5 Signs You’re at Your Natural Weight



Have you ever found yourself in a never-ending quest to change your body, to lose weight, and to fit a specific mold of beauty that society has imposed?

In this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast, we're going to challenge that narrative to explore the signs that you might already be at your natural weight. We'll be peeling back the layers of societal expectations and exploring what it means to be at your natural weight. Our journey will uncover five telltale signs that your body might be exactly as it's meant to be, without the need for constant change.


What I discuss:

  1. Your weight is stable and isn’t constantly fluctuating.

  2. You have a regular menstrual cycle.

  3. Your immune system is strong. 

  4. You have stable energy levels. 

  5. You consistently honor your body.


If you want more from me, be sure to check out...

Instagram@embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Movement With Julie Workout App: https://sale.movementwithjulie.com/sales-page-577257291672448024184


Free e-book: www.juliealedbetter.com/free-ebook

Macro Counting Made Simple: https://www.macrocountingmadesimple.com/

Amazon Storefronthttps://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6bda1ca8?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_pub_influencer-6bda1ca8_dp_DgsIam9salgfi


[00:00:00] Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.7]

[00:00:29] Hello and welcome to another bonus episode. Five Signs that you Are at Your Natural Weight. This episode is for the woman who thinks that you need to keep losing weight. You think that you need to constantly be changing your body. You're frustrated that you can't get there. Many of us and this was me, you guys, for a decade of my life. So I'm totally speaking from experience. [00:00:49][19.7]

[00:00:50] I forced my body to be something that it just was not created to be. It was this constant chase of I need to be a lesser pant size. I need to be a lower weight. I need to look an extra in certain way. And I was just like literally almost killing myself, like figuratively and also just in my own life, like I was, you know, minimizing my food intake down to, you know, 900 calories. At some point in college, I was eating like eight, 900 calories. I was working out seven days a week for 2 hours minimum on the elliptical. It was so unhealthy. And I was constantly chasing skinny and small and always like that was at the forefront of my mind. And I really want my goal for this episode is to help make you wonder, like, am I at my natural weight? Do I actually have weight to lose? And so in today's episode, I'm going to be sharing five signs that you're at your natural weight and you're at the body that God intended you to be. [00:01:54][64.3]

[00:01:55] But before we dive in, I wanted to share this review. It comes from our Anne Barker. 314 She gave a five star review and said, Changing my outlook. After spending years as a slave to cardio, I enjoy hearing the reasoning behind cutting back and doing the amount of cardio I love for the sake of it versus calorie burn. I also look forward to resistance training so much and then do the cardio I want for pleasure. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. I love, love, love the Julie app and the workouts. I'm so grateful that this podcast is helping you. And honestly, that is my hope every single time is that I'm encouraging you to look at your own life. You know, I will share recommendations, I'll share some science back advice, I'll share from experience. But ultimately we are all on different journeys. We all have different goals. And, you know, maybe someone is training for a marathon. If that's the case, obviously you're going to want to prioritize cardiovascular endurance. But I will always say, hey, at least have one or two lifting days in there. But for many of us, we are just wanting to feel strong. [00:02:57][62.0]

[00:02:57] We're wanting to either lose some fat or wanting to maintain or wanting to just feel our best. And I will tell you, hands down, that has personally come from resistance training and from properly fueling my body and from having a healthy relationship with food so that it is not the only thing that is my sole focus day in and day out. Like, Oh my gosh, what am I going to have for lunch? What I'm going to have for dinner? Oh, I can't have this. And restricting myself to the point where it's just not enjoyable. So I will always say, you know, we're all in different seasons, have the self-awareness. But I hope and I'm so grateful to hear this review that this is helping you, this podcast is helping you. If you could scooch over to Apple Podcasts and we were reading in review, that would mean absolute world to me and our team. [00:03:39][41.8]

[00:03:40] But let me dive into this today's bonus episode five signs that you're at your natural weight. Number one, your weight is stable and isn't constantly fluctuating. When I say fluctuating, I mean like, you know, 7 to 10 lbs. Like that's a pretty big fluctuation. I'll say my weight fluctuates anywhere from 1 to 4 lbs, and I don't honestly weigh myself enough to know I'm just going off of like how I feel, you know, on a consistent basis. I'm assuming that's what it is. But if your weight has remained relatively consistent over time, you're not experiencing these significant fluctuations. This is a pretty solid sign that your body has kind of found its natural balance. Like the stability suggests that you're likely at a weight that suits your body's needs. And many of us confuse this as a plateau. And in actuality, you just don't really have any more weight that you should lose. Like plateaus can be a sign that your body is content where it's where it's at and doesn't really believe that it needs to change. [00:04:33][53.9]

