2 Ways to Beat Anxiety



How does anxiety currently impact your daily life, and in what situations does it manifest the most?

Welcome to another episode of the "Embrace Your Real" podcast, where we tackle the often overwhelming issue of anxiety. Anxiety is a common struggle, but it doesn't have to dictate your life. In this episode, we'll explore two transformative approaches that can significantly alleviate anxiety and guide you toward a more peaceful mindset.


What I discuss:

  1. Start Taking Action

  2. Remember Philippians 4:6-7


If you loved this episode, be sure to tune in to...

Episode 117 - 9 Ways to Reduce Your Stress

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[00:00:00] Hey, beautiful human. Can I steal five minutes of your time? I have something super important to share with you, but I promise I'll be really quick. You're listening to my weekly bonus episode of Embrace Your Real with Me, Julie Ledbetter. I'm about to give you a quick tip for building your confidence, honoring your body and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace a real. Let's get it. Let's go. [00:00:22][22.6]

[00:00:29] Hello and welcome back to another bonus episode. Two Ways to Beat Anxiety. Before we dive in to today's episode, I wanted to share this review. It comes from Fit Girl. 0417. She gave a five star review and said, I love this podcast. I was introduced to Julie by a friend during a rough season in my life. I was on a path of under eating and overtraining and daily negative body image talk. This podcast is a daily step to healing for me on my walk. Thank you so much. So thankful for you. Even bought myself an embrace or elsewhere sweater to where I my daily walks. I love this so much. First of all, thank you so much for taking time out of your day to send in a review. I think I need to bring back the Embrace Your Real merch. What do you guys think? If you guys want some, embrace your own merch, send me a direct message. I would love to know I have a few designs that have been kind of, you know, a ruminating in my mind and I'm like, Man, I have so many ideas and I think that I want to bring back some limited edition merch maybe for the holidays. So if that is something that you like, please shoot over. [00:01:34][64.7]

[00:01:34] I direct message. Also, if you could scooch over to Apple Podcasts leveraging interview, that would mean the absolute world to me. All you have to do is go to the podcast app. There is a podcast app on every single Apple device, completely free type and Embrace Your Real. First, make sure you subscribe so that you never miss an episode they release every Monday and Thursday. And then also if you go all the way down and you can leave rating and review right there, it really does help us out If you are a Spotify listener, hey, I'll love you guys over there. If you could just rate the show, that would mean so, so much. We are working on some cool video content for the upcoming year, so who knows, We might even be a video, might even go up on Spotify. That's something that I'm thinking about over the next year because I love consuming video content and I would love to connect with you guys in a more personal way there. So without further ado, let's dive in to today's bonus episode. Two ways to be Anxiety. Number one, you've got to start taking action. We oftentimes feel anxious because we're thinking about the situation rather than taking control of the situation. We are living our lives passively, feeling anxious and not taking control of what is really going on in our lives, because when we take control, we can actually reduce anxiety. So let me get a chat through some situations where you can start taking action if it's an upcoming situation that's making you feel anxious, be as prepared as possible. For example, if you feel anxious about a presentation overprepare, you know, if you know your presentation like the back of your hand then shut down. [00:03:04][90.3]

[00:03:05] Any reason to feel anxious or if you have maybe an international trip approaching or you have, you know, navigating travel over the holiday season or you have a big work deadline over prepare, try your hardest to do, your best to think through every situation that could happen and prepare yourself of what you know, what would happen if this situation arise? What would I do? Or just make sure that your, you know, your travel plans are ironed out so that you know where you're going to be, how you're going to get there. And this can really apply to so many other situations like and oftentimes I think we get into this mindset where we're like, Well, I don't have time to prepare. Trust me when I tell you that 10 to 15, even 20 minutes of intentionality, like sitting down, no phone, no distractions and just trying to plan things out, you can get so much done in that short amount of time. I think oftentimes we think that we need way more time to prepare for something, but when we're not distracted, we can get so much done, you know, or if there's a problem that's making you feel anxious, find a solution. So many times I think we lie in bed feeling anxious about something. We wake up in the morning, we continue to feel anxious, and yet we do nothing about it throughout our day to address what is actually at the core of making us feel anxious. Like feeling anxious is not going to solve any problems, not even one. So instead, I want you to place your attention into finding a solution. So, for example, if you feel stressed out money, don't just lay in bed at night thinking you know, or fighting with your spouse about it. [00:04:32][87.2]

