3 Body Acceptance Quotes You Need to Hear



In today's society, we are bombarded with messages about what our bodies should look like. This can chip away at our confidence, and for some people, it can be difficult to accept their bodies.

This episode is for those who need a reminder that their body is a unique vessel that carries them through life. Learning to appreciate and honor it can lead to a healthier and happier life.

In this episode of Embrace Your Real, we will explore three empowering body acceptance quotes that I hope will resonate deeply with you. They offer wisdom and perspective that can transform the way you view your body and your life.


If you loved this episode, you’ll also love…

Episode 3: 5 Things to Tell Yourself Daily When Learning to Love Your Body


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[00:00:00] Hey. Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal 5 minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned. If you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.7]

[00:00:31] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. If you are feeling like accepting your body, feeling beautiful and your body is really impossible. Maybe this season of life has been really hard for you mentally. My goal with this episode is to just have a real chat with you. Like, I just want to remind you, just like, you know, a friend would be sitting down to coffee with you, giving you some real talk. As a sister. That is my hope. That is my prayer for today's episode. [00:00:59][27.9]

[00:00:59] I want you to know that I'm a faith believer, so of course I'm going to be going at this with that point of view. So wherever you find yourself, I hope that this podcast episode encourages you. I hope that it empowers you. Today I'm going to be sharing with you three body acceptance quotes that I think you need to hear. [00:01:15][15.8]

[00:01:16] Before we dive in, though, I wanted to share this review comes from Indi Gaffney. She gave a five star review and said Favorite podcast. I found out about the Movement with Julie App from Pinterest and I'm so glad that I did. Her Pinterest clips are so fun. Now I listen to the podcast and just joined the app. All three have helped motivate me on my fitness journey and her kind words are so motivational. I love listening. It is a must listen. [00:01:39][22.7]

[00:01:39] Thanks so much. I am so grateful for your podcast review. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day. I'm so grateful that you found me on Pinterest. Shout out to my Pinterest crew, man, we got Pinterest, we got Facebook, Instagram, TikTok. I love you guys so, so much. And wherever you guys find this podcast, I love to hear it. So if you could scooch over and leave a rating & review on Apple Podcasts, if you do have an Apple device, that would mean the absolute world to me and our team. [00:02:03][23.9]

[00:02:04] I just want to know where you heard about this podcast from or I want to know if there is a been a specific episode or if this podcast in general has helped you out. So if you could do that, that would be greatly, greatly appreciated. But just picture me and you sitting at a table, I'm sitting across from you, you're discouraged. I'm encouraging you with three quotes that I think will really help to change your perspective. [00:02:26][22.6]

[00:02:27] Number one, it is the worst of all sins to sacrifice your uniqueness because it suggest that God hasn't done a good job. This is a quote from Jamie Buckingham. You've got to embrace your uniqueness. It is the very thing that God gave you to distinguish you. It is the very thing that is needed and no one else can do what you have specifically been designed and created to do. The only time your uniqueness needs to yield is when it conflicts with the character of God. Otherwise, play the part that God has written for you. You are perfectly casted. [00:03:01][34.0]

[00:03:02] This excerpt came from one of my favorite books, which I've talked about so many times on the podcast, and I will continue to talk about it because it is genuinely transformed my life. And I got this book, you guys, I remember I was like scouting a goodwill in one of the small mountain towns. I don't remember where which mountain town, but I saw this book and I don't even know why it stuck out to me. Like, to be honest, like it's pretty old school. The cover of it was not like eye catching and, you know, now thinking about it. And I'm like, Oh man, that was totally the Holy Spirit, like leading me to this book because it's been so transformative and I've told so many women about it over the years because it's just changed my life in so many ways. But it's called Beauty by the book, it's by Nancy Stafford. It was written, I want to say like, I don't know, maybe 30 years ago, 20, 30 years ago. And yet it is still so prevalent to what we're living in today and the struggles that we have. [00:03:52][50.2]

[00:03:52] But I want you to really think about the roles that you play in your life. Are you a daughter, a friend, an aunt, maybe a mom, a godparent, a grandma? All these roles that you play, you have to remember that God specifically designed you to play those roles with those specific people at this specific time in eternity, Right? Like the secret is that your beauty lies in your uniqueness, realizing that there has never been anyone quite like you and there will never again be someone like you. [00:04:21][28.4]

[00:04:21] It really does. If you allow yourself to believe that it affects how you see yourself, how you connect with those around you, and even how you serve God and glorify Him with your life, you really begin not just to tolerate, but embrace your face, your figure, your hair, your quirks, everything about you. Like you even begin to enjoy and start to play up your special attributes, like your quirks as remarkable gifts from God that distinguish you from others. And I think that this is so important to remember because we oftentimes just get so immersed into this. So social media culture where, you know, we see the same pretty girl on social media doing X, Y, and Z, and we think that we need to have that life or that X, Y, and Z define success or that X, Y, and Z defines that you have a toned body or whatever it is that you're struggling with. And you just have to remember that the beauty of you is really it lies in the unique fact that you are completely set apart from other people and that God specifically designed you for the roles that you play. It is so, so important to remember that. [00:05:32][70.8]

