5 Steps to Losing Your “Holiday Weight”



Okay, the holidays are officially over. Our holiday high is wearing off. And we kept telling ourselves “we’ll get serious about our health” on January 1st. But January 1st has come and gone and we are STILL struggling to “start over” again. Now we are thinking about starting some fad diet, or we are wanting to eat as little as we can to lose our holiday weight. In our minds we can’t stop thinking about, “How can I get this holiday weight off ASAP?!” Is any of this sounding familiar? I also know right now we are being sold left and right on New Year New Your diets, supplements, workout plans, all the things. Girl, DO NOT FALL FOR IT.

In this episode, I am going to share a clear-cut plan on how to actually lose your holiday day weight WITHOUT deprivation, without fad dieting, without unnecessary supplements, without any of the BS…

P.S. Don’t miss this!

If you want to learn how to successfully build the body you want without a fad diet, then it’s time you check out my Honor Your Body Challenge. I teach you the tools you need to create life long habits that will bring you long term results.

Sign up now here: www.honoryourbodychallenge.com


Hey, hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to Embrace Your Real, let's get it. Let's go.

Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. Okay. So the holidays are officially over. Our holiday high is wearing off and we kept telling ourselves we'll get serious about our health on January 1st, but January 1st has now come and gone and we are still struggling to start over. Now we are thinking about some sort of diet that we need to go on to help us lose the weight that we gained or feel better. In our minds we can't stop thinking about it. Is this sounding familiar? I know also many of us are being sold, left and right new year, new you diets, supplements, workout plans, all of the things. Sister, do not fall for it. In this episode, I'm going to be sharing with you a clear cut plan on how you can actually feel your best without deprivation, without fad dieting, without unnecessary supplements, without any of the BS quite frankly.

But before I dive in, I wanted to share this super sweet review. It comes from SFred70. She says, love this podcast so much. Julie's podcast is so uplifting and encouraging, but she's also great at giving you real talk that's not always easy to hear but much needed. I appreciate on how she focuses improving your physical health, but not just that, your mental and spiritual health as well. Thank you so much SFred70 for this review. I appreciate you so much. In case you missed it, I am doing something really exciting. From now until mid January, I will be picking one of you who leave a review on the podcast to get a free entry into the honor your body challenge that starts on January 17th. If you want to learn more about that challenge, you can go to honoryourbodychallenge.com, that's honoryourbodychallenge.com.

This is a four week challenge that is a fabulous way to help you kickstart into the new year. No, it is not a fad diet. It is not a quick fix. It is going to help you intentionally honor your body in the three key areas of your health, your movement, your nutrition, and your mindset. Spots are limited for this challenge. So go to honoryourbodychallenge.com to learn more. And like I said, I will be picking one every single week from now until mid January to get a free entry into the challenge. If you happen to buy your entry already, and you are chosen to win, I will just be refunding your entry cost fee. So I appreciate you guys so much who leave a review. It really does help us out on the podcast and it helps us spread the message of Embrace Your Real to more women all across this planet.

Okay. So here is the five step clear cut plan on how to actually feel your best post holiday. Number one, commit to 30 minutes of movement daily. Now in the new year, I know many of us make these big old grand plans of working out for hours, on hours on end and doing it five, six, even seven days a week. But please know that this is just not realistic. We can't expect to go from zero to 100 overnight and actually stay consistent with it. Instead, I want you to just commit to 30 minutes of movement daily. This can literally be anything. Yes, it can be 30 minutes of resistance training, or 30 minutes of hit, or yoga, or running, or biking, but it could also be 30 minutes of walking your dog, or 30 minutes of deep cleaning your house, or 30 minutes of dancing.

It can be any type of movement as long as you're moving your body. Don't over complicate it. Just commit to movement. Period. Number two, I want you to focus on prioritizing nourishing your body for the next four to six weeks. Like really be intentional about this. Now, if you've been tuning into the podcast, I've been chatting a lot more about using macro counting as a tool in your toolbox, rather than a lifestyle that you feel like you have to stick with it seven days a week, four weeks a month, 52 weeks a year. If you feel like you are struggling on getting back on track, I want to encourage you to pull out the tool of macro counting. I'm a big believer in this tool because it will help you properly nourish your body. But here's the thing. You don't have to go and try and hit all three macros every single day.

