4 Verses For When You Struggle With Body Image Part 2



Join me in part 2 of this bonus episode of the Embrace You Real Podcast, discover how biblical wisdom can transform your relationship with your body and build authentic confidence. This episode promises to shift your perspective on body image by exploring profound verses, emphasizing that our bodies are sacred temples and that true beauty comes from within. Prepare to nurture your inner qualities, aligning with what God considers precious and everlasting, and learn how to treat your body with the respect and love it deserves!

(00:00) Building Confidence Through Biblical Wisdom
(00:37) Bible Verses to Honor Your Body

(07:25) Embracing Authentic Confidence
(04:04) True Beauty Lies Within

Part 1: 4 Verses For When You Struggle With Body Image Part 1


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[00:00:00] Hey, beautiful human, can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace a real let's get it. Let's go. You. [00:00:23]

[00:00:31] Hello and welcome back to part two of this two part series on Bible verses to really lean into when you're struggling with your body image. So, like I said in part one, in a world where appearance often feels like it defines our worth, which is a complete understatement, it's really easy to struggle with body image. However, the Bible and prayer and God's Word, I believe, offers this powerful reminder of our true identity. And this is why in this bonus episode two part series, I kind of just wanted to share some Bible verses that will help you remind you of your true innate beauty within you. And so, whether you believe in God or not, I hope that this will provide you maybe a new perspective on just how to view your body. So again, this is a two part series and I did part one last week, so be sure to tune in to that. I will link it in the show notes that you can easily go check that out, but let's dive into the last two verses. So verse number three is first Corinthians six and 19 through 20. Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you are bought with a price, so glorify God in your body. So what this means to me is that our body is the holy temple, and we need to treat it as such, right? Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit entrusted to us by God. And this verse really reminds us of the sacredness of our physical being and the responsibility to care for it. Right? Recognizing our bodies as temples really does help shift our focus from criticism to stewardship. And so really, it's about honoring God with how we treat our bodies, knowing that they are a dwelling place for his spirit. And so treating our like, what does this look like? Treating our bodies with love looks like looking at our bodies through a lens of love rather than criticism. It means nourishing our bodies. It means not punishing our bodies. It means making choices that respect our body rather than doing things that harm our body. And so that's why I'm such a big believer in honoring our body with movement and nourishing our body with what it needs. And that's why I talk about that so much on the podcast, because I believe that that is a command from God. Because like I said, our body is a holy temple entrusted to us by God, and we are to honor it and we are to nourish it. And so that's exactly why I encourage you to do that on a regular basis. And last but not least, verse number four. First Peter 3334 do not let your adorning the external, the braiding of hair, the putting on of gold jewelry or the clothing you wear. But let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. So I kind of view this verse as an encouragement for us to shift our focus from the external validation to really cultivating inner beauty, because in God's eyes, it's our inner beauty that is sacred. In God's eyes, it's our inner beauty that is lasting, and that's truly what matters. Our body can change, our hair color can change. Our style can change all of these things, though that's impermanent, right? But our soul, that is what is what was created by God, and that is what lasts forever. That is what carries on right to dust. We start to dust. We will depart from this, from this earth. And so just remembering that our soul and our spirit, our inner works, that is what is most important. And of course, I am not going to say, oh, totally disregard your outward appearance, because what I just talked about is being a good steward of our body, but remembering that our true beauty lies within the character of who we are. Right? That the development of our spirit. And that's what makes us truly beautiful. It's the inside things that truly make us beautiful. And those are the things that are unchanging, right? We can have the perfect tan. We can have the perfect hair color, the perfect eyebrows, the perfect body, whatever it is. But if we don't really focus on the spirit, the character within us, I truly believe that we're missing out on what God has for us in terms of our truest beauty. Right? And once we realize that we actually don't need any of those external things, it's our character, it's our spirit. It should give us so much peace, because that's ultimately what God looks at. That's what he calls beautiful. That's what he calls wonderful. And so again, like, what does that look like to put into practice what that looks like? You know, of course you can enjoy things that you enjoy if you want to put on makeup, if you want to, you know, look fashionable. Those things that that that's okay. It's not about this these rigid guidelines, but instead it's really allowing and making sure that you're prioritizing the right things that you I. Your primary focus is really nurturing that inner spirit that God created, because that that inner spirit in your soul, that's what is truly the most beautiful, and that's what holds the most beauty. And that's what God calls beautiful and lovely, and that's what he looks at. So let me quickly recap those two verses that I talked about in today's episode. First Corinthians 619 through 20. Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own. You are bought with a price, so glorify God in your body. And the second one was first Peter 3334 do not let your adorning be external. The braiding of hair, the putting on of gold jewelry are the clothing you wear, but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. I get it, struggling with body image. That's a common challenge, but I truly believe that when we saturate our minds and hearts with God's Word, with God's truth, we are reminded of what is eternal, and we're reminded of what's most important. And so when we focus on that, we can navigate through those feelings, those fleeting feelings that we have of feeling frustrated, a feeling insecure, a feeling full of doubt, all of those things. And just remember that your true beauty lies within you. And that's what God calls beautiful. And that's what God calls wonderful. If you love this episode, I know you will also love episode 97 three Reminders about Changing Your Body. I will go ahead and link that so that you can easily go tune in after this episode, but that is all that I have for today's bonus episode. I hope that this encouraged you in some way, shape or form. I love you so dang much. I mean it and I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:07:09]

[00:07:16] Love you too. All right, sister, that's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, a lot better. Yes, it's within a in the middle for that daily post workout. Real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing, be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world, and I'm going to leave you with. [00:07:50]

[00:07:50] One last thought. [00:07:51]

[00:07:52] The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface, so go out there and embrace it real because you're worth it if you're. [00:07:52]