[00:04:32] Try to come up with an extra a solution like how can we earn some extra income? Or where there are parts in our budget that maybe we can start really being intentional with? You know, the Starbucks runs the target runs things like that that oftentimes result in $50 there, $20 here, $70 there. And that adds up over time. Like really try to place your energy into the solution rather than placing it into the problem, which can really help to switch your mindset to be solution oriented. And trust me when I tell you when you switch your mindset to being solution oriented, your whole world will change. Or if there's something that's causing you anxiety that you genuinely have no control over. Like there are certain times in our life where we are dealing with something, it might be sickness, it might be someone you know in our life that is is really it's stressing us out. And we can't we have no control over that. Aspect, then you need to remind yourself that you have no control over it. And so the only thing that you have control is how you're going to react. And so oftentimes that leads me to turn to God. I am like God, I do not have control over this situation. You ultimately know you know how what the outcome is going to be. You ultimately know why I'm dealing with this. You know, you know it all. You know me the most intimate, in the most intimate way that any buddy knows me even more. I mean, you created every fiber of my being so you know me and just finding comfort in that alone. You guys know. Have you been tuning in for a while? I am a faith believer. [00:06:01][89.3]

[00:06:02] I believe that Jesus is the reason why we are here. He created us. He desires for us to have, you know, fulfilling lives here on Earth. But ultimately, we are eternal beings, and we're not going to live on this earth forever. We're going to live in eternity with him if we surrender our life, if we accept Jesus into our heart. And so I just have so much comfort in that and I find so much comfort in knowing, you know, in certain situations that I have no control over. Oh, my God, only you can deal with this. And so I'm just going to surrender my fear. I'm going to surrender my anxiousness. I'm going to surrender my sadness or the uncertainty that I'm feeling to you and I'm going to let you fill me with your peace, only peace that surpasses all understanding. Which leads me to number two. Philippians four, 6 or 7. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving, present your request to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. This verse is the perfect reminder that prayer and gratitude in every situation is so important, especially when we are experiencing anxiety. The act of laying down your concerns before God and focusing on what you're grateful for, that can be extremely freeing. It's like unloading this heavy burden that you've been carrying around unnecessarily. It's also so remarkable how such a simple shift in focus from what's troubling us to what's a blessing can change the whole narrative of our life, right? I love this part. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, like the peace of God is so far beyond what our mind can fathom. [00:07:42][100.6]

[00:07:43] That alone brings me comfort. And then this part will guard your hearts in your minds, in Christ Jesus. Just the fact the peace of God will guard your heart, something of guarding your heart and guarding your mind. Because so often our mind wanders, you know, our mind wanders to these dark places. And just knowing that God says now the peace of God, it transcends all understanding and it will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. So I just I want you to remember this and just know that the practice of prayer and giving it up to God has a way of really anchoring us to remember that we are such a small piece and the bigger picture. And so if you are feeling anxious, I want you to remind yourself of this verse every single morning. Try to memorize it, because I can tell you the verses that I memorize I just memorized a few years ago, the Armor of God of Ephesians six. And man, I can to I can't tell you how many times I just speak that scripture out loud. If if it's at night and I'm just feeling anxious, I'm feeling fearful, I'm feeling like darkness is all around me. There is so much power in Scripture, there is so much power and in God's Word. And so I want you to remember that. I want you to place your trust in God. And when anxiety starts to hit, stop your thoughts by blocking them with Scripture and with the reminder that God is guarding you and God's peace that transcends all. Understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus. So let me recap what I talked about. If you are feeling anxious, remember that there are certain situations you can take control over that situation. [00:09:17][93.2]

[00:09:17] You can absolutely trust God. Yes. But you can also say, okay, but I do play a role in this. I do have some control in this situation. And so I'm going to do my best to do what I can with what I have, and I'm going to try and problem solve. And when it's outside of your control, remember, do not be anxious about anything. But in every situation by prayer petition with Thanksgiving, present your request to God and the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. If you love this episode, I know you will also love Episode 117 - 9 Ways to Reduce Stress. I will be sure to link that in the show notes that you can easily go tune into that after this. I love you so much, sister. I hope that this encourage you. I hope that this gave you just the pep talk, the slight like, Hey, you've got this. Like I want you to feel like you can do something. And even if the only thing that you can do, which I believe is one of the most important things we can do, is give it to God. Trust me when I say when you give it to God and you allow him to work in your life and give you that peace that transcends all understanding. You will truly feel so different. I love you so much and I will talk to you in next. [00:10:30][72.6]

[00:10:38] All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram. Be sure to do so, Julie. A Ledbetter. Yes, it's with an A in the middle for that daily post workout real talk, healthy tips and tricks, and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world. And I'm going to leave you with one last thought. The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace Israel because you're worth it. [00:10:38][0.0]
