13 Ways to Make Moving Your Body Consistently EASY Part 1


Are you struggling to commit to your workouts consistently? Do you WANT to workout more consistently but can’t seem to actually commit? Do you beat yourself weekly or even daily because you just can’t seem to get yourself to the gym? If you can relate, then this episode of the Embrace Your Real podcast is for you. I’m about to share 6 of the 13 ways to make moving your body consistently a whole heck of a lot easier. And be sure to stay tuned for next week’s episode where I’ll share part 2 with the remaining 7 ways!

What I discussed:

  1. Find movement you love doing

  2. Create a schedule.

  3. Treat your workouts like appointments or work meetings.

  4. Have a plan.

  5. Set yourself up for success.

  6. Have a back up plan!

Stay tuned for next week to get part 2 where I’ll share the remaining 7 tips!

Links mentioned in this episode:


If you want more from me, be sure to check out:

Instagram: @embraceyourreal | @movementwithjulie

Website: www.juliealedbetter.com

Free ebook: www.juliealedbetter.com/free-ebook

Amazon storefront: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-6bda1ca8?ref=cm_sw_em_r_inf_pub_influencer-6bda1ca8_dp_DgsIam9salgfi


Hey there, beautiful human. You're listening to Embrace Your Real with me, Julie Ledbetter. A podcast where I empower you to just be you. With each episode, I issue a dose of real talk and actionable advice for building your confidence, honoring your body, and unconditionally loving your authentic self. Stay tuned if you're ready to embrace your real. Let's get hugs, girl. Hello and welcome back.

To another episode of the Embrace Your Podcast. If you are struggling to commit to your workouts consistently or maybe you're wanting to work out more consistently, but just can't seem to find time or the motivation to actually commit to it. So you're beating yourself up on a daily or weekly basis because you just can't seem to get consistent with your schedule of moving your body. Today's episode is for you. I'm going to be sharing six of the 13 ways to make moving your body consistently a whole heck of a lot easier. Be sure to tune in to next week's episode as I'm going to be sharing Part two so the remaining seven ways. Before we dove in, I wanted to share this review. It comes from a freedom range. She gave a five star review and said great inspiring podcasts. I love, love, love your podcast. A friend shared with me one of your podcasts on macro accounting and I'm now hooked. I love your mix of topics from nutrition, workouts and faith. I was a fat kid, so I have been dieting and working out my whole life. Now that I'm almost 50, the weight has crept back on and my usual diet changes are not working. I just started micro counting and lifting weights more, as you suggested. I will keep you updated. Keep them coming. We will keep listening.

Well, I'm so grateful that you have chosen to tune in to the podcast. This right here is a perfect example of how important it is to share the podcast out with your friends. That is, May one ask of you, we are creeping up on 270 episodes, which is so insane and all of these episodes are completely free of charge for you. You can tune into every single one of them as many times as you'd like. I'd like to think that we are giving away information on this podcast on a weekly basis that many, many coaches are, you know, putting behind a paywall. And my hope and prayer for this podcast is just that it helps you. And so my one ask of you for this podcast is that you share it with a friend, a coworker, a sister. It would really bless us and it would mean the world to us as well as leaving a rating and review on Apple Podcasts. That is how our team knows kind of how this podcast is helping you and what episodes are really sparking some aha moments in you. And so we love to hear from you. So if you could scootch over to Apple Podcasts, leave that rating interview, and also share this with a friend. You can even screenshot this posted up on your Instagram story and tag some of your community and say, Hey, check out this podcast. That would really mean a lot to me. All right. So there you have it. Thank you so much for your review. Let's dove into part one of 13 ways to making moving your body consistently more easy.