[00:05:32] Number two, the body is a sacred garment. It is your first and your last garment. It is what you will enter life in and what you will depart life with. It should be treated with honor. And this quote is from Martha Graham. Again, just reinforcing this truth that our bodies are unique instruments that God allows us to experience life in. And it is a deliberate creation with a unique role to play in this beautiful world that God has created us like. We are tasks tasked with the role of honoring our body. And this is why I am such a big believer in this word honor, because the literal definition of honor means high respect. Great esteemed. [00:06:14][41.5]

[00:06:15] And this means that we are to act with this great esteem and this great respect when we honor our body. This means that we speak to ourselves with respect. When we move our body, we're moving our body with this high esteem, this great respect. When we fuel our bodies, we're doing so with this high esteem in this great respect. And I think that that just totally reframes our mindset because it's so easy to just go throughout the motions and not recognize the act in which you are doing. And oftentimes our Defile Act is a form of punishment or a form of just going through the motions. And instead I want I want every single act and every single thought that you have to be deliberate. And I want you to remember that we are tasked with that role of honoring our bodies through our body, mind and soul. Like if God gave you this body for a reason, then you need to stop wasting another second, shaming it, punishing it, and wishing that it were something other than it was. [00:07:15][60.9]

[00:07:16] You need to allow yourself to truly live in your body and to live your life to the fullest, experiencing everything that you possibly can in this body. [00:07:26][9.3]

[00:07:26] And last but not least, the third quote you might think is random. And it doesn't have to do with like body acceptance and like, seeing ourselves differently. But hear me out. So the third quote is never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. And that quote is from Margaret Mead. And again, this was mentioned in Beauty by the book, by Nancy Stafford. I will link it in the show notes on my Amazon storefront under books. But it is single handedly transformed my life. And I want to leave you with this powerful statement that, quite frankly, you might want to write down somewhere and look at every day as I truly believe that it can change the way in which you live your life. Because it has completely changed my mind. [00:08:10][43.9]

[00:08:10] Like ever since I saw this quote, this powerful statement, I genuinely every time I reread it, I am I have chills like I legitimately have chills and tears in my eyes just thinking about it. Because if it was actually true, this world, the society, and the way in which we look at ourselves and we have this body acceptance and we have this like honor and great esteem for our body or God's creation, it would change so much. So as daughters, as friends, as aunts, as moms, as grandmas, I want you to listen to this statement. [00:08:44][33.6]

[00:08:45] If you and I resolutely resist the unhealthy attitudes and activities in pursuit of the unattainable and unrealistic, we help free the next generation. We can help our daughters, our sisters and our friends reorder their thinking about body image, acceptance and beauty. We can reach out to the next generation and spare them the heartache of trying to meet impossible standards. So much of beauty is self-acceptance. What a wonderful gift and what an important legacy to leave behind. [00:09:17][32.6]

[00:09:19] You guys. Chills. Literal chills. So if you haven't or if you weren't, you know, writing that down, I encourage you to just go back and listen to that again, write it down, record it, whatever you need. It is so transformative. And I believe in that statement. I believe that we can change the next generation. We can leave that legacy behind, and we can free the next generation to help them reorder their thinking about body image, acceptance and beauty. [00:09:51][31.4]

[00:09:51] So let me quickly recap the three quotes that I mentioned in today's episode. Number one, it is the worst of all sins to sacrifice your uniqueness because it suggests that God hasn't done a good job. And that was from Jamie Buckingham. Number two, the body is a sacred garment. It is your first and your last garment. It is what you enter life in and what you depart life with, and it should be treated with honor. That's from Martha Graham. And number three, never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing. That ever has. And that was from Margaret Mead. And again, I put that quote in there, even though that in aid of itself directly hasn't doesn't have to do with body image and acceptance. That next statement that I mentioned after that. Think about that. Think about if we as a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens, we decided to help free the next generation by showing them how to reorder their mind. That would leave such a vast impact. [00:10:54][62.6]

[00:10:55] If you love this episode, I know you'll also love episode three. Five Things to Tell Yourself Daily While Learning to Love Your Body. That is an O.G. episode, literally the third episode I ever did. So it might sound a little different from what I sound like today. I honestly haven't listened to that one in a long time, so I couldn't tell you. But I hope that that encourages you. I really hope that this episode in general encourage you. This is likely one that you're going to want to bookmark and listen to again. If you're in a season of your life where you're really struggling with body image and acceptance, I hope that this was some words to cling on to and some encouragement for you. Maybe you're in a season of just, you know, confidence and you are feeling so good. And if that's the case, I am so grateful for you and I'm so thankful that you're in that season. I also know that we're humans and we're going to have hard days, and so maybe bookmark this episode so on the next time that maybe you're struggling with your body image or you have some negative thoughts, I want you to listen to this and reinforce the truth that was spoken in today's episode. If you have a friend or a coworker or someone in your life that you feel like would really benefit from this specific episode, I just ask that you share it out with them. You can always screenshot this, post it up on your story, share it with your community. That is how we get the word out. That's all that I have for today's episode. I love you so much. I mean it, and I'll talk to you in the next one. [00:12:11][76.5]

[00:12:20] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so. Julie, A Ledbetter. Yes. It's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace the real because you're worth it. [00:12:20][0.0]