5 Quotes I'm Loving At The Moment

1. "You're allowed to struggle, make mistakes, and wake up on the wrong side of the bed; but it's up to you whether or not you choose to live there."

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

I love this quote because it is, essentially, encouraging the pursuit of purpose with grace and sincerity. The reality is we all have days where we just wake up on the wrong side of the bed. But we have to always remember that it is ultimately our choice of how to handle it: To let that define our day or rise above it recognizing our current emotions should not dictate the remaining hours of the day we have been blessed with.

2. "Our appearance simply reflects who we are on the inside. Real, authentic beautiful doesn't reside on the surface – it emanates from within."

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Far too often we are so fixated on our external appearance that we disregard the most important part of us: the internal. The most unique aspect we can offer to this world is yourself. There is no one like us in this world. Authenticity breeds authenticity.

3. "Social media is training us to compare everything that we have instead of appreciating everything that we are."

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Wake up, *scroll,* go to the bathroom, *scroll,* make breakfast, sit down to eat breakfast, *scroll*... From the moment we wake up, we are bombarded with images as we scroll and compare what we see (highlight reels) to our reality (behind the scenes). It is no wonder we are constantly trying to measure up in everything that we have versus recognizing and celebrating everything that we are.

4. "Everything will happen for you all of a sudden and you'll be thankful you didn't give up. Blessings and miracles are on their way!"

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

The saying, “You never know what is going to happen the 9th time you get up,” is so true. Sometimes in our seasons of waiting (or doubt or worry or fear), all we can see around us are those emotions. It can get very hard to continue trusting the process, and we can start losing hope. Today, I want you to remember that your current situation is NOT your final destination.

5. "You are not in competition with anyone else. Plan to outdo your past – not other people."

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

Julie Ledbetter - Embrace Your Real

In the day and age that we live in, it can be super easy to compete with everything that we see instead of remembering that this journey of becoming our best self-involves no one else but us. The moment you let go of the expectation of trying to outdo another person is the moment you will become liberated and step into everything you are becoming.

Let me know in the comments below which quote resonated with you!

Sending you love,