Number one, you have to find movement that you love doing. I talk about this all the time, but it's the number one rule to being consistent because you have to actually enjoy the movement that you're doing. If you don't enjoy it, it's going to be a constant struggle to stay consistent. You need to find movement that you actually crave doing, and that brings you true joy. So don't be stuck in your ways. Don't believe that you have to do X, Y, and Z to see results. Or if you aren't consistent with X, Y, and Z, then you're not going to see results. The fact of the matter is, the best workout people ask me all the time, what is the best workout? What's the best time of workout? And I'm like, The best workout is the one that brings you most joy that you can see yourself doing long term. And the best time of day to workout is the time of day that you can stay consistent to it. Don't overthink it. I think so often we go into these journeys, right? We embark on these journeys and we we try to make them so complicated. And sometimes we don't even realize that we're making it so complicated. But in our mind, we think that we have to do X, Y and Z, right? I personally talk about resistance training all the time, but there's several ways to resistant strain. I know some people, they love lifting super heavy weights. Other people they love CrossFit, other people they love to do lightweight with Pilates. There are so many different types of even resistance training, let alone different training styles. And so I never want you to think that, you know, if I just talk about X, Y and Z, then that means that that's supreme. Absolutely not. That is what works for me. That's what works for thousands of women on a weekly basis and same movement with Julie. But that might not work for you. Or maybe it will work for you. The fact of the matter is, you have to learn what it is that brings you joy. And that's going to change. That's going to change with your season of life. That's going to change with what you're craving, what's what's with what is bringing you joy. And so it's really important to not force yourself to do certain things right? Don't force yourself to do something, because that's just what you've done for the past 5 to 7 years. If you want to try something new, try something new. You never know what you don't know, right? So in order for you to know if you like it or not, you have to give it a try. And the most important thing, again, going back to the theme of number one, is just finding that movement that you. You love that truly brings you joy and ultimately that you can be consistent with because the movement that you can be most consistent with, that's where you're going to see the biggest results.

Number two, create a schedule. Now having a schedule of what workouts you're going to do and on what days you're going to do them is so important. You have to sit down and look at your schedule for the week and decide, okay, how many days are actually realistic for me to work out? Maybe this week I only have time for 2 to 3 workouts, or maybe I have time for all five and maybe even on the six day I want to go out for a hike or something like that. It's going to change from week to week, and so that's why it's really important that you create a schedule. I am a huge believer in setting yourself up for success on Sundays, whether that is meal prepping, you know, this is not like meal prepping all of your meals. This could be meal prepping some proteins and making sure that you are stocked in your pantry so that you make smart, wise decisions throughout the week that are honoring your body, that are going to fuel your body in terms of your nutrition. And then when it comes to your movement, scheduling things, just like you do appointments, I always say this, I tell people all the time when they say, I just can't seem to get my workout in. And I am asking them, Well, do you have it down on your calendar like you do a dentist appointment or a doctor's appointment? And oftentimes, I would say nine times out of ten people say, no, they don't. It's that important. You have to build it into your schedule. If you don't build it into your schedule, it will get pushed off. No ifs, ands or buts. And the other part to that is saying, okay, this week, is it going to be better to work out in the morning or is it going to be better to work out on my lunch break or in the evening? You have to be strategic about it. You can't just leave it up to fate because your time is truly going to slip away throughout the week. And then you'll get to the end of the week and you'll be like, Dang, I didn't have time to work out. The fact of the matter is, you likely had time. You just didn't prioritize it. I know that's personally why I love following the movement with Julie app simply because everything is planned out for me. And while I have, you know, Mondays, lower body, Tuesdays, upper body, Wednesdays, cardio and core Thursdays, shoulders and glutes, Fridays full body too. I'll just be honest, this week I'm a day behind. So it's Friday. Right now I am doing the shoulders and glutes workout. That is a Thursday workout, but I had that planned all along. That was planned in my calendar and so it didn't creep up on me. I didn't say like, Oh, no, I'm missing a workout. No, no, no. I had that planned into my schedule. And that's how I stay consistent, is because I plan it out. So let's say, for example, you only have four days available. You have Monday to work out, you have Tuesday. You maybe are going to take off Wednesday and you're going to work out on Thursday and Saturday. So the days you're going to work out again are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If you were to do that, then I would recommend you do, let's say upper body on Monday, lower body on Tuesday. You could do cardio and core on Thursday or full body on Saturday. Right. Or you could intermix. And if you depending on your goals, that could be lower body, upper body shoulders and glutes, full body, that could be your schedule. So again, it's totally up to you how you plan it out. But the fact of the matter is you've got to plan it out. When you don't have a plan for what you're doing. It is so much easier to skip the workouts. It's so much easier to say, Oh, I don't have time, or I'm just going to rest. And then that one rest day turns into seven full rest days. When you're not honoring your body, you're not showing up for yourself that week, right? I don't want you to fall into that cycle. So schedule your workouts just like you do a dentist or doctor's appointment and you will see a drastic change.