[00:04:34] Number two, you have a regular menstrual cycle. This is probably one of the most clear signs that you're at your natural weight. Like if you have a regular and normal menstrual cycle. This typically means, again, in some rare cases, this, you know, there could be something else going on and you're still having that regular menstrual cycle. But this typically means that it's a good indicator of that. You know, your you have a good reproductive and hormonal health, which is possible when you're at your natural weight because quick weight loss or being underweight for long periods of time that can disrupt, you know, menstruation leading to super irregular periods or no period at all, which means that there likely needs to be something looked at in terms of your reproductive or hormonal health. So if your menstrual cycle is regular, free from irregularities, like significant irregularities, it can be a positive sign that your body is well nourished, functioning optimally at your. Can't wait. [00:05:24][50.2]

[00:05:25] Number three, your immune system is strong. So fun fact, your immune system is a direct reflection of your overall health. So if you rarely get sick, your immune system is robust. This normally means that your body is well nourished and that you're at a healthy and natural weight. It makes sense. Like when you're at your natural weight, it means immune system gets the support it needs to function optimally. Micro nutrients, macronutrients. And it's just kind of one more clue that it might be right where your body needs to be at its happy weight. For those of you guys who have kiddos and you just naturally there is just more sickness in your house. Totally does not mean you know, if you're getting sick, that doesn't mean, oh my gosh, I'm, you know, not at my happy weight. No. But also look at the effectiveness of how well or how efficient your body is fighting off that sickness. Right. Like, is it is a cold taking you out for two weeks. If that's the case constantly, maybe you might need to look at something within your health overall, because typically when again, it's a well-oiled machine, right? When your body is working properly, it should be able to effectively and efficiently fight off infection and sickness. [00:06:24][59.3]

[00:06:25] Number four, you have stable energy level. So when you're at a weight that doesn't align with what your body needs, you might find yourself frequently fatigued, unable to sustain physical activity, and even like daily tasks can feel like a struggle. The idea of exercise can be daunting. This is likely a sign that your body's not functioning optimally. But on the flip side, if you're, you know, feeling consistently energetic without needing a ton of caffeine, you know, you don't have this overwhelming fatigue. It's kind of your body's way of giving you a thumbs up, like, Hey, I'm at my natural way. I'm feeling good. It's it's a telltale sign that your body's operating optimally. It's well balanced. This doesn't mean you never get tired, but it means that you function most of the time feeling like you have energy that you need to live your life optimally in all areas of your life. [00:07:09][44.3]

[00:07:10] And number five, you consistently honor your body. So if you're consistently nourishing your body with what it needs, you're consistently honoring your body with what it needs, whatever your body is after that, that is exactly what it's supposed to be. You are at your natural weight. I talk about this so often because this is something that we so quickly forget. Like when we are pushing towards goals, oftentimes we are not recognizing that maybe our goals that we're pushing towards are just not realistic. But if you are consistently showing up and moving your body, you're pushing yourself in your workouts, but you're also giving yourself adequate amount of rest, you're optimally fueling your body. You're giving yourself enough protein, enough overall calories. You are drinking enough water, you're sleeping enough, you are trying to do your best to lower your stress levels, whatever your body is. After that, that is likely where your body is comfortable. That's your natural weight. Your body has found its equilibrium and you start to reap the benefits of a healthier and happier life. And I'm just because I'm so passionate about this topic, I'm want to give you a bonus. [00:08:09][59.5]

[00:08:10] So bonus number six, you have a high quality of life. So ultimately, being at your natural weight, this should allow you to live your life how you want to live it. Like you should have the freedom to engage in the activities that you love, to maintain those positive relationships, to experience like emotional well-being. Without this undue focus on weight or appearance, you're able to enjoy a celebration. Whether it's an anniversary, it's a birthday, it's a vacation. But you're also pushing yourself in your workouts, you're liking your workouts, you're consistently showing up. Doesn't always have to be perfect. I always talk about this, but consistent and perfect actions over time compound and lead to massive results. So the actions that you're taking every single day are likely not going to be perfect. They shouldn't be perfect. Like we are human beings. We fluctuate in our emotions. We go through different things, highs and lows. But if you are constantly showing up and you're doing the best with what you have to give that day, it is inevitable that you will see results. [00:09:11][60.8]

[00:09:11] It is inevitable that your body will get to a place where it's supposed to be. It's going to find that equilibrium, and that's ultimately what we should be looking for. Okay. So let me quickly recap what I talked about in today's episode. Number one, your weight is stable and isn't constantly fluctuating. Number two, you have a regular menstrual cycle. Number three, your immune system is strong. Again, that doesn't mean you're never going to get sick, But how effective and efficient is your body at fighting that sickness? Number four, you have stable energy levels. Number five, you're consistently honoring your body with movement and nourishing your body with what it needs. And then bonus, you have a high quality of life. If you are ready to reach your natural weight. You're tired of that fat dieting, the yo yo dieting, the crash, dieting, whatever you want to call it. I have two things that I need you to do. Number one, if you are not consistently showing up and following a plan when it comes to your workouts, you're just doing random things That's likely going to lead to random results. I always talk about this on my July page. Random workouts, equal random results. [00:10:13][61.8]