Instead, I want you to focus on hitting your protein, and I want you to focus on hitting your overall calories. Really commit to that for the next four to six weeks. And I will tell you, you will feel better, period, point blank. Because when we are nourishing our body with what it needs, it truly does help us give us more energy. And it just allows us to get back into the rhythm of actually giving our body the food that it needs to be fuel so that we can keep going. So prioritize nourishing your body, focus on hitting that protein goal. Focus on hitting your overall caloric intake for each day for the next four to weeks. Just start there, start with, okay, for the next four weeks, I'm going to focus on this and then week five, continue it. Remember start small. Don't try to go for hitting all three macros every single day, because that will be overwhelming, especially if you're not used to it, or if you haven't done it in a while.

Number three, drink 100 ounces of water a day. Hydration is one of the most under prioritized, underutilized, underrated tools. And yet hydration is the key to help you flush out toxins, build muscle, lose fat, control your appetite, recover from hard workouts, keep your energy high, and avoid those midday slumps. The list of hydration and what it can actually do for you and the benefits of it goes on and on. So with that being said, I want to encourage you to drink 100 ounces of water daily. It could be as simple as this, that this could be your plan of drinking 100 ounces a day, drink 20 ounces the first thing before drinking coffee or eating breakfast. Then fill up a water bottle, 36 ounces and aim to drink that by 11:00 AM. By 11 you're already over halfway through your goal.

Then I want you to aim to drink 20 ounces of water, at least 30 minutes before your workout if you work out in the afternoon and another 20 ounces during your workout and another 20 after. And guess what? You're done. You just reach your goal. It doesn't have to be as hard as long as you have a water bottle on hand and you have some times throughout the day that you are reminding yourself to drink water. When you hydrate yourself daily, you will be amazed also at how much less bloated you will be. When you hydrate yourself daily, you will also be so amazed at how much less bloated you are, how much more control you have when it comes to your cravings, and how much more energy you have, and overall, just how much better you feel. So I want to encourage you. So this is your sign to get that cute water bottle that you've been seeing on Amazon or on Pinterest or wherever, and set those reminders and start aiming to drink 100 ounces of water a day.

Number four, be consistent. Honestly, the three things that I just mentioned above are the only three habits that I want you to think about when it comes to feeling your best post holiday. I don't want you to toss in keto. I don't want you to think about intermittent fasting or low carb or whatever it is. If you do, you are going to make it so much harder on yourself to actually remain consistent. What I found is the 30 minutes of movement, properly nourishing your body through the tool of macro counting, at least focusing on your protein and overall calories and hydrating your body are the three keys to building the body that you want. You don't need to throw anything else into the mix. The only thing that you need to concentrate on is actually being consistent with those three things. Consistency is key and lack of consistency is the number one reason why people don't lose the weight or build the body that they want.

It's not because they need to follow that new diet, or they need to do that new workout plan. It's because they are not being consistent with honoring, moving, and nourishing their body. Number five, be patient. Quick fixes do lead to quick results, but they lead you to lose the results just as quickly. Long term results take time, but they last long term. That's what you want, right, to work hard and have the results actually last. So I want you to do it the right way. Please. I'm begging you do not fall for the quick fixes this year and be patient with your results. If you are nourishing and moving your body consistently, you will see the results. It's inevitable, but you must remain patient. The most amazing thing about reaching our goal and feeling our best is that it's not a race. You're not racing with anyone.

You don't have a deadline. So I want you to allow yourself to naturally lose the weight or reach the goal through movement and nourishment, not from punishment and deprivation. Let me say that again. I want your body to naturally lose the way or reach the goal through movement and nourishment, not from punishment and deprivation. Be patient, be patient, be patient. I cannot say that enough, but it is so important. Okay. So here are the recap of the five things that you need to do to see results post holiday. Number one, commit to 30 minutes of movement a day. Any movement is better than no movement. Number two, prioritize nourishing your body. Start with reaching your overall calories and your protein. Give yourself four to six weeks and commit to that. Number three, drink 100 ounces of water daily. Just do it. Don't think about it. Just get it done.

Number four, be consistent. Consistency is the most important thing that you can do. Not fad diets. And number five, be patient. Remember that good things take time. If you are needing some accountability or guidance for macro counting or workouts, or just staying consistent, I want to invite you to join my honor your body challenge. Like I mentioned earlier in this episode, it is a four week challenge that is going to allow you to kickstart the new year so that you can intentionally honor your body in the three key areas of our health, our movement, our nutrition, and our mindset. You can learn more at honoryourbodychallenge.com. Spots are limited. We start the challenge on January 17th. So be sure to go to honoryourbodychallenge.com. That's honoryourbodychallenge.com. I hope to see you inside the challenge. Thank you so much for tuning in to today's bonus episode. And I will talk to you in the next video.

All right, sister, that's all I got for you today, but I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, JulieaLedbetter, yes, it's with an A in the middle, for that daily post-workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcast to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

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