Number three, treat your workouts like appointments, just like I mentioned. So they're in your schedule. It's not like, Oh, this is debatable or Oh, this is up in the air or whatnot. No, no, no, you plan around it. So when you sit down with your spouse or you sit down with whoever it is that you do life with, or maybe it's yourself. Maybe you're a single mom and you're doing it all. You treat that workout like an appointment. You block out the time. You ask for help if you need to. Because I'm telling you, when you actually prioritize these things like a workout, that work ethic that you have in that commitment that you have to staying consistent and showing up for yourself and showing up for the things that you put on your schedule that carries into the rest of your life. Your workouts need to be the same priority as other things in your life because they enable you to become the best version of yourself. They allow you even if it's five. Teen minutes. I don't care if it's ten, 15 minutes that you schedule in, that is your time. That is your workout time. That is your time to better yourself. That is your time to show up for yourself. And when you show up for yourself, you're able to show up for your family better. You're able to show up for your coworkers better. You're able to show up for all the different various activities and things that you're involved in in your community. So put it on the calendar and treat it like an appointment.

Number four, you have to have a plan. So this is very similar to a kind of a schedule, but you have to have a plan when you go into your workouts. Sure. You might want to do, let's say, for example, upper body that day for a workout. But what exercises are you actually going to do? Don't wait to figure it out. Once you get to the gym or once you get into your workout, you have to have it planned out in advance. And the other thing that I always talk about is having a plan that's both time effective but also efficient. Right. You don't want to be working against yourself. And I think oftentimes many people do, especially when they're doing random workouts, whether it's on TikTok or Instagram or Pinterest or wherever you're finding your workouts, it's great here in there. But if that is the only thing that you're following on a consistent basis, there's going to be two things that will likely happen. Number one, you will not be training the most effectively because you're just going to be relying on the next workout that that person posts. And number two, you're likely only going to pick movements that make you feel excited or movements that say, like, Oh, that's going to be easier. I can do that. You're not as likely to challenge yourself. And I'm telling you, when I ask people all the time before they had a plan, when it comes to their workouts, I say, Okay, so what were you doing prior to? And now I'll just give an example like movement with Julie. Ladies, I was in a direct message conversation a few days ago and this girl said, I'm so grateful I found this program. I was previously doing random workouts and I just wasn't getting great results. And I was also more stressed because I was, you know, constantly like asking myself, is this enough? Or Is this good? Or I don't know if this program is working or I don't know if these movements together are good or whatnot. So it was a stress on that. But also she was only doing workouts that she felt like she could do. And I think oftentimes when we don't have a plan to hold ourselves accountable, we get into this mindset where we only want to pick things that we feel like can easily come to us. And so we don't want to challenge ourselves. And part of a plan is having your coach or the person who designed the program say, Hey, I believe that you can do this. I believe you can do hard things. I believe you can challenge yourself. Therefore follow this and watch yourself grow. Watch yourself see results from you showing up for yourself and proving to yourself that you can do it. And I always say the worst that could happen is if you try a movement and you're like, Dang, I can't do that. Dang, you can't do that yet. There are so many times when I first started out in my lifting journey, you guys, where I tried a movement and I was like, Can't do it. And so what did I do? I scaled back. I used an alternative movement. I did not shame myself for that. And I told myself, I am going to do this to the best of my ability, this modified version. And I know one day I will get to the actual movement, fill in the blank for whatever exercise that is for you. For me, for so many years, that was push ups, push ups for me. I couldn't do I just couldn't do it. So what did I do? I scaled back. I started doing push ups on the wall first. I started slowly, then went to an incline bench. Then I went to the floor on my knees, and then later on I was able to do full push up. So all that to say is it's so important to have a plan. The plan will hold you accountable and the plan will also make sure that you are training each muscle group effectively so that you're not working against yourself. Number five Set yourself up for success. Now, if you're not seeing results, it's going to be so much harder for you to want to stay consistent when working out. I know so many people that they get frustrated because they're working out consistently, but they're not seeing the results that they want. And so it makes them really hard for them to stay motivated, to keep pushing forward. So you have to make sure that when you're being consistent, like I mentioned earlier, you are also being effective. A few things that are really important to see results. Number one, this is so cliche, but so absolutely true is that you cannot shout train a bad diet. It does not matter how consistent you are with your workouts, if you are not fueling your body correctly and also consistently, you will struggle to see results. Another thing that's very important. Is that you might not be sleeping enough. Being chronically sleep deprived is going to trigger you to gain weight. Unfortunately, that's just the science behind being sleep deprived. It causes you to store more fat. It ramps up your hunger hormones so that you think you need to eat more and then you actually do in this cycle goes on and on and on. Another reason you are resistance training, but you're not hitting each muscle group effectively. Ignoring certain muscle groups each week is not going to build the body that you want. You must work each muscle group effectively if you truly want to strengthen and tone your body. So you have to make sure that you're not just focusing on moving your body, but you're setting yourself up for success by also prioritizing these other aspects. It's not fun to work hard and not see results. Trust me, I've done that. I worked against myself for the better part of my high school and college years. Up until even post-college, I was working against myself. I was spending hours upon hours upon hours a day in the gym, and I and yet I was still not seeing results. And it was because I was not fueling my body. I was not sleeping enough. I was definitely not resistance training. In fact, I was only doing cardio and I was working against myself. Thus I did not see the results that I want. So all that to say is that you've got to set yourself up for success, and you do that by really keeping in check those key areas of your life.

And number six, have a backup plan. So maybe your initial plan was that you had 30 minutes that day to work out and then something happened like an emergency happened and you're only able to move your body for 15 or 20 minutes. Well, instead of saying, Oh, I'm just not going to do it, I'll just do it tomorrow, have a backup plan. One thing that I always have kind of in the back of my head is, okay, if I'm short on time, what am I going to do? And oftentimes I say this a lot inside my movement with Julie Group, especially for the 30 minute workouts, you guys, if you just do one round of the giant circuit for whatever workout it is, I give 30 minute alternates hour. I give 30 minute workouts for every single workout. So let's say, for example, it's upper body. You planned on doing maybe the full 30 minutes. You didn't have the 30 minutes that you initially planned on doing. Maybe you only have ten or 12 or 15 minutes to try to get through one round of exercises in that upper body for the 30 minute. It's a giant circuit. You're doing six exercises back to back that will literally take you 10 to 12 minutes to do one round. And that not only are you moving your body, not only are you following through on what you previously committed to, you're showing up for yourself, but you are also training effectively. When you do those 30 minute workouts, those alone can be effective because they are programed to ensure that you are properly training your body. So have a backup plan. Whatever it is, don't say, Oh, I'll just wait till tomorrow. I'll just wait till next week. No, have a backup plan. Even if that is walking in place, even if that is putting together a quick hit circuit instead of doing the normal lifting routine that you wanted to do that day. It's okay. It's okay. Things are going to happen. Life happens, right? So on those days that it happens, even if planning turns into plan B or plan C, it's okay. You moved your body and you moved your body effectively, and that's truly all that matters. Okay, so that's part one of the 13 ways to moving your body consistently. Let me recap the six out of the 13 Ways number one, find movement that you love doing. Number two, create a schedule. Number three, treat your workouts like appointments or work meetings. Number four, have a plan out of an effective plan when it comes to the actual workout itself, not just doing random workouts.

Number five, setting yourself up for success, making sure that you're looking at all the other key areas of your life. And number six, having a backup plan, like I mentioned, stay tuned next week to get part two where I'm going to be sharing the remaining seven tips of that. If you are ready to have a workout plan, if you are ready to get some workouts that are readily available for you, five training workouts every single week, whether you do the full workout, the 30 minute workout, or even partial of a 30 minute workout, I'm telling you, these workouts are time effective and they are efficient and you will see results if you want to learn more and get 50% off your first month as a new subscriber, you can head over to sale that's exactly that movement with Julie dot com that sale Sally dot movement with Julie dot com. I hope that this podcast episode helps you. I hope that it sparked some ideas on maybe ways that or things that you can. Implement to help you again, just make moving your body more consistently easy because we know that the easier it is, the more consistent we will be. And I would love to know which one of these six things really stuck out to you, so be sure to screenshot this posted up on your Instagram story. Tag me either @juliealedbetter or @movementwithjulie on Instagram. We love connecting with you guys. We love seeing our aha moments from these podcast episodes. That is all that I have for today's episode. I will talk to you in the next one. Love you so much.

All right, sister. That's all I got for you today. But I have two things that I need you to do. First thing, if you are not already following me on the gram, be sure to do so, @juliealedbetter. Yes. It's with an a in the middle for that daily pose about real talk. Healthy tips and tricks and honest accountability to keep your mind and heart in check. The second thing be sure to subscribe to Apple Podcasts to never miss an episode. Thank you so much for joining me. It means the absolute world and I'm going to leave you with.

The most beautiful women that I have met in my life are the ones who are completely confident and secure in being authentically themselves. Remember, that beauty goes so much deeper than the surface. So go out there and embrace your real because you're worth it.

Julie LedbetterComment