send it to them in a text message. You can also post this up on your Instagram story. I love connecting with you guys. That is all that I have for today's Monday's episode, and I'll talk to you in the next one. Love you. All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, Julie. A lot better. Yes. It's women in the middle for that Daily Post workout. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it.