[00:10:14] It's simply put, because we are human beings and if we don't have someone to tell us what to do, that's an effective plan. Or we're not creating an effective plan for ourselves, it's likely that we're not. Going to stay accountable to that. We're likely just going to do what we want in the moment, and we're just going to fly by the seat of our pants day to day. And you don't feel like you're putting in all you're putting a lot of mental focus into trying to find the workouts. And then once you're doing the workouts, you're taking out workouts. Oh, I don't like that workout. I want to do this instead. And so you're just kind of doing random, like pieced together workouts. You're not going to be effectively working your body. I do have a program for you. It's called the Movement with Julie App. Dumbbell Workouts for Women. So working professionals stay at home moms. This is the program for you. I give you five brand new workouts every single week there. [00:10:59][45.4]

[00:10:59] Go at your own pace, but there's video demos for every movement. There's alternative exercises for every movement, minimal equipment required, a few pair of dumbbells yourself and a small space if you have a bench. Amazing. If you have some resistance bands. Amazing. But I always give no bench or no resistance band alternates, so you never have to feel like you need all of this equipment. But the five workouts I give lower body, upper body cardio and core shoulders and glutes and full body. If you're only doing three days a week, upper body, lower body, full body. That's what I encourage you to do. There's 60 and 30 minute workouts for every single workout, so depending on your time constraints, you're able to fit in a workout. Again, it doesn't have to always be the 60 minute. In fact, I would say well over 50% of the women inside the app, they do the 30 minute workouts and they're still seeing amazing results simply because these workouts, even the 30 minute ones, are specifically programed to ensure that you're hitting all of the muscle groups that you need to hit so that you are effective and time efficient. [00:11:58][59.0]

[00:11:59] The second thing that I need you to do is if you are needing to learn how to properly feel your body, you're like, okay, I got my workouts done. You know, that's that's something that I don't struggle with. But when it comes to my nutrition, it's kind of all over the place. I do feel like I'm in this yo yo dieting phase. I feel like, you know, I'm crash dieting, I'm restricting myself, I'm not having fun. I feel like I fear food or I get anxious around food. I do have a program. It's called the Macro Ccounting Made Simple Online Academy. The tool of macro counting has single handedly changed. Change My Life, which is transformed so much of my life, just educating myself about food. And I know that macro counting, if you have heard about it, but maybe you've never done it, it can feel daunting. This program is the most comprehensive program, but in the most simple approach, in my opinion, on the market, I truly believe that we really walk you through what you need to learn and that you will feel like you are learning a tool. And the cool thing about macro accounting is that, you know, there are many women that they go through this program. They commit themselves to learning the tool of macro counting. They feel like they're so empowered and educated around food that they're able to then in the future go and intuitively eat, having understood the foundation of how much it looks like and feels like to properly feel your body. There's also some women that they love the structure of macro accounting, and they'll continue that for the rest of their life. [00:13:23][83.5]

[00:13:23] So it's not, you know, you go into it and you're going to have to do this for the rest of your life. I personally, I don't count my macros every single day. In fact, I have not strictly counted my macros in years, and yet I know how to properly feel my body. I know what it looks like. I know how it feels when I properly feel my body with giving myself at bare minimum enough protein and enough calories and just focusing on those two things in general. So if you are wanting to learn how to properly feel your body, I do have a program for you. It's called the Macro Counting Made Simple Online Academy and you can go to macro counting mean simple dot com to learn more. And I really believe that if you take these two things seriously, your workouts and you're following an effective program, it doesn't even have to be my program. I don't care if you can follow someone else's program, you're loving it amazing and properly feel your body. It is inevitable that you will get to a place where your body will naturally become what it's supposed to be. I will link both of those things in the show notes, so if you want to go check out one or both of those things, you can. I would love to hear what thoughts came from this episode. I would love to hear your aha moments. I would love to hear anything about this specific topic. I see you can always shoot us over a direct message over on Embrace Your Real account if you're not already following that Instagram account. It is the podcast Instagram, so just embrace your real on Instagram. So go check us out there, give us a follow and then we'd love to hear from you in the direct messages. If you have a friend or coworker or someone in your life that you feel like would benefit from this episode, I just as always ask that you share it out with them. You can copy the link a send it to them in a text message. You can also screenshot this and post it up on your Instagram story. That is all that I have for today's episode. I love you so much. I mean it. I'll talk to you the next one. [00:15:04][101.1]

[00:15:12] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie. A Ledbetter. Yeah. Sits with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me and means The Absolute World. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it. [00:15:12][0